Those accomplishments are exactly why the Republicans are using him as a token. They are not mutually exclusive.
How are the Republicans using him exactly? Him speaking his mind is deemed by you as "being used?"
Those accomplishments are exactly why the Republicans are using him as a token. They are not mutually exclusive.
How are the Republicans using him exactly? Him speaking his mind is deemed by you as "being used?"
Is a black man entitled to be conservative in your eyes?
Its just bizarrely closed minded.
How are the Republicans using him exactly? Him speaking his mind is deemed by you as "being used?"
He's being used for the reasons people already stated in this thread. There's a big difference between being a vocal Black conservative and doing what this man has been doing the past few weeks. And of course Black people are entitled to be Conservative.
He is speaking on radio shows that play to a predominantly white supremacist audience. How is that not being used??
And your grandfather has a valid point, I just don't think Carson's comment compliments it. Covert racist and white liberal racist are not synonymous. In fact, I'd say most covert racists lean right today.
Your grandfather lived in a time of overt Strom Thurmond racism. You don't see that much today outside of st0rmfr0nt, youtube, and other websites that substitute for white sheets. A perfect example of a covert racist would be ironically the man largely responsible for Carson's recent media exposure, Sean Hannity. He would never admit he has a racist bone in his body and would respond in anger and outrage if he was accused of it. But Hal Turner, reputed white supremacist who was friends with him before he blew up and had to distance himself from, said Hannity shares many of his views in private and he knows because he told him.
So we can discuss white liberal paternalism toward blacks or closet racist white liberals. But by sitting there and saying white liberals are the BIGGEST racists, which is ahistorical and dubious (I'm being nice by saying dubious) while talking to a racist whose ilk represent the vestiges of Jim Crow, and who offers up a plate of sensationalized centuries old race-based fear red meat for his audience on national tv every night while saying nothing about that and allowing himself to be used as a tool in that purpose, he has no credibility.
No one's giving line items for Carson to talk about. These are his own thoughts
The guy just happens to be extremely successful and has been given the platform to speak his mind on tv/radio.
He's not being used.
Ben Carson is just another example of the Republican Party's clumsy attempts to attract black voters by parading around a successful black man, even though his political skills leave a lot to be desired.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but that quote refers to him starting social programs and such for minorities right?
He's being used for the reasons people already stated in this thread. There's a big difference between being a vocal Black conservative and doing what this man has been doing the past few weeks. And of course Black people are entitled to be Conservative.
Are you not looking at the same graph that I am? In the late 1950s, the number of Blacks in poverty was over 40 million. By the early 70s, directly following LBJ's great society programs, that number was reduced to under 25 million. Thats a significant bit of economic phenomenon in such a short amount of time, especially when you consider that there were far fewer black people in the 1950s, yet there were 40 million in poverty when as you say "the black family was intact". In addition, these numbers are controlled for recessions.
And all you have to do is follow your rhetoric through to see how racist it is. Again welfare gives women and blacks "perverse incentive to throw their men out"...Do you realize how ridiculous that is in theory? Black mothers would rather live on the margins thru the subsistence of welfare, than have a healthy happy, prosperous family? Are black people animals? Welfare is an effect, its not a cause my man.
Isnt Obama being used by the white liberal elite to further their agenda? (gay rights, AFRICOM, merit pay in k-12 education, abortion)
lol because its his choice to speak on these stations. No one's forcing him.
And what?
Its a shared agenda and most of it is in the party platform. Obama, as an elected official IS a token for the CAC Liberal Establishment