. Or look at how a lot of these Southerners eat. Same deal. And not surprisingly, there were tons of obese individuals. I didn't even look up the heart problem rates, but I almost feel like I wouldn't have to...
Also, just to add, 12,000 years can change a lot for us. Blue eyes only appeared about 10,000 years ago, but now you can find them from Bangladesh to Scotland. Lactose tolerance also only evolved about 8,000 years ago, but now you can find adults who thrive on dairy all over the world. So if the agricultural revolution is 12,000 years old, that's a lot of time for human digestive capacities to change, especially with strong selection pressures involved, which is also why Inuits and Mongolians can do what they do. I imagine most of the people who couldn't handle that level of meat just died out in those environments.