Peter Popoff
Baba Yega in black uptowns
And I'm calling MalarkeyThe only trend I’m seeing is Thibs doesn’t play guys who aren’t good anymore. Them crying about that FACT, something that all players who don’t realize that they’re not what they thought they were, isn’t newsworthy to me. The only player who bytched and had a legit reason for so was Obi and we did the best we could to put him in a good situation.

He also did the same shıt on games where both Grimes and RJ (bum) were out just to play Duece & Rose (traditional PGs) (Not to cape for Fournier) in the 2. Let's not forget Austin Rivers.
He has favoritism and doesn't know how to tell a nıgga, he don't like them and doesn't wanna play them. He also doesn't put them in a position to look great because he doesn't coach offense.