Who Afraid of The Big Bad Wolves? - The Walking Dead Season 6

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013

@Jello Biafra :sas1:

All the stuff Rick said to Shane during their confrontation was nothing but a ruse to snake him :sas2:

"There's still a way back from this. Nothing has happened here. We're gonna lay down out guns. We're gonna walk back to the farm together, back to Lori, back to Carl and put this all behind us" :mjpls:


Jan 17, 2013
The Comfort Zone
This is worth repeating: Nothing from this season is in the books...nothing.

I tell all my friends there's no such thing as show spoilers because its deviated a lot. True they may pull a few things here and there but the most interesting storylines and characters from this season are completely different or non-existent in the comics.

True. Honestly, I'm not sure I even want to see Negan (although I believe they already cast him). That storyline is soooooo drawn out. I'd LOVE for them to bring in a black villain.

Morgan needs a chill pill

Morgan locked up an infected wolf because he cant kill him :mjlol:



May 11, 2012
this was a great episode. it higlights what's maddening about this show. i said before to give us more substance like this instead of all the bullshyt.. bigger is not always better.

my girl asked me the other day "why do you watch this stupid show?" and i said because once or twice a year its great..and this was an example
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The-Coli Music Critic
Sep 4, 2015
What did my man say? "Morgan, you'll hold a baby again"

Let me find out that Wolf Morgan refuses to kill doesn't escape only to find Judith and...and...and....:ohhh:

Morgan holds the baby covered in blood....:damn:

Rick comes back and kills Morgan because he's a constant liability with his new found philosophy.
  • He didn't kill those wolves at his campsite, they came to Alexandria
  • He let those wolves go, putting Rick in danger in that Winnebago
  • He let this last wolf go, only to find this wolf kills Judith

That would be the sort of thing that'll show the world TWD is coming from that iron throne


All Star
May 5, 2012
I don't mind the story they decided to tell. I actually found it pretty interesting. I just hate the timing of it. They could have told Morgan's back story in a more efficient and creative way. This episode highlights some of the things I dislike about the show. The pacing is all over the place. Using 90 mins (technically 60) to tell a story that could have been told in half the time. I understand it can't be fast pace, kill kill kill, action packed every episode. But it's been a theme for this show to start the season off hot, then slow it down with character building episodes or split the group up and take turns checking in on everyone. Then they ramp it back up for the mid-season/season finale.


Coli TV/Film Expert
Mar 18, 2013
Question :jbhmm:

Would you prefer if Morgan returned but as a Wolf? He really let the savage life take over and joined up with one rest of them that invaded Alexandria. Carol was gonna take him out until Carl recognized him and they held him captive until Rick came back and they have another episode talking to each other like in Clear. But there was no changing Morgan (no aikido to teach him there was a better path) and they end up killing him.

I'm just spitballing here but would you prefer that to his current run?
Here's my spitball: I would have preferred Morgan being a sane Darryl equivalent. When we first met him on the show, he demonstrated that he understood the new world. Even when he was crazy, he understood there were Walker and Human threats. After Rick left him crazy, he gets himself back sane and decides he needs to survive.

Maybe the show could have set it up like Darryl felt even more pushed aside because Rick's Day One homie was back. Slowly calm & rational Morgan gains respect with the group and with the Alexandrians....even more than Rick. This starts the power struggle. Rick is Donald Trump...Morgan is Ben Carson...people take sides. Rick is clearly the new Shane, this would be more evident. But instead of like before where Shane lost, we see how the "nice" guy can lose.

Eventually when the Wolves attack in full force, Morgan's side takes biggest hit, proving that Rick was the better choice after all.

True this is similar to what we've already seen before but it could have been done over a half season. Also, the tables would be turned since Rick would be on the other side of the power struggles we saw with Shane.

Just off top of my head but def could be more exciting than this Shaolin Monk storyline.

Also, it wouldn't showcase another watered-down black man like they're doing for the sixth season in a row.


All Star
May 5, 2012
As for Morgan's adhering to the belief of akido and philosophy of not killing, it bothers me, but not to the degree that it does for everyone else in here. Reason being, I think it brings an interesting dynamic to the show. He brings a belief that is so different how Rick and co have been operating, that it puts their actions in perspective and either confirms or invalidates how we feel about it. This arc for Morgan is a way for him to stand out otherwise he'd be like the others. Now what this from being a total waste of screen time is having a satisfying payoff. Can't be like Tyrese where we wait for 3 seasons for him to step up and be a leader, but he continues to act like a p*ssy.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Here's my spitball: I would have preferred Morgan being a sane Darryl equivalent. When we first met him on the show, he demonstrated that he understood the new world. Even when he was crazy, he understood there were Walker and Human threats. After Rick left him crazy, he gets himself back sane and decides he needs to survive.

