White People are the embodiment of Evil (Must See Video)

May 16, 2012
No I'm not biracial. I have a black father and mother with no known white people in my immediate family. I have the same skin complexion as Taye Diggs. I'm just a nikka who doesn't like giving white people all this extra power over me. We all equal in my eyes so fukk them they aren't special.

No we're not. Black people are genetically superior. We are the original man after all. And its because of this fact that white people hate us. They know that if a black person and white person mix, the kid will invariably turn out black. We can cause their extinction simply by reproducing with them. That is the cause of their hate and racism against black people. And its why we can't trust them. Any of them. Even those that pretend like they're on our side are not really on our side cause they too fear their genetic annihilation.

Read the Isis Paper by Dr. Frances Cress Wesling. She basically breaks down everything about why this cacs are evil and jealous of us.


Jul 2, 2015


Jul 2, 2015

“You’re hesitant because you keep over thinking it and keep pushing it off. You just need to do it, Conrad,” said 17-year-old Michelle Carter to her 18-year-old boyfriend, Conrad Roy III. It was July of 2014 and the couple had been communicating, mainly through text message and on social media. There was one topic on their minds - suicide - Conrad’s suicide.

Conrad had been suicidal for a prolonged period and instead of encouraging him to seek help, Michelle encouraged him to end his life. In the run up to his death, the couple exchanged over 1000 messages, most of which were Michelle encouraging Conrad to “just do it.” Conrad eventually took her advice and climbed into his truck and connected a generator to the exhaust system. While sitting in the truck which was quickly filling with carbon monoxide, Conrad had second thoughts, got out of the car and contacted Michelle, who told him to “get back in.” Conrad listened to his girlfriend and subsequently died due to the carbon monoxide fumes. Following his death, Michelle took to twitter to express her so-called shock and heartbreak, even though she had encouraged him to end his own life for months.

Within days, Michelle confessed to another friend that she had encouraged Conrad to get back in the truck where he would eventually perish. The friend quickly went to police and brought Michelle in for questioning. During the investigation, they uncovered the profusion of shocking messages between the pair, with Michelle encouraging Conrad to end his life almost daily. Michelle is currently awaiting trial.


Jul 2, 2015
The Brains Of Psychopaths

Psychologist Kent A. Kiehl discovered that psychopaths’ brains differ from ours. People who lack empathy and remorse have a poorly developed amygdala - a brain structure, which is responsible for our emotions.

Kiehl’s biography is also interesting. He was born in Tacoma, near the place where Bundy lived. In childhood, Kiehl could not understand how such a monster could grow up in their “sleepy suburbs for the middle class.” He decided to study such personalities, graduated from college and even met a legendary Robert Hare, who developed the Hare Psychopathy Checklist.

Soon Kiehl began conducting his own research in a high security hospital for the most dangerous criminals in Canada. Worked without days off, spent hours chatting with rapists, murderers, scanning their brains with EEG. He wanted to scan the brain of psychopaths with a computer tomograph, which, of course, was not in prison. But he was in a local hospital.

Kiehl talked to both administrations - prison and local hospital and asked permission to conduct his research. It’s hard to believe, but in 5 years he scanned 50 brains of psychopaths-prisoners. With all the precautions they were brought to the local hospital, they were handcuffed and put into a tomograph. They performed different tasks, and then they were taken back to prison.

As a result, the Canadian scientist found out, and subsequently proved on a larger sample, that psychopaths have a poorly developed amygdala. Such people understand what is “bad” and what is “good”, but they simply do not care. Signs of psychopathic behavior can be observed in childhood. Some of them cut cats, some kill bird. Of course, not all animals torturers will become psychopaths, but most psychopaths abused animals. There are other symptoms…

An old lady complains about her 8-year-old granddaughter “I decided to spend a weekend with her. We went shopping, came back, and I found a stolen toy in her bag. Of course, I punished her. She did not say anything, did not make excuses, she only looked at me as if I was her worst enemy. And after a while her mother called…she was crying and telling me a lot of bad things. She told me I was an awful grandma, because I abuse the little girl. As it turned out later, my granddaughter called her mother and lied that I was beating her because of her awful handwriting.”

