"White liberals are the most racist people"-Ben Carson

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Malcom was trying to tell these dumb fukks and they wont listen. The most glaring example of glaring white liberal racism is the entire OBama presidency. Obama is literally the puppet of the white liberal establishment and its clear that nikka is embarrased to be associated with blacks or black issues.

Both Ben Carson AND Malcom X are exactly right in this situation.

:laff:@Obama being a puppet for LIBERAL establishment. Liberals wish he was their puppet.

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
The fck are you carrying on about? Are you saying because he is smart, Carson is somehow immune to serious lapses in judgment or being taken advantage of?

So are you saying he has a lapse of judgement for believing that white liberals are racists? :snoop: Im starting to believe black bleeding heart liberals like yourself are nothing more than sheep-dog for your CAC masters.. defending them at all cost and attacking a fellow black for having a different view other than yours, just like liberal CACs do smh


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Am I? The book primarily concerns itself with sex lives, embarrassing stories, favorite beers, etc...

Why don't I paste in some reviews for this book:

From Publishers Weekly
In this tabloid-sounding account, Kessler (The FBI) has aimed very low, armed with "inside information" provided by presidential aides, servants, staff members and Secret Service agents that has the ring of backstairs gossip. He shows Lyndon Johnson as a vulgar megalomaniac, Nixon as almost pathologically shut in, Carter as a petty nitpicker, Reagan as dominated by his icy wife, Bush as barely able to tolerate people en masse and Clinton as such a compulsive womanizer as to make Jack Kennedy seem celibate. From the chief executive on down, virtually everyone at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., he concludes, falls victim to "presidentitis" and abuses power. The only question left unanswered is, what's new here?

Third party reviews from Amazon:

"More focus on the interactions between the President and staff, senior staff and junior staff, etc., would have provided insight in the the inner workings of the White House. However, the focus was on sweeping old skeletons from the walk-in closets. I understand the intent was to show the human frailty of any person who inhabits the office - but mix in a few good stories and show some balance. I must say - it was entertaining reading. There was shock value, and some old rumors were made to sound more credible."

"This book keeps your attention, but the section on Clinton is so overtly biased that it calls in to question everything else in the book. Not only is it extremely slanted, but the author spends a disproportionate amount of time picking apart Clinton regardless of what he does, and commenting on his policy. Also, interestingly, the author paints an overwhelmingly bad picture of the democratic presidents since Johnson, and a generally favorable picture of the republican presidents in such a consistent and emphatic way that it seems unlikely that it is really accurate, particularly once he gets going on Clinton."

"Johnson's part was hilarious. I was crying with laughter. But the rest of the book was boring, just a bunch of gossip. No juicy details. No funny lines. And definitely anti-Democrats. "

"Kessler really wants to be a hard-hitting reporter; he takes on the government at every chance he gets, the CIA, the FBI and now the President. Unfortunately with this book he tended to pick the low hanging fruit and gave us more of the same old stuff, the "shocking but true" and the "they don't want you to find out" info."

"This one isn't worth your time. It's pumped full out of hot air and is totally dated besides. "

"I'll admit, this is a gossipy, trashy book. I'll admit Kessler's writing style is uneven - he often jumps topics with little warning. But I'll also admit I couldn't put this book down - and it really made me think about the too-high standards we often set for presidential candidates."

"...Sleazy? Yes. Entertaining? Yes, to a point. Many flawed men have served as president, but many of Kessler's sources come off as bitter and possibly unreliable"

"As someone who has read a few of Kessler's books and loved them, this one was a complete disaster. I only give it one star for the tiny tidbits of sparsely scattered real information in this book, but that's certainly not worth the amount of money I had to pay for it."

"The book was primarily gossipy and offered little that I have not heard or read before. I expected more insight and little known aspects of the presidents covered in the book than what I got. "

"I looked forward to reading this book. However, it was very gossipy and anecdotal and most of all, Ronald Kessler seemed to devote every third page to the favourite menus of each president. Still, an entertaining read. "

"Rumors, innuendo, and speculation. Terrible editing and direction. This book is a mess. Thank goodness I got this off the bargain rack."

"He dwells at length on the sexual escapades of the Presidents, crediting almost every rumor as true (somehow exempting Bush)... What really brands this book as glorified gossip-mongering is the very lengthy digression into Clinton's supposed sexual wanderings with Flowers and others _as governor of Arkansas"

"IF you're interested in a poorly edited, gossip-filled, unreferenced, non-sourced book, then this is for you. Kessler drops innuendos and rumors throughout the pages, with very few sources or substantiation given."

