White principal goes on a racist Tirade calling out all the ungrateful dumbass Black kids….. black teachers co-sign him

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
He sounds like a coli poster.

Teachers need support from admin. Admin either doesn't want to allocate the budget to the teachers or has to ask the state for funding. If the state is run by someone controlled by big business, then they're pushing for charter schools anyway and purposely want the public schools to fail so they can pocket more of the tax money for themselves.

This is deeper than "parents need to teach their kids to act right" it takes a community to bring up a child and the social norms are being eroded at a crazy speed on top of public institutions being gutted.


May 1, 2012
Da Burgh
Some of y’all need to step foot onto some campuses and see what’s going on. We continually perform the worst in every category. It should be alarming to our culture but we like to focus on things that don’t matter.
We would never because then we would have no choice but to acknowledge the truth. Hell, there is a shyt ton of data out there that shows we are the lowest performing in education all throughout the country.

It’s sad because just like in this thread, only 1/4 of us will acknowledge the problem. Everybody will just want to ignore it and claim racism; like we didn’t all go to the same schools and saw our peers acting just like what the teachers described in the comments (a lot of people in here were those “peers”, though, so…)


Oct 17, 2012
We would never because then we would have no choice but to acknowledge the truth. Hell, there is a shyt ton of data out there that shows we are the lowest performing in education all throughout the country.

It’s sad because just like in this thread, only 1/4 of us will acknowledge the problem. Everybody will just want to ignore it and claim racism
This is the biggest problem. We would rather blame racism and immigrants than try to correct the problem ourselves.


May 1, 2012
Da Burgh
Yeah cause beating children has been shown to be effective in producing good grades. :why: Where do yall get this shyt from?
shyt…when my mom threatened to pull out that belt or my dad told me he was gonna fight me like a street nikka, I got my grades together extremely fast or stopped doing whatever I was doing for the teachers to call home.

I can’t say it’s because of that, but I’m definitely on another level in life than most I grew up with and did very well in school.


All Star
Jun 2, 2012
These look like coli posts
Although this post is funny, there is truth in this jest. He is saying what is said here all the time. I admit to being part of the “FOR GOOD! Set“ It is unsettling that a white man has to say this in public, but for once let’s not shoot the messenger and really look at the message here. The children of this generation are getting worse and worse and worse. We as a community need to be honest and admit to the part we play in this.


Jul 17, 2018
Racism or not, you are more than capable yourself of looking honestly at these children and knowing something is seriously wrong with how they are being raised. Stop wasting time with how enemies think of you and get to work.


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
You can’t really fail anyone anymore
I'm not around educators. Can you explain this?
My girls niece is 7. Smart little girl. Was going to a mostly black school on her side of town. The school is actually nice. It’s brand new. Beautiful campus. All the kids wore uniforms. When we went by there you saw all of these beautiful black kids dressed up and a mostly black staff. You would think on the surface this is ideal.

Why did the girl move to a different part ot town this is more affluent and she had to change schools. The new school is mostly white and has been a “A” school for the past 21 years straight. She gets in there and they are pre testing her to see where she is at academically. She is barely at Pre K level despite being in the 2nd grade. I was flabbergasted. wtf are they even teaching our children?

The new school is trying their best to help her get ready for the testing that is coming up because the do not fukk around. It’s shaky and the girls confidence is toast because she used to be getting straight A’s at the old school.

I can only imagine it’s even worst for the black boys. Smh
Black schools have always been under-resourced. It was true 150 years ago, and it's true today...
This…… I don’t care how true it is the kids are but I’d be damn if I’m gonna co sign some cac.. Black folk need to stay on fukkin code period
These nikkas always wanna shoot straight to "the community", parroting racists, instead of the environment "the community" is afforded...

One can talk about poor-behaved children without empathizing with a racist. Like @BaggerofTea said, it's always a group of black folk who think the racist isn't talking about them...


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
Again, last resort. I was very similar. I remember maybe 2 or 3 times I got whupped as a kid and I'd be lying if I say I didn't deserve it. :yeshrug: I did figure out early on that having good grades can keep you out of a LOT of shyt/trouble.

