Who Afraid of The Big Bad Wolves? - The Walking Dead Season 6


Oct 29, 2012
I think this is a great season in general. I'm legit shocked that this show started off so great in the first season slowly turned to shyt but has managed to turn into a quality show again. It gets shyt on because once people decide a show "fell off" they refuse to ever acknowledge if it gets better (not that that happens so much).One of the biggest issues with the show (besides bad writing in general) was that it was filled with a bunch of characters nobody gave a shyt about. The only time people liked episodes was when there was a lot of action. That's not something you can keep up for a whole season. Hardhome was such a piff episode in GoT was because it was an action packed episode unlike some others. If every episode is action packed you lose the novelty. GoT is filled with fleshed out characters that people love or love to hate. Morgan is the best character on this show by a huge margin. There's substance and depth to his character. Carol is a one trick pony at this point. She kills a lot. That's it.For all the bytching around here about the treatment of black characters on this show, along with Michonne, the two best characters are black. Daryl's a distant third as far as best characters. Their similarities? They all have actual personalities. The three of them are interesting when they're not killing shyt. None of the other characters are.

And lets be perfectly honest: you nikkas love to complain. If Morgan was the way he was at the beginning of the episode, never met Eastman and was on his murder, death, kill homicide steez to this day, you same cats would be on some "Oh the black man's a savage, huh?:mjpls:" Give me a nuanced character like Morgan any day over a shallow one like Carol. Not to even mention that dude is probably the most skilled character on the show. His ideology clashes against the rest of the group and that creates opportunities for this show to do more than the tired zombie hordes and enemy humans coming to take your shyt storylines. Tyrese was a legit case of emasculating a black man, especially compared to his comic book counterpart. Giving a black man a code while still establishing he can fukk shyt up if need be is not emasculation. Unless of course you're of the mindset the black man is only good for killing:mjpls: I get disagreeing with his mindset and actions but he's hands down the best character and happens to have the best acting performance consistently.
How do you feel about the farm?
I liked it personally.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
So Rick didn't tell Lori that he set out to kill Shane because of her a couple of eps after he snaked him? :ohhh:

Shane wanted to put down Rick because at that point Rick was clearly endangering the well-being of the group with his koomboya bullshyt. Shane snapped because the person who Rick kept on protecting and was going to let go told Shane he was going to lead his group back to the farm:snoop:

The only reason why Rick was even alive in the first place is because Shane went back to the hospital and barracked his room from Walkers and military :martin:
So Shane didn't hold a shotty on him seasons earlier when dale caught him?

He wasn't offered to leave with fresh young p*ssy?

He wasn't trying to win Lori back from season 1 ep 2?

He didn't almost rape her at the cdc?

He didn't do all this shyt for Lori?

Be p*ssy whipped over ugly ass flat ass already got a kid with your best friend and married and you only been hitting 5 weeks type p*ssy?

Dude was a fukking clown


May 17, 2013
I don't mind the story they decided to tell. I actually found it pretty interesting. I just hate the timing of it. They could have told Morgan's back story in a more efficient and creative way. This episode highlights some of the things I dislike about the show. The pacing is all over the place. Using 90 mins (technically 60) to tell a story that could have been told in half the time. I understand it can't be fast pace, kill kill kill, action packed every episode. But it's been a theme for this show to start the season off hot, then slow it down with character building episodes or split the group up and take turns checking in on everyone. Then they ramp it back up for the mid-season/season finale.
I actually like that format :manny:


May 25, 2015
What did my man say? "Morgan, you'll hold a baby again"

Let me find out that Wolf Morgan refuses to kill doesn't escape only to find Judith and...and...and....:ohhh:

Morgan holds the baby covered in blood....:damn:

Rick comes back and kills Morgan because he's a constant liability with his new found philosophy.
  • He didn't kill those wolves at his campsite, they came to Alexandria
  • He let those wolves go, putting Rick in danger in that Winnebago
  • He let this last wolf go, only to find this wolf kills Judith

That would be the sort of thing that'll show the world TWD is coming from that iron throne
Honestly, Judith can go. She ain't needed breh.

((ReFleXioN)) EteRNaL

May 1, 2012
What did my man say? "Morgan, you'll hold a baby again"

Let me find out that Wolf Morgan refuses to kill doesn't escape only to find Judith and...and...and....:ohhh:

Morgan holds the baby covered in blood....:damn:

Rick comes back and kills Morgan because he's a constant liability with his new found philosophy.
  • He didn't kill those wolves at his campsite, they came to Alexandria
  • He let those wolves go, putting Rick in danger in that Winnebago
  • He let this last wolf go, only to find this wolf kills Judith

That would be the sort of thing that'll show the world TWD is coming from that iron throne
morgan already held judith

although that would be a dope way to go with it

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
@DLeap Being a yes man basically comes with the territory of being Ricks right hand 95% of the time,so you said it without saying it:mjlol:....Unless we gon pretend this aint a Ricktatorship just because he gave that speech about it being a democracy at the jail:beli:

I'd Rather Morgan be docile than to be just another chump following Rick and his orders blindly, and doing his bidding:scust:....And lets be honest,the sins of how past black male characters is effecting how yall looking at Morgan:whoa:? I was on board with yall 100% til they talked they way out of the bullshyt with this episode,for now at least,but trust me I'm still watching closely too:ufdup:

Morgan being like this based on karate principal is kindve cool:banderas:,he's still strong in his moral stance....He's not willing to stand around and let Rick treate people like they lives aint worth shyt as he "trains" them.....and he's not willing to act like life isn't valuable just because Carol says so,right or wrong:wow:

I definitely think he wrong btw,I wouldn't have even minded Gabriel so much if he was STRONG in his belief of god and challenged the group,but his just been a whiny bytch along for the ride.

