Not necessarily the questions just the way in which theyre answered.
Not necessarily the questions just the way in which theyre answered.
Every Black person in America has the same struggle. Yes, unique because we're individuals but that's the binding tie. You act as if Whites ask Black people "Are you African or African-American?" before unleashing their racism. Like they give a f*ck. They don't.I never said we do not share the same struggle. I said our day to day experiences with it are different and that we are all Black but unique in our Blackness.
In my experience carribeans always claim to have an AA father and Africans always claim to have AA mother.Examples
Every Black person in America has the same struggle. Yes, unique because we're individuals but that's the binding tie. You act as if Whites ask Black people "Are you African or African-American?" before unleashing their racism. Like they give a f*ck. They don't.
This isnt even about white people though. Why cant you just acknowledge the fact that there are cultural drifferences among the different groups of the diaspora?Every Black person in America has the same struggle. Yes, unique because we're individuals but that's the binding tie. You act as if Whites ask Black people "Are you African or African-American?" before unleashing their racism. Like they give a f*ck. They don't.
My mother's family is from North Carolina. I lived with my grandparents for three years, up until I was 6. I still have aunts and cousins there. My mother met my father in Ohio in the mid 1970's. I have family in the midwest as well. They got married and I lived in Africa for several more years with my other grandparents. Been here since. What else?In my experience carribeans always claim to have an AA father and Africans always claim to have AA mother.
But idgaf about parentage, you can tell by the way theyre extremely vague about their background. And tend to genaralize tf out of AA culture.
This isnt even about white people though. Why cant you just acknowledge the fact that there are cultural drifferences among the different groups of the diaspora?
This has nothing to do with white racism.
I've already acknowledged that.This isnt even about white people though. Why cant you just acknowledge the fact that there are cultural drifferences among the different groups of the diaspora?
This has nothing to do with white racism.
Its such a weird argument to strip away African American ethnic identity.
I mean Somalis and Jamaicans suffer the same racism in America does that mean Somalis are going to start eating beef patties and Jamaican women are going to start covering themselves in henna?
African American culture has been shared with every other group on this planet that people get angry when you reclaim it.
Not your posts directed to me. Why this red herring?Depends on when that person immigrated.
My post have been about African Americans in comparison to Blacks who who live outside of America so your post isn't really relevant.
Post of the year contender hereThat shyt isn't "our ancestors" that is MY great great grandfather, and grandfather, and grandfather. shyt, my mother was part of an integrating class of Gary West HS. So, I take serious pride in where we are because my family built America. And we didn't get paid for it.
(1) What about your great grandfather's fathers? How can you say you are proud of your heritage and dismiss them?...They were AFRICANS...
(2) You should be angry and want retribution for the work your African ancestors put in and didn't get compensated for...You should be wanting revenge...What does being 'proud' even mean when you don't acknowledge that you are an African by heritage...?
It bothers me when others who were not TRULY part of OUR struggle take advantage of the blood we shed. this to me is African migrants
(3) Africans are part of the Black struggle, because that struggle started in Africa and it still on in Africa just as it still continues in America...It was your African ancestor that was on that slave ship praying to his African gods in his native African tongue, worried about his African family that was torn apart and etc...
(4) African blood, sweat and tears built America...So, how can you be of the opinion that "African migrants" are "not TRULY part" of the Black American struggle...? Think outside the box for a few minutes...Your first ancestor who was an African, is the link between your family tree in Africa and your family tree in America...Imagine we had Facebook and the technology to record history as we do today...Now think, your First Ancestor may have family in Africa, do you think a distant cousin of yours who is currently in Africa shouldn't be proud that one of his ancestors survived that torturous journey to establish roots in a strange and distant land...?
Think about it, that distant cousin of yours, who is in Africa today, has the same right as you to be proud of your mother, grandfather, great grandfather and etc...Because that thread started from the SAME origin...
That African has the RIGHT to come to America because you share the same common First Ancestor who suffered to give both sides of the lineage that right...
If you don't think it would be AMAZING for you and a Distant African Cousin to sit on Facebook and talk about how your Common Link survived and carried on the lineage in America, it is too bad...Because that is a MIRACLE story...
I am surprised a movie with this plot hasn't been made already...Instead of all his stupid ghetto drug dealing stories...
Brehs from Nigeria, you didn't shed blood for this. my family tree did. and I KNOW this for a fact because my family is charted back to slave or daughter of slave by PHOTO.
Your thoughts on this opinion?
(5) Brehs from Nigeria did shed blood for thisBrehs in Africa ARE your family tree...
Think about this, if you had 2 sons and one of them was kidnapped as a very young child and sent to a far distant land....But by some luck, the Kidnapped child finds his way in this new land and establishes himself in that land...He has children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great great grandchildren...
Mean while, his brother in the homeland manages to do the same...In your mind, do you honestly think that the homeland brother didn't suffer knowing that his brother was kidnapped and taken lord knows where, do you think that the children of the Homeland Brother have no right to be proud of what their Kidnapped Uncle was able to accomplish, do you honestly believe that the Kidnapped Brother did not pave a way for his Homeland Nephews?
On the other side of the coin, do you think that the Homeland Brother did not pave a way, for his Kidnapped Nephews to return to their original land if they so wish to do so, do you think that the Kidnapped Nephews have no right to be proud of what their Homeland Uncle was able to accomplish despite having his family torn apart, do you think that the Kidnapped Nephews have no right to return to the land of their forefathers if they wish to do so?
(6) The day all Africans across the globe realize that they built this world and are still building this world with their blood, sweat and tears, and thus they have earned the RIGHT to come and go across the continents as they please, will be the day that other races will start showing more respect...
If you are not proud of your own heritage, strangers are either (a) not going to give a fcuk about your culture, and just exploit it or (b) they will take your culture and make it their own, and make you feel weird and distant around your own people...
Expand on the last paragraph. What do you define African American culture as?
The same things for any group of people? Food, music, fashions, dialect/idioms, political movements, books, shows, academic movements, etc
African American culture has been shared with every other group on this planet that people get angry when you reclaim it.
Having an AA mother=/=being raised in AA culture.My mother's family is from North Carolina. I lived with my grandparents for three years, up until I was 6. I still have aunts and cousins there. My mother met my father in Ohio in the mid 1970's. I have family in the midwest as well. They got married and I lived in Africa for several more years with my other grandparents. Been here since. What else?
Exactly! thats what it all boils down to.Its such a weird argument to strip away African American ethnic identity.
I mean Somalis and Jamaicans suffer the same racism in America does that mean Somalis are going to start eating beef patties and Jamaican women are going to start covering themselves in henna?
African American culture has been shared with every other group on this planet that people get angry when you reclaim it.
Why would I do that? This is a message board, I've said more than enough. I'm not asking you to believe anything,Having an AA mother=/=being raised in AA culture.
You keep referencing your AA family members but no reference of what city state or time period you grew up.