Even with my sons, me grabbing the leather was an extreme last resort after countless chances. Stopped with my oldest once he was 11 or 12 and told him straight up that if I have to keep doing this to make you to akrite, then I'm failing. So the last one was the last one. However, I did tell him that he's old enough for me to bust his chest open with my fists. It's been smooth sailing for the most part since.

my youngest is about to be 12 and the last time I gave him that work was a while ago. He's about to be in the same boat, but his issue is he always got excuses for shyt. Told him straight up, the world don't give a fukk when you black, especially a black male. You gonna get held accountable whether you like it or not so all the excuses don't mean shyt. You can't do what your white friends do (he learned this lesson last year in another situation).
I got beat like a muhfukka and it didn't have a positive effect on me at all. Built anger and resentment towards my parents and developed a violent streak, an unhealthy fear of my parents, nothing about that shyt was necessary...


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
You can’t really fail anyone anymore
These kids are going to college at rates that their parents only dreamed of, and y'all calling them dumb. The math ain't mathing.
And this also only proves that no matter how well black children do, people will call it a lie. You won't accept black achievement even when it's staring you in the face.
Provide a link

The past where the chances were less likely that you acted up again for fear of getting paddled. :ld:

No different than I treat my kids, I give you constant chances to get your shyt together and you don't....next step is going upside your behind or since they are old enough now, I punch em in their damn chests. Look man, not saying that should be the first thing you do with an unruly or disrespectful kid, but gotdamn.

My mom in law used to make her kids that kept acting up in class stand on leg and touch their nose with the opposite hand when they were consistently being disruptive in class. She was told that was too harsh. :mjlol:

She retired back in the mid 00s due to the complete lack of disrespect, parents takin the kids sides, lack of support from admin to do anything, No Child Left Behind. shyt became a joke. She taught in the inner city. :yeshrug:
For every story about a teacher who kept kids in line and helped them succeed because of threats and beatings, there are stories about abuse and bullying pushing kids to drop out and think they don't have any chance at achieving. Good teachers don't need to threaten to beat kids. My mom was a teacher too, in one of the roughest schools in the inner city and she never threatened to beat anyone but her kids loved her.
The irony of this post :mjlol: Calling previous black generations stupid and acting like Gen Z is enlightened. Using empirical studies to call black people stupid sounds like the same thing scientific racists practice :mjpls:
I didn't call anyone stupid. I said it was ironic and dumb for a generation that was less literate, educated, and pregnant to call these kids dumb because the stats say they are outscoring their parents on all of those measures.
shyt…when my mom threatened to pull out that belt or my dad told me he was gonna fight me like a street nikka, I got my grades together extremely fast or stopped doing whatever I was doing for the teachers to call home.

I can’t say it’s because of that, but I’m definitely on another level in life than most I grew up with and did very well in school.
That's your story though. It's not generalizable. Also fear doesn't produce good grades and test, just compliance. The fear of a whupping isn't gonna make your SAT score jump.


May 1, 2012
Da Burgh
These kids are going to college at rates that their parents only dreamed of, and y'all calling them dumb. The math ain't mathing.
And this also only proves that no matter how well black children do, people will call it a lie. You won't accept black achievement even when it's staring you in the face.

For every story about a teacher who kept kids in line and helped them succeed because of threats and beatings, there are stories about abuse and bullying pushing kids to drop out and think they don't have any chance at achieving. Good teachers don't need to threaten to beat kids. My mom was a teacher too, in one of the roughest schools in the inner city and she never threatened to beat anyone but her kids loved her.

I didn't call anyone stupid. I said it was ironic and dumb for a generation that was less literate, educated, and pregnant to call these kids dumb because the stats say they are outscoring their parents on all of those measures.

That's your story though. It's not generalizable. Also fear doesn't produce good grades and test, just compliance. The fear of a whupping isn't gonna make your SAT score jump.
I was exempt from the SAT because I was in the top 5% of the state in standardized testing throughout high school…but keep making excuses for us.

It’s as simple as we don’t value education. Like I said in another post, how can we have all gone to the same public schools throughout life but somehow forgot that learning has never been “cool” to us? I went to at least 10 different public schools throughout life, in 3 different states, and it was the same thing everywhere