Dr. Kiehl is sure that punishing a little psychopath is useless. The kid will only act as if he understood a lesson. What actually happens is that he becomes mad because he was caught on a lie and improves his skills, learns how to lie better. However, sometimes, positive reinforcement can work. There was a study with 300 juvenile delinquents. 6 psychologists applied behavioral technique known as positive reinforcement. Three years later, independent experts were provided with the results of this study, and they concluded that 36% of the participants stopped committing crimes. While, according to the usual statistics, only 2% of teens become law abiding citizens.


Jul 2, 2015


On December 9, 2008, Amber Cummings shot and killed her white supremacist husband James as he slept in their Belfast, Maine home. James physically and sexually abused Amber and their 9-year-old daughter. He idolized Hitler and collected Nazi memorabilia. His anger worsened after the 2008 election when a black man became president. Amber’s final straw was finding his child pornography. At their house, police found radioactive materials and instructions to make a dirty bomb. They called in the FBI, who believe James intended on bombing Obama’s inauguration. Amber accepted a plea deal of 8 years after successfully using a battered-woman defense. In 2010, a judge suspended her sentence and she was released.


Jul 2, 2015
Types of Psychopaths
  • The “Soul Mate.” He flirts with rich women, becomes their lover, sympathetic friend, someone women can brag about. Soon he casually asks them to give him money. First, he might complain about increased apartment rent or his broken car. If he acts like a rich guy, he might ask women to lend him money to start a successful business etc. Henri Landru, a frrench serial killer, would seduce the women who came to his Parisian villa and, after he was given access to their assets, he would kill them and burn their dismembered bodies in his oven.
  • The Arsonist. Fire is destructive and powerful. No wonder many serial killers started their “career” with arsons. Herostratus was a 4th-century BC Greek arsonist, who sought notoriety by destroying the Temple of Artemis, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. By the way, his name has become a metonym for someone who commits a criminal act in order to become noted. Robert Dale Segree was responsible for setting the Hartford circus fire. 167 people died and more than 700 were injured.
  • The Violent Psychopath. Women, children, men, the elderly, (and even animals) - anyone with any vulnerabiliies are his target. For psychopaths choose only animals. One of the latest famous cases is the case of 2 17-year-old girls, who tortured animals and recorded it on their phones.
  • Pedophiles. We all know the case of Andrei Chikatilo, who raped and murdered about 50 children. Pedro Lopez claims to have raped and killed more than 300 girls. Lopez was released in 1998 from a psychiatric hospital on good behaviour after initially being found insane. His whereabouts are currently unknown.
  • Bloodsuckers. Peter Kurten used to rape his daughters in front of his wife, have sex with animals and masturbate on dead bodies. And that were his petty crimes. When Kurten stopped reeiving satisfaction from these activities, he began killing children and drinking their blood.Richard Chase split infant’s skull open in the bathtub, and consumed some of the brain matter.
  • Thrill Seekers. Psychopaths are thrill seekers. Some manage to transfer the thoughts of murder on gambling, extreme sport and distructive behavior. But there are people who are addicted to adrenaline and would do anything to get a dose. For example, human hunting. Robert Hansen abducted and murdered women,hunting them down in the clad with a Ruger Mini-14 and other weapons. And Ivan Milat was a tourist hunter.
  • Satanists and Religious Fanatics. Some psychopaths believe they were born to help the Lord and clean the Earth from “bad” people. On the opposite side are people who hate gods, religions etc. Their motto is “The only church that illuminates is a burning church.” And, of course, Hail Satan. Essentialy there is no difference between these two groups. Both have delusions about their missions on Earth and both believe in superiority of their group. The most famous serial killer satanist is Richard Ramirez. He committed so many murders for Satan, that if he is real, he must be very proud of Richard.
  • Sadists. They love power and will demonstrate that power through the deliberate mistreatment of others. When frustrated or thwarted by their attempts to dominate, they will demonstrate raw cruelty and arrogant contempt. Many murders and serial killers fall in this category. For example, Robert Berdella raped, tortured, and murdered at least six men after having forced his victims to endure periods of up to six weeks of captivity.
  • The Vigilante. He is a member of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate. For example, John Bunting believed that the victims were paedophiles, homosexuals or “weak”.


Jul 2, 2015

This chilling picture of 14-year-old Regina Kay Walters was taken by serial killer Robert Ben Rhoades. He had kidnapped her while she was on the run with her boyfriend and imprisoned her in his 18-wheeler equipped with a torture chamber in the back before taking her to this abandoned barn in Illinois. There, he chopped off her hair and made her wear a dress and black heels. He then forced her to pose this way for the picture. Contrary to popular belief, Regina was not killed shortly after this photo was taken. Police found many photos captured of Regina inside the killer’s house along with pictures of other women he tortured and killed. It is unclear how long she was held captive in the barn, but the FBI deduces it was a long time due to the fact that her breasts were bruised and her pubic hair was in various stages of growth. Regina was tortured and raped by Robert multiple times before she was strangled to death with bailing wire. A farmer stumbled upon Regina’s nude corpse that was left in the barn and she was identified through dental records.


Jul 2, 2015

Andrew Conley was 17-years-old when he held his 10-year-old brother in a chokehold until he passed out, then dragged him into the kitchen where he strangled him for a good twenty minutes. Afterward, the Indiana teen covered his head with two plastic bags and banged his head repeatedly on the ground to ensure his death. After stuffing his brother’s body in the trunk of his car, he drove to his girlfriend’s house to give her a promise ring and watch a movie with her. After leaving, he dumped his brother’s body at a park, covering it with sticks and leaves. The morning after the murder, Andrew’s father awoke to Andrew looming over him with a knife, apparently fighting the urge to not stab him.

Andrew told police that he ‘’felt like he had to’’, and had fantasized about killing people since he was in the 8th grade. He compared his urge to kill with a hungry person craving a hamburger, and said he’s contemplated killing his stepfather in his sleep many times. Andrew revealed that he was inspired by Dexter, whom he felt he identified with. He was sentenced to live without parole in October, 2010.


Jul 2, 2015

Lacey Spears was an active blogger living New York who depicted herself as a loving and devoted mother to her 5-year-old son Garnett. Seeking compassion on social media, mainly Facebook, she frequently posted updates about her only son’s battling of an explicable illness. In the years leading up to the young boy’s death, doctors were unable to find answers about his mysterious illness–an illness that turned out to be not so mysterious after all. The blogger mom was putting high doses of table salt into her son’s hospitalized feeding tube from infancy, all while posting pictures of her ill and dying child in hopes of garnering sympathy. This act induced brain swelling, which ultimately lead to his death on January 23rd, 2014.

Lacey was later exposed as a liar. On the blog she created (which can be viewed here), she claimed that Garnett’s father was a police officer who died in a car accident. However, Garnett’s biological father is alive and well. On April 8th, 2015, Lacey Spears was sentenced to 20 years in prison for the second-degree murder and first-degree manslaughter of her five-year-old son. The only reason she was not handed the maximum sentence of 25 years is because the judge stated the young mother suffers from Munchausen syndrome by proxy, which refers to the abuse of another person, typically a child, in order to draw sympathy and attention to the abuser. Mothers are typically the the perpetrators in such cases. To this day, Lacey Spears maintains her innocence.


Jul 2, 2015



Photos of Casey Anthony partying while her daughter’s lifeless body, 2-year-old Caylee Anthony, was decomposing in the woods. While she failed to report her daughter missing, she spent most of her time at a night club and even got a tattoo on her left shoulder reading ‘’La Bella Vita’’, Italian for ‘’the beautiful life’’. The case garnered widespread attention and shock at the not-guilty verdict.