Maybe the show could have set it up like Darryl felt even more pushed aside because Rick's Day One homie was back. Slowly calm & rational Morgan gains respect with the group and with the Alexandrians....even more than Rick. This starts the power struggle. Rick is Donald Trump...Morgan is Ben Carson...people take sides. Rick is clearly the new Shane, this would be more evident. But instead of like before where Shane lost, we see how the "nice" guy can lose.

Eventually when the Wolves attack in full force, Morgan's side takes biggest hit, proving that Rick was the better choice after all.

True this is similar to what we've already seen before but it could have been done over a half season. Also, the tables would be turned since Rick would be on the other side of the power struggles we saw with Shane.

Just off top of my head but def could be more exciting than this Shaolin Monk storyline.

Also, it wouldn't showcase another watered-down black man like they're doing for the sixth season in a row.

You would rather Morgan be Ricks goon/yes man talking about "yes suh" like Darryl is:patrice:?As a fan of old karate movies I dont even mind Morgan being docile if its for the sake of his martial arts code:manny:

He's practically begging people not to make him have to kill them because he knows he could turn into a savage and "clear" the whole town.

Im just waitin on somebody to fukk up and make Morgan go back on his bullshyt like John Wick:wow:

I do agree they need a strong but sensible counter to Rick though,I thought maybe the guy who got bit on the cheek earlier this season was going to be that.....Its stupid that people blindly follow Rick for some unknown reason like he's always right and knows whats best.

I like Morgan just for the fact he wont be going along with Ricks bullshyt blindly like everybody else.....the part I dont like is that I just know Morgan is going to end up looking like a idiot,and Rick will sumhow end up looking like a genius in comparison:snoop:


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Thats nice and all but the Walking Dead isn't about the zombies...its about how people are worse than the zombies. He was there when the shyt went down fighting zombies, same as Shane and the group in the beginning. Meanwhile, Rick and his group has come across the Governor and his crew, raiders, cannibals and now the wolves. Twisted human beings that have no problem killing other human beings. Its easy for Eastman to have that "peace to all" viewpoint when he hasn't faced that kind of adversity thats no where near his little cabin in the woods.

TWD is all about zombies and how people are adapting to the post-zombie apacolypse. Some people are acting like Shane, the Govenor, cannibals, wolves, and some are not.

Not everyone in the show is the gotdamn same, some worse than others. I'm sure them monk-ass nikkas are doing better than anyone else during this shyt because not only can they protect themselves but they can probably do it smart fully and efficiently


Coli TV/Film Expert
Mar 18, 2013
You would rather Morgan be Ricks goon/yes man talking about "yes suh" like Darryl is:patrice:?

When did I say that? I just said he'd be his right hand man. You prefer this Morgan who was made docile by an admitted manipulator?

The docile Morgan works for you and a lot of others but it's the main characteristic of every black man on this show. Morgan was literally being dragged around by Carol in chains a couple episodes ago. :scust:


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
this was a great episode. it higlights what's maddening about this show. i said before to give us more substance like this instead of all the bullshyt.. bigger is not always better.

my girl asked me the other day "why do you watch this stupid show?" and i said because once or twice a year its great..and this was an example
I think this is a great season in general. I'm legit shocked that this show started off so great in the first season slowly turned to shyt but has managed to turn into a quality show again. It gets shyt on because once people decide a show "fell off" they refuse to ever acknowledge if it gets better (not that that happens so much).One of the biggest issues with the show (besides bad writing in general) was that it was filled with a bunch of characters nobody gave a shyt about. The only time people liked episodes was when there was a lot of action. That's not something you can keep up for a whole season. Hardhome was such a piff episode in GoT was because it was an action packed episode unlike some others. If every episode is action packed you lose the novelty. GoT is filled with fleshed out characters that people love or love to hate. Morgan is the best character on this show by a huge margin. There's substance and depth to his character. Carol is a one trick pony at this point. She kills a lot. That's it.For all the bytching around here about the treatment of black characters on this show, along with Michonne, the two best characters are black. Daryl's a distant third as far as best characters. Their similarities? They all have actual personalities. The three of them are interesting when they're not killing shyt. None of the other characters are.

And lets be perfectly honest: you nikkas love to complain. If Morgan was the way he was at the beginning of the episode, never met Eastman and was on his murder, death, kill homicide steez to this day, you same cats would be on some "Oh the black man's a savage, huh?:mjpls:" Give me a nuanced character like Morgan any day over a shallow one like Carol. Not to even mention that dude is probably the most skilled character on the show. His ideology clashes against the rest of the group and that creates opportunities for this show to do more than the tired zombie hordes and enemy humans coming to take your shyt storylines. Tyrese was a legit case of emasculating a black man, especially compared to his comic book counterpart. Giving a black man a code while still establishing he can fukk shyt up if need be is not emasculation. Unless of course you're of the mindset the black man is only good for killing:mjpls: I get disagreeing with his mindset and actions but he's hands down the best character and happens to have the best acting performance consistently.