Who remembers that thread Winb83 made on SOHH talkin bout he don't need women anymore


All Star
May 19, 2012
I don't pretent to be a good person nor do I feel entitled to a good woman because "I'm me and I deserve it."

You speak of taking the good with the bad? I've let people into my home when they had nothing and greatly inconvenienced myself on their behalf and had them steal from me later. I've loaned my last dime to friends because I knew they were good for it and when time came to pay me back they left me fukked with my rent due. I consigned for a car for a female friend I wasn't fukking and didn't wanna fukk just to help her get her life back together and had her skip out on the note. Much of the shyt I've done for other people in life you'd probably call me a fool for but the honest truth is I did it to help people I cared about at my own expense.

Being a good person isn't about looking out for your own self interest it's about always doing the good thing. Helping people when you can because you're able to. I was a good person I'm not anymore. If you put other people ahead of you and they're only really looking out for their best interest you'll come up dead last.

Human beings are disgusting creatures. If y'all saw me slip on some ice and bust my ass many of you would point and laugh. Many of you laugh at people like me now and call me a loser just to feel superiority to something because most humans build themselves up off of other people and find amusement in others pain and misfortune. At least im not that loser. at least somebody out here is worse off than me type attitudes. Many hate what's different than them put themselves ahead of everything else. Sexism, racism, homosexual discrimination. The reason human beings can't rid themselves of such annoyances is deep down they're ingrained in human nature. Hate what's different than you. Look down on it. Be a social vampire and build your self esteem on those weaker or worse off than you.

Tell me I'm wrong about any of this. Tell me the vast majority of people don't behave that way. I'm not like y'all. I won't sit around and pretend I can't see all the ugly shyt out here.

Sorry breh, you're wrong on a lot of that shiit. If you're dealing with shady people that steal from you, don't pay you back, or cosign for people that are just getting their life back together, that's on YOU. You have to man up and stop blaming others for the shiit YOU do. Lending money to people when you have priorties, cosigning for somone who's on a recovery, and having someone steal from you is your lack of judgement on your part.

Let me find myself associating myself with scum after 32 years on this planet. I've since cut out the cancer in my life. I'm not disagreeing that there are a lot of scum in this world --I've dealt with some myself--but you cut that cancer out of your life and don't look back.

And you must live in a fukked up part of the world if you think people will laugh and point if you slipped and fell.

You need to get your priorties right. Though it sounds like you're ready to check out of this for good.


May 8, 2012
They see me trolling, they hating.....
Carné Asada;3352329 said:
Sorry breh, you're wrong on a lot of that shiit. If you're dealing with shady people that steal from you, don't pay you back, or cosign for people that are just getting their life back together, that's on YOU. You have to man up and stop blaming others for the shiit YOU do. Lending money to people when you have priorties, cosigning for somone who's on a recovery, and having someone steal from you is your lack of judgement on your part.

Let me find myself associating myself with scum after 32 years on this planet. I've since cut out the cancer in my life. I'm not disagreeing that there are a lot of scum in this world --I've dealt with some myself--but you cut that cancer out of your life and don't look back.

And you must live in a fukked up part of the world if you think people will laugh and point if you slipped and fell.

You need to get your priorties right. Though it sounds like you're ready to check out of this for good.

actually this part is true bro

Human beings are disgusting creatures. If y'all saw me slip on some ice and bust my ass many of you would point and laugh. Many of you laugh at people like me now and call me a loser just to feel superiority to something because most humans build themselves up off of other people and find amusement in others pain and misfortune. At least im not that loser. at least somebody out here is worse off than me type attitudes. Many hate what's different than them put themselves ahead of everything else. Sexism, racism, homosexual discrimination. The reason human beings can't rid themselves of such annoyances is deep down they're ingrained in human nature. Hate what's different than you. Look down on it. Be a social vampire and build your self esteem on those weaker or worse off than you.

can't say he's lying bro, real spit

sh1t real out here bruh, even unborn baby animals ain't safe




The Return
Top Supporter
May 27, 2012
The year 3030
Carné Asada;3352329 said:
And you must live in a fukked up part of the world if you think people will laugh and point if you slipped and fell.

nah he's right though...shyt like America's Funniest Home Videos, Ridiculous, Jackass, etc. make bank off bullshyt like that.


All Star
May 19, 2012
nah he's right though...shyt like America's Funniest Home Videos, Ridiculous, Jackass, etc. make bank off bullshyt like that.

So you're telling me if you fell down the stairs or slipped and fell on your ass, people would surround you and start laughing at you? :stopitslime:

There are some slip and falls that can be taking in jest, but the more serious falls will have people that will lend you a hand and see if you're ok.


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ

:dead: I don't know why, but this is making me laugh like nobody's business. :pachaha:


Godzilla got busy.
May 1, 2012
These Wimpy threads always go from "women are useless" to "civilization is evil."


Ya'll eat his shyt up, too.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Carné Asada;3352329 said:
Sorry breh, you're wrong on a lot of that shiit. If you're dealing with shady people that steal from you, don't pay you back, or cosign for people that are just getting their life back together, that's on YOU. You have to man up and stop blaming others for the shiit YOU do. Lending money to people when you have priorties, cosigning for somone who's on a recovery, and having someone steal from you is your lack of judgement on your part.

Let me find myself associating myself with scum after 32 years on this planet. I've since cut out the cancer in my life. I'm not disagreeing that there are a lot of scum in this world --I've dealt with some myself--but you cut that cancer out of your life and don't look back.

And you must live in a fukked up part of the world if you think people will laugh and point if you slipped and fell.

You need to get your priorties right. Though it sounds like you're ready to check out of this for good.
the norm is people will "borrow" money from you and not pay you back. its a pretty common practice. its gotten to the point where you get people saying "I don't lend money to friends or family. If i have it to give i give it because loaning out money destroys friendships and relationships."

do you understand how ridiculous that is? to say you have a friend but you couldn't loan them money because you wouldn't be guaranteed to get it back? if you can't loan a person money if you don't trust them to that extent why are they even around? loaning them money would only expose them for who they really are and inorder to maintain the layer of bullshyt over your relationship you don't do certain things with them because deep down you already know. i call that dead weight.

I've created a life where the only thing i'm dependent on at this point is my employer and outside of that i don't need anybody for anything so i don't have people around. i'm uninterested in trying to sort through a world filled to the brim with the sort of people you call scum to just to find quality people. i have the best judgment now. i trust the only person i have 100% full control over and no one else. i'd never let me down or fukk myself over.

its not a "lack of judgment" when you help help people you love and care about and get burned by those people. is it your fault? yeah because you could have just told them fukk you i'm not doing shyt but you didn't. "lack of judgment" is typically something said in hindsight and everything is perfect sight in hindsight.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
These Wimpy threads always go from "women are useless" to "civilization is evil."


Ya'll eat his shyt up, too.
i never said women are useless. i said there's nothing in this world a woman can provide me that i actually need or have to have to survive.

not really saying society is evil either. what i'm saying is the vast majority put themselves first and are opportunist and will take advantage of whatever they can to serve their own needs. evil implies malicious intent. that's typically not present here.

if i lost a bag and it had a million cash in it and the average person found the bag they'd most likely keep it. they know it doesn't belong to them but they'd likely keep it anyway because they know they stand to gain from it even if its at someone else's expense.

in fact even many of the people that turned the bag in would expect a reward for doing so. there aren't many people that would walk up to the police station turn that bag in and turn down any offered reward and just do that cause it was the right thing.

no person that found that bag with a million in it and kept it for themselves is a "good person."