You're making an argument from authority. But as the reviews above (and just reading the book) show, in this case, it is not a strong argument. Kessler clearly meant this book to be a work of sensationalism and gossip- just look at the subtitle. You can't simply extrapolate from his other works that this one is the same.

wait hold up, you are using taking 1 star amazon reviews to make your case? :heh:

yeah my argument is based on authority and third part reviews arent authority, but if you consider third party reviews an authority that's you

the reality is that nobody has really challenged it because the statement is totally in character of how johnson was known to talk, and at the end of the day kessler is a well known investigative journalist with a well known record and a well known publisher, and actually i can extrapolate from his other books that this book is legit

Yes, I know he used the word. That's not enough to verify the quote, though. Even the contexts of the two quotes are wildly different. At the end of the day, though, I was calling out the poster for relying on unsubstantiated evidence, not defending Johnson.

i wasnt trying to verify the statement, i was trying to point out that the quote is totally in character, that is the way he talked

if you have a problem with kessler that's on you but a quote from a legit book, legit publisher from a legit author and journalist is not unsubstantiated, you are welcome to doubt it if you want but im not aware of any reason for me to doubt it


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
and bottom line about the johnson quote, at least in my opinion, is not the veracity of kessler, the bottom line is that if you do not believe that that is the way johnson viewed civil rights and the war on poverty you're an idiot

johnson was fully aware that whites would turn away from the democrats and blacks would embrace the democrats, democrat party hacks like johnson are just as cynical and racial as any republican hack like lee attwater
May 1, 2012

:beli: perhaps we dont see the same graph..after 1974 the total # of people in poverty actually RISES and keeps rising after LBJ left office apart from an occasional dip there are more poor people now than there were before he started

Granted the population has grown so the actual poverty rate has remained stagnant which again is a sure sign the programs have failed

I dont have the time for a full proper response so ill just post this as a placeholder untill i can breakdown the whole welfare dynamic when i have time

An intelligent brother sons a liberal
Thomas Sowell - Welfare - YouTube

Thomas sowell isn't that intelligent.

The Real

May 8, 2012
wait hold up, you are using taking 1 star amazon reviews to make your case? :heh:

I'm using reviews, yes, to make the case that the book is primarily a work of sensational, anecdotal gossip and not serious "investigative journalism." They weren't 1-star reviews, though. You can look for yourself. The reviews questioning its reliability make up more than half of all the reviews for the book.

yeah my argument is based on authority and third part reviews arent authority, but if you consider third party reviews an authority that's you

I didn't just post third party reviews- I also posted a Publisher's Weekly review. And I didn't make an argument from authority. If I had used one or two reviews, then I might be, but when so many reviews express the same sentiments, then there are strong reasons for accepting them. Like I said, though, you could look through the book yourself.

the reality is that nobody has really challenged it because the statement is totally in character of how johnson was known to talk, and at the end of the day kessler is a well known investigative journalist with a well known record and a well known publisher, and actually i can extrapolate from his other books that this book is legit

People have challenged it. And we don't know if it was in character or not. We know that he used the word "******," not that he made statements of the sort expressed in the quote in question. Those two statements share nothing except for their use of one word. They aren't the same type of statement.

As for Kessler, like I said, that's an argument from authority. Being well-known is not an indicator of truth. Having a well-known record can be, but it doesn't guarantee it, either. It's clear that this book is not the same as some of his other works.

if you have a problem with kessler that's on you but a quote from a legit book, legit publisher from a legit author and journalist is not unsubstantiated, you are welcome to doubt it if you want but im not aware of any reason for me to doubt it

I don't have a problem with Kessler. I have a problem with accepting and propagating gossip because it fits one's agenda.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson

I dont have a afro i have a amerifro
May 31, 2012
i dont know how i feel about dis ben carlton fella. he sound like he speek da troof about blas but i yousually dont truss no negro who use big wurds like dat. it make me saspishus and i wondah wear he lern dem from.

he is write about whie libruls havin blas on da plantashun. i dont have no prollem wit blas being on da plantashun dough. i grew up on a plantashun myself and i think blas need to go back dere to lern some moruh caracta and stop being crimanals and raciss...

so blas do need to go back to da plantashun but not da govermint plantashun uh da demokrat pardy. a real plantashun where dey can pick some coton and lern whut it feel like to wurk fuh da furst time in dey life.

blas wuz doin much betta back in dose deys. dey was in the feelds just as happy singin swing low sweet charyot and enjoyin da sun. and dey wuznt goin around in packs rapin whie wimmen drinkin malt licker and sellin crack. we need to get back to dat becuh dose were da days when murica was grate. da cibil rites movement dastroy all dat. today citties dat used to be so whie and pristeen and butiful look like mogadissue.
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Simp City
Jun 8, 2012
i dont know how i feel about dis ben carlton fella. he sound like he speek da troof about blas but i yousually dont truss no negro who use big wurds like dat. it make me saspishus and i wondah wear he lern dem from.

he is write about whie libruls havin blas on da plantashun. i dont have no prollem wit blas being on da plantashun dough. i grew up on a plantashun myself and i think blas need to go back dere to lern some moruh caracta and stop being crimanals and raciss...

