This is one of the worst explanations I've ever seen. You tried tho
It only makes sense that the bite has nothing to do with the zombie disease. It should be the infection from not being able to treat that wound that causes you to die. You should have the same reaction if a dog bit you.
bruh this is exactly what the went over at the cdc
now i've already told you that the creator has said... he will NEVER reveal any backstory on what the cause is or how it spread
what the doc did say is two things
1. we all have it
2. it lays dormant until you die, then it activates
so i didn't mean HIV/AIDS exactly... but that one disease will turn into the deadlier disease... and the deadlier one will kill you
people have been bit in the arm and died... scratched and died... the cdc doc said it can take from 8 hours to 3 days
so the zombies have the active virus, and when you get it, you get the fever and die
and everyone else in the world has a dormant one, that doesn't activate until you die