You can be strong without being a killing machine,so far all the black male characters have been whimpering bytches in PRESSENCE even moreso than their lack of killing....After understanding Morgan is standing on principle,and the fact I think he will remain strong in his presence and not back down on peer pressure from the group is something I will like to see.

Matter of fact I'll hate it more if does end up caving in after a few episodes under peer pressure from the group,that will be weak to me.....Gabriel could've been a interesting character if they hadn't emasculated him to a whiny bytch at every turn....characters throw all they belief in god out the window quick in this series though:mjlol:...I wouldn't mind a Gabriel who had a strong presence and was strong in his convictions....Morgan will be speaking his mind,sticking to his code and wont break for none of these bytches this season:blessed:

I hope:francis:
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Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
And btw,what if Morgan does get a few people killed,how many people have the rest of the group gotten killed or left to be killed on this show?Guess its okay to get people killed by doing too much,and taking action,no matter how dumb....Rick almost got 2 or 3 people killed during a mock training and aint nobody said shyt:dahell:.....If Morgan lose a few people its the end of the world,hes a liability who must be stopped...But when Rick and crew does its "You win some you lose some:manny:"

Whats wrong,worried somebody besides a worthless Alexandrian might get killed:sas2:

The group needs to be reminded "All life is precious:mjcry:"


All Star
May 5, 2012

TWD is all about zombies and how people are adapting to the post-zombie apacolypse. Some people are acting like Shane, the Govenor, cannibals, wolves, and some are not.

Not everyone in the show is the gotdamn same, some worse than others. I'm sure them monk-ass nikkas are doing better than anyone else during this shyt because not only can they protect themselves but they can probably do it smart fully and efficiently
I agree, nikkas want Morgan to act like everyone else in the group but if he did, what would be the point of reintroducing him. Glen, Maggie, Dayrl, Tara, Rosita, Michonne, Abraham, and Sasha are all pretty much boring BC they all fall in line under Rick and all have pretty much the same philosophy as him. And if they don't agree with him, it doesn't get dramatized that much.

Verbal Kint

May 13, 2015
TC, Ap
I agree, nikkas want Morgan to act like everyone else in the group but if he did, what would be the point of reintroducing him. Glen, Maggie, Dayrl, Tara, Rosita, Michonne, Abraham, and Sasha are all pretty much boring BC they all fall in line under Rick and all have pretty much the same philosophy as him. And if they don't agree with him, it doesn't get dramatized that much.

They're boring too because just endlessly trying to survive with no end goal is boring. There's nothing they're really striving for. Maybe its to make Alexandria home but we know that's going to fail and its also not a smart long term plan for survival as its not in a very strategically smart place

Ghostface Trillah

God-level poster
May 5, 2012
Mt. Olympus
Oh look, A savage negro redemption story :francis:

Amaaazing goooaat, How sweeet the sound....That saavveed a retch like Morgan :stopitslime:

Crazy and savage negro roaming the lands lost until peaceful and loving white man puts him in a cage for his own good and what does the savage do after getting free? Attack the peaceful and loving white man, get defeated and go back to the cage. Then peaceful and loving white guy teaches savage negro his ways then sacrifices himself saving said negro because said negro makes stupid decision.

:stopitslime: I blame myself for expecting a black man to be more than a lackey to a white guy on the walking dead

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
I agree, nikkas want Morgan to act like everyone else in the group but if he did, what would be the point of reintroducing him. Glen, Maggie, Dayrl, Tara, Rosita, Michonne, Abraham, and Sasha are all pretty much boring BC they all fall in line under Rick and all have pretty much the same philosophy as him. And if they don't agree with him, it doesn't get dramatized that much.
I don't want him to act like everyone else but I also don't want to watch him being dumb as fukk with this "all life is precious; no killing" bullshyt.
Morgan could have come back after spending a few months with his Backwoods Sensei and been along the lines of how Dale was...basically disagreeing with Rick's more aggressively violent methods and calling him out when he goes too far but also being realistic about the circumstances of the world they all inhabit.


Jun 18, 2012
Oh look, A savage negro redemption story :francis:

Amaaazing goooaat, How sweeet the sound....That saavveed a retch like Morgan :stopitslime:

Crazy and savage negro roaming the lands lost until peaceful and loving white man puts him in a cage for his own good and what does the savage do after getting free? Attack the peaceful and loving white man, get defeated and go back to the cage. Then peaceful and loving white guy teaches savage negro his ways then sacrifices himself saving said negro because said negro makes stupid decision.

:stopitslime: I blame myself for expecting a black man to be more than a lackey to a white guy on the walking dead

that episode was the epitome of white supremacy

every black dude on that show is lame.

T-Dogg: lame, sterotypical, insignificant, and ends up getting killed like a chump

Tyrese: big supernegro who ends up being a big p*ssy, gets beaten up by Rick who's half his size :martin:

Oscar: who cares....next

Bob: an alcoholic who can't fight.....next

The black priest dude: a sniveling, groveling, worthless character. they even managed to make me hate this dude

and now Morgan....the honorable husband and dad who ends up becoming a savage and needs white daddy to become a human again :martin: