Bloodborne has received decent reviews?
A game that doesnt come out till march has been reviewed? Where?
The order has been deemed horrible? Link me to a review.
It was previewed, but I often call those reveiws because it is a review. Only fukking internet nerds try to correct people that way

So anyways bytchmade fakkit... for you to name the game as good means you must have heard something on it since there isn't a ton of vid
Well sir, they did speak on it. Nobody said it is the game sony gamers been waiting for. Ditto with DriveClub, Killzone, infamous.
Only you clowns deem games great before launch. And you ignore anyone who has actually played it.
So, Bloodborne was deemed decent, and TheOrder was deemed beyond horrible. They compared the gameplay to wack-a-mole
Not, kinda like. Said it felt like the enemies were cardboard cut-outs and it felt like a whack a mole game at a chuck-e-cheese.
I'm sorry, but there is no way you can still

for a game that has re/previewed like that. I mean, you will

And its the reason why I fully understand what is going on here. Starvation leads to delusion. You don't even have a gamertag so fukk up
i said sometimes... like said, just give what YOU base a great game on
now ps4 had more exclusives than that... and half your exclusives are on 360
again... stick to one thing... you can't sit here and count exclusives that were on the 360, and at the same time try and leave out the same type of shyt that happened with ps4... so go ahead and add TLOU on our exlusives list and mlb the show 14 which is a real ps4 only game....... remove titanfall, FH2, malo, killer instinct, kinect sports off yours cause they were all on 360
and if you want to add futures... go ahead and add god of war, gran turismo, ratchet and clank, lbp3, and let it die... all have been announced
see and then you do it in the thread.. you simply went with "horrible reviews" vs...... you didn't even list reviews for any of the games in that second for the ms side... and again... listed a bunch of shyt coming soon for ms, but tried to stick it sony with listing 3 games... but lets do this with actual ONLY next gen exclusives.. it ain't much different or better... especially when you trying to throw in 100 future titles for yours with no reviews or knowledge if they are any damn good.. but somehow shyt on the other side, with reviews of games that aren't even dropping for months
so you really haven't actually told me anything... as to how you come up with these games being better... besides, the reviews said these games suck and there are no reviews for the games i think will be good
system features i'll definitely give you that tho
So this dude just told me to count TLOU, but to take off Titanfall, Forza Horizon 2, Halo, Kinect Sports

How does that logically make any sense outside of "Look, I'm a pure fakkit so I don't wanna use logic"
TLOU is a PS3 game that was bumped up to 1080p one year later. Nobody plays it today btw (Tru Story)
Forza Horizon 2 isn't the same game on both systems

And K.Sports Rivals ins't on 360
Halo is the it game to get, and Halo 5 beta looks good enough for me to buy MCC just to play that

Its clear you guys are lying to yourselves, and good luck with that. Where Lying Is Mandatory created itself...
I kind of agree with the article, but it's exaggerating....Xbone doesn't really have any must have exclusives to me either otherwise I'd cop one.
It's only gonna get better for the PS4 though, believe that.
You can't speak on that subject if you haven't tried any of them. How do you come to such conclusions when you don't play or read about them. If you did either, you'd know what you said is false. There are a few games that have revieweed really well, and thats because they are really good games. Sorry if that FACT hurts your feelings
The crazy thing is that Nintendo will have a better 2015 than 2014. Ps4 is like the og Wii without the trademark games. Remember when the Wii was selling simply cause of Wii sports, Wii Fit, and motion controls, while gamers complained? The PS4 is selling simply cause of graphic potential. They been reduced to a Japanese version of X Box with countless first person shooters.
Sony lost its magic when the PS3 dropped.
Whats retarded is you are right in your wrongness. The PS4 is selling solely based on graphical potential. The problem consumers don't know how electronics work and don't realize that both systems are pretty much identical in power. Both are considered mid range PC's before anything else is applied. Games will not look next gen on one system and last gen on the next. Professional fanboys estimated 40% more power

ONce DX12, Tiled Resources are applied, the xbox will consistantly have equal or better graphics while always winning the framerate battle (which is the most important feature) PS4 had that at launch, but recent games have been sufferring. COD is the biggest one
Then with Cloud gaming, sony will be left in the dust. The question is "how will sony keep up"
Titanfall is not an exclusive
Meach says microsoft platform, I'd call it a console exclusive. We are talking about console gaming. PC heads stay trying to include there platform into our conversations but nobody respects that. Seriously
I am using the same spinning tactics you use on the regular.
I've never heard of an "exclusive" being available on 3 separate platforms spanning 2 different generations and playable on the BIGGEST gaming platform in the WORLD.
List one example of a AAA title being thrown out like that.
Aren't you supposed to be a mod? Is Meach Microsoft?
I'm sorry if you can't wrap your head around the fact PC gamiong IS MICROSOFT
It actually hurts your feelings. You never heard that before? LBP on PS3, PSP, Vita and PS4 is 4 platforms
But who gives a shyt. Here you are doing a great job modding by encforcing Sony Fanboy logic?
Titanfall was made for consoles. And is a great game on consoles.
It doesn't work well on mice and keyboards. So to play Titanfall there is only one place to play it and have any fun with it
Greener Side