"White liberals are the most racist people"-Ben Carson


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012

:beli: perhaps we dont see the same graph..after 1974 the total # of people in poverty actually RISES and keeps rising after LBJ left office apart from an occasional dip there are more poor people now than there were before he started

Granted the population has grown so the actual poverty rate has remained stagnant which again is a sure sign the programs have failed

I dont have the time for a full proper response so ill just post this as a placeholder untill i can breakdown the whole welfare dynamic when i have time

An intelligent brother sons a liberal
Thomas Sowell - Welfare - YouTube

What???? The graph doesnt do anything that you're suggesting. The black poverty rate dips even further in '74, there is slight upward tick around '76, then more dipping. Of course you completely ignore the positive response blacks made under the great society initiatives, and the poverty explosion experienced during the Reagan revolution --- an era blacks are still trying to recover from, and a period which served as clear setback for an economically vulnerable community. This is what is so frustrating about arguing with conservatives. You guys are never shy in completely making up your own facts.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
Well excuse me for caring whether a doctor believes in objective reality over fantasy. All objective scientific evidence tells us the earth is over 6000 years. The fact he's willing to look past all of that because of claims made a book written 2000 years ago by bronze age peasants is disturbing.

If he's willing to believe that then what else is he gonna believe. Maybe he won't follow treatment proven to be scientifically viable in favor of praying or some other religious crap.
:wtf: does that have to do with anything. I personally know quite a few great devout doctors whom believe in the "word". Some even host bible study sessions at their homes weekly and work at non-profit hospitals for a fraction of the pay...

Idk if UCLA and Standford Medical School are "prestigious" enough for the-coli, due to influx of six figure yielding Harvard Grads. ( :troll: )

This also might be off some use to you:

He's being used for the reasons people already stated in this thread. There's a big difference between being a vocal Black conservative and doing what this man has been doing the past few weeks. And of course Black people are entitled to be Conservative.

The Real, question is, will @TWISM vote for the rethugs in 2016, too prove a point. :beli:

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
As long as we're in agreement that Carson is being used as a token.

In order for Carson to be used as a token their would have to be an ulterior agenda on the part of conservatives to use him to affect tangible policy... What policy is Dr. Carson being used as a token to affect as it relates to blacks? Gay marriage? Blacks still oppose that...Abortion? Blacks as a majority are still opposed to that... Immigration? not a salient issue in the black community as these liberal CACS have you to think.. so what issue/policy agenda is Dr. Carson being used for?

MN Fats

May 3, 2012
What???? The graph doesnt do anything that you're suggesting. The black poverty rate dips even further in '74, there is slight upward tick around '76, then more dipping. Of course you completely ignore the positive response blacks made under the great society initiatives, and the poverty explosion experienced during the Reagan revolution --- an era blacks are still trying to recover from, and a period which served as clear setback for an economically vulnerable community. This is what is so frustrating about arguing with conservatives. You guys are never shy in completely making up your own facts.

Exactly....look at it this way. When a Democrat has been in office the rate has dropped...starting with Kennedy and Johnson from 1961 to 1969. Went up slightly from 69 to 77 when Nixon and Ford were in the White House. The biggest increase was during the time Reagan and George HW Bush were in office until 1993. The number dropped significantly thru Clinton's terms and immediately went right back up when George W Bush took office. At least that exactly what this graph says....:manny:


Jun 15, 2012
In order for Carson to be used as a token their would have to be an ulterior agenda on the part of conservatives to use him to affect tangible policy... What policy is Dr. Carson being used as a token to affect as it relates to blacks? Gay marriage? Blacks still oppose that...Abortion? Blacks as a majority are still opposed to that... Immigration? not a salient issue in the black community as these liberal CACS have you to think.. so what issue/policy agenda is Dr. Carson being used for?

So you agree that he is a token if he is serving an agenda?

I'd never heard of Carson until earlier this year. A quick glance at his rise to media fame includes:

Lecturing the President on the Economy at the National Prayer Breakfast

Spouting Republican talking points about Gay Marriage

Reciting the Alan West talking point that equates the Dems with a plantation

Obviously he's being given all this air time to espouse his opinions for the fun of it. No agenda. When has anyone at FoxNews or Hannity in particular ever had an agenda? I mean it'd be out there if there was any correlation between Obama taking office and:

The rise and fall of Micheal B-Boy Stance Steele
The de-funding of ACORN
Voter ID requirements & early voting restrictions
Herman Cain/ Alan West/ Ben Carson

None of these steps address the policy issues that created the racial gap between the two parties. Things are getting desperate out here. Whats next a Black Mormon woman and Cuban Wiz Khalifa fan?


slippery slope
May 8, 2012
Carson is literally a brain surgeon, yet he's being swallowed up, spit out and used by the republican machine as just some token black. Got it.


Jun 15, 2012
Carson is literally a brain surgeon, yet he's being swallowed up, spit out and used by the republican machine as just some token black. Got it.

Colin Powell was literally a 5 Star General and being considered as a VP or Presidential candidate. Ask him about being chewed up and spit out by the republican machine.

Then ask him who he voted for the last 2 elections.


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
Well this just seems to be par for the course for Carson nowadays...he is being overexposed on all if these right wing TV and radio shows so he is saying things with a heavy dose of hyperbole thrown in and that results in his comparing homosexuality to beastiality and his comments on white liberals. However the more overarching point is a valid one and if he would have just added "some" and removed "most" and "biggest" there would likely be no arguing with his point.
So I am probably just more interested in discussing the existence of white liberal racism than I am in going over the indelicate way that Carson says stuff.

But he didn't do this for a reason :heh:


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
Carson is literally a brain surgeon, yet he's being swallowed up, spit out and used by the republican machine as just some token black. Got it.

The fck are you carrying on about? Are you saying because he is smart, Carson is somehow immune to serious lapses in judgment or being taken advantage of? Im sure if you thought about your statement for 5 seconds, you would realize how ridiculous that is. Brilliant people have done some really bizarre and fcked up sht all throughout mankind's history.

Carson is a great brain surgeon. Thats all we know. That doesnt mean that he isnt susceptible to the pulls of fame fortune and widespread attention, especially when the emotion of religion is incorporated in social explanations. Being a great brain surgeon doesnt mean he's politically and socially literate, and well-adjusted mentally and emotionally. His political commentary leaves a lot to be desired. The guy is making provably false statements all over the place (all serious racist movements are decidedly anti-liberal, period).

The Real

May 8, 2012
but this isnt the world of tell all, its the world of investigative journalism and you can see he's written books on the FBI and CIA, i think you are confused about what type of book this is

Am I? The book primarily concerns itself with sex lives, embarrassing stories, favorite beers, etc...

Why don't I paste in some reviews for this book:

From Publishers Weekly
In this tabloid-sounding account, Kessler (The FBI) has aimed very low, armed with "inside information" provided by presidential aides, servants, staff members and Secret Service agents that has the ring of backstairs gossip. He shows Lyndon Johnson as a vulgar megalomaniac, Nixon as almost pathologically shut in, Carter as a petty nitpicker, Reagan as dominated by his icy wife, Bush as barely able to tolerate people en masse and Clinton as such a compulsive womanizer as to make Jack Kennedy seem celibate. From the chief executive on down, virtually everyone at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., he concludes, falls victim to "presidentitis" and abuses power. The only question left unanswered is, what's new here?

Third party reviews from Amazon:

"More focus on the interactions between the President and staff, senior staff and junior staff, etc., would have provided insight in the the inner workings of the White House. However, the focus was on sweeping old skeletons from the walk-in closets. I understand the intent was to show the human frailty of any person who inhabits the office - but mix in a few good stories and show some balance. I must say - it was entertaining reading. There was shock value, and some old rumors were made to sound more credible."

"This book keeps your attention, but the section on Clinton is so overtly biased that it calls in to question everything else in the book. Not only is it extremely slanted, but the author spends a disproportionate amount of time picking apart Clinton regardless of what he does, and commenting on his policy. Also, interestingly, the author paints an overwhelmingly bad picture of the democratic presidents since Johnson, and a generally favorable picture of the republican presidents in such a consistent and emphatic way that it seems unlikely that it is really accurate, particularly once he gets going on Clinton."

"Johnson's part was hilarious. I was crying with laughter. But the rest of the book was boring, just a bunch of gossip. No juicy details. No funny lines. And definitely anti-Democrats. "

"Kessler really wants to be a hard-hitting reporter; he takes on the government at every chance he gets, the CIA, the FBI and now the President. Unfortunately with this book he tended to pick the low hanging fruit and gave us more of the same old stuff, the "shocking but true" and the "they don't want you to find out" info."

"This one isn't worth your time. It's pumped full out of hot air and is totally dated besides. "

"I'll admit, this is a gossipy, trashy book. I'll admit Kessler's writing style is uneven - he often jumps topics with little warning. But I'll also admit I couldn't put this book down - and it really made me think about the too-high standards we often set for presidential candidates."

"...Sleazy? Yes. Entertaining? Yes, to a point. Many flawed men have served as president, but many of Kessler's sources come off as bitter and possibly unreliable"

"As someone who has read a few of Kessler's books and loved them, this one was a complete disaster. I only give it one star for the tiny tidbits of sparsely scattered real information in this book, but that's certainly not worth the amount of money I had to pay for it."

"The book was primarily gossipy and offered little that I have not heard or read before. I expected more insight and little known aspects of the presidents covered in the book than what I got. "

"I looked forward to reading this book. However, it was very gossipy and anecdotal and most of all, Ronald Kessler seemed to devote every third page to the favourite menus of each president. Still, an entertaining read. "

"Rumors, innuendo, and speculation. Terrible editing and direction. This book is a mess. Thank goodness I got this off the bargain rack."

"He dwells at length on the sexual escapades of the Presidents, crediting almost every rumor as true (somehow exempting Bush)... What really brands this book as glorified gossip-mongering is the very lengthy digression into Clinton's supposed sexual wanderings with Flowers and others _as governor of Arkansas"

"IF you're interested in a poorly edited, gossip-filled, unreferenced, non-sourced book, then this is for you. Kessler drops innuendos and rumors throughout the pages, with very few sources or substantiation given."

yeah the onus is on you, unless you are a conspiracy theorist, i dont want to go back and forth but keesler is a legit author in terms of washington, i dont have any reason to doubt the quote

You're making an argument from authority. But as the reviews above (and just reading the book) show, in this case, it is not a strong argument. Kessler clearly meant this book to be a work of sensationalism and gossip- just look at the subtitle. You can't simply extrapolate from his other works that this one is the same.

johnson is known to say ******, so that quote is consistent with the way johnson was known to talk

Yes, I know he used the word. That's not enough to verify the quote, though. Even the contexts of the two quotes are wildly different. At the end of the day, though, I was calling out the poster for relying on unsubstantiated evidence, not defending Johnson.

CACtain Planet

The Power is YOURS!
May 1, 2012
CACness Aberdeen
So you agree that he is a token if he is serving an agenda?

I'd never heard of Carson until earlier this year. A quick glance at his rise to media fame includes:

Lecturing the President on the Economy at the National Prayer Breakfast

Spouting Republican talking points about Gay Marriage

Reciting the Alan West talking point that equates the Dems with a plantation

Obviously he's being given all this air time to espouse his opinions for the fun of it. No agenda. When has anyone at FoxNews or Hannity in particular ever had an agenda? I mean it'd be out there if there was any correlation between Obama taking office and:

The rise and fall of Micheal B-Boy Stance Steele
The de-funding of ACORN
Voter ID requirements & early voting restrictions
Herman Cain/ Alan West/ Ben Carson

None of these steps address the policy issues that created the racial gap between the two parties. Things are getting desperate out here. Whats next a Black Mormon woman and Cuban Wiz Khalifa fan?

Can you read :upsetfavre:.... I said in order for him to be a token there would have to be a tangible policy that he is being used for to affect the black community.. We know since Obama has endorsed gay marriage support for it in the black community has shifted, although we are still diametrically opposed to it... What policy agenda is Dr. Ben Carson being used for again?