Would you prefer if Morgan returned but as a Wolf? He really let the savage life take over and joined up with one rest of them that invaded Alexandria. Carol was gonna take him out until Carl recognized him and they held him captive until Rick came back and they have another episode talking to each other like in Clear. But there was no changing Morgan (no aikido to teach him there was a better path) and they end up killing him.
I'm just spitballing here but would you prefer that to his current run?
Here's my spitball: I would have preferred Morgan being a sane Darryl equivalent. When we first met him on the show, he demonstrated that he understood the new world. Even when he was crazy, he understood there were Walker and Human threats. After Rick left him crazy, he gets himself back sane and decides he needs to survive.
Maybe the show could have set it up like Darryl felt even more pushed aside because Rick's Day One homie was back. Slowly calm & rational Morgan gains respect with the group and with the Alexandrians....even more than Rick. This starts the power struggle. Rick is Donald Trump...Morgan is Ben Carson...people take sides. Rick is clearly the new Shane, this would be more evident. But instead of like before where Shane lost, we see how the "nice" guy can lose.
Eventually when the Wolves attack in full force, Morgan's side takes biggest hit, proving that Rick was the better choice after all.
True this is similar to what we've already seen before but it could have been done over a half season. Also, the tables would be turned since Rick would be on the other side of the power struggles we saw with Shane.
Just off top of my head but def could be more exciting than this Shaolin Monk storyline.
Also, it wouldn't showcase another watered-down black man like they're doing for the sixth season in a row.