It sounds like divide and conquer mentality but this isn't my intention; I feel like there is something different or special, admirable, proud, about being a 5th generation black american.
All the stories about slavery, 'share'cropping, Jim Crow, migration north, marching, dying, learning, rising, etc
That shyt isn't "our ancestors" that is MY great great grandfather, and grandfather, and grandfather. shyt, my mother was part of an integrating class of Gary West HS. So, I take serious pride in where we are because my family built America. And we didn't get paid for it.
It bothers me when others who were not TRULY part of OUR struggle take advantage of the blood we shed. this to me is African migrants, the lgbt community, Canadians, etc
Brehs from Nigeria, you didn't shed blood for this. my family tree did. and I KNOW this for a fact because my family is charted back to slave or daughter of slave by PHOTO.
Your thoughts on this opinion?