Jesse Lee Peterson talks blacks going back to picking cotton, white man talks blacks rioting - YouTube

so blas do need to go back to da plantashun but not da govermint plantashun uh da demokrat pardy. a real plantashun where dey can pick some coton and lern whut it feel like to wurk fuh da furst time in dey life.

blas wuz doin much betta back in dose deys. dey was in the feelds just as happy singin swing low sweet charyot and enjoyin da sun. and dey wuznt goin around in packs rapin whie wimmen drinkin malt licker and sellin crack. we need to get back to dat becuh dose were da days when murica was grate. da cibil rites movement dastroy all dat. today citties dat used to be so whie and pristeen and butiful look like mogadissue.

I'm done:bryan: extra points if you typed all that in straight face kayfabe.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
I'm using reviews, yes, to make the case that the book is primarily a work of sensational, anecdotal gossip and not serious "investigative journalism." They weren't 1-star reviews, though. You can look for yourself. The reviews questioning its reliability make up more than half of all the reviews for the book.

thats fine, but if you read the publisher weekly quote, they do not accuse him of lying or fabricating anything

the user reviews dont mean anything i think its absurd to bring them up

People have challenged it. And we don't know if it was in character or not. We know that he used the word "******," not that he made statements of the sort expressed in the quote in question. Those two statements share nothing except for their use of one word. They aren't the same type of statement.

nobody has really challenged it and aside from amazon users no legit person has accused kessler of lying

i dont know what you mean by character of th statement, aside from the fact that he used the word ****** i dont even see what the big deal is about the statement, the statement is simply the corollary to his other well known statement that democrats will lose the south for generations, its a pretty simple obvious political analyses

the quote in the youtube video is also simply a political analyses of the fact that blacks were voting on large numbers

im not sure how it is that you are characterizing the statement but i think its completely in line with how he talked, i fail to see how it is out of character for johnson to have made a statement like that

I don't have a problem with Kessler. I have a problem with accepting and propagating gossip because it fits one's agenda.

well then whats the problem, at the end of the day its "gossip" from a legit investigative reporter, if you or anybody else has a problem with it you are welcome to sue in court, that is why the lawyers go over books like that and editors check sources

its totally possible that kessler or his source simply fabricated the quote out of thin air out of some vendetta against johnson, but its just not likely, it would be stupid of kessler to fabricate something like that


fukk u weeaboo
May 3, 2012
Not Japan

:heh: At some of these comments.

"Before I begin I am NOT defending slavery I just would like to point out that Blacks haven't been the only people to be slaves for example jews, also China had slaves that built the Great wall of China. Another bit of information; the English bought the slaves in Africa from their own race so they were ALREADY in slavery.In America having slaves showed your social standing so a lot of owners did treat them well but of course you had a few that were heartless and those are the once you hear about"

".Slaves were an investment, and thus were treated better and more
kindly and were spared the most dangerous jobs, like putting a roof on
a house, draining a swamp, or blasting caves.
•Usually, Irishmen were used to do that sort of work.
-The American Pageant 13th Edition"


Mike Otherz

All Star
Jun 7, 2012
i dont know how i feel about dis ben carlton fella. he sound like he speek da troof about blas but i yousually dont truss no negro who use big wurds like dat. it make me saspishus and i wondah wear he lern dem from.

he is write about whie libruls havin blas on da plantashun. i dont have no prollem wit blas being on da plantashun dough. i grew up on a plantashun myself and i think blas need to go back dere to lern some moruh caracta and stop being crimanals and raciss...

Jesse Lee Peterson talks blacks going back to picking cotton, white man talks blacks rioting - YouTube

so blas do need to go back to da plantashun but not da govermint plantashun uh da demokrat pardy. a real plantashun where dey can pick some coton and lern whut it feel like to wurk fuh da furst time in dey life.

blas wuz doin much betta back in dose deys. dey was in the feelds just as happy singin swing low sweet charyot and enjoyin da sun. and dey wuznt goin around in packs rapin whie wimmen drinkin malt licker and sellin crack. we need to get back to dat becuh dose were da days when murica was grate. da cibil rites movement dastroy all dat. today citties dat used to be so whie and pristeen and butiful look like mogadissue.

hah, funny isht. jesse gotta be the goat c00n. even white conservatives listen to him and belike :huhldup: