Being a free man means that I have the freedom and obligation to make my own decisions. Not just when it comes down to what type of car I drive or what I am going to wear for the day, but with regards to every part of my life.
Because of the unwavering support that the Democratic party has received from the black community over the last few decades, I sometimes feel like there is a certain level of entitlement that Democrats feel when it comes down to black people's votes... I feel like Democratic leaders forget our votes are earned.
I don't feel like like this happened accidentally or because of some conspiracy (even though either of these is possible)... In my opinion we LET ourselves get to this point. Somewhere along the line we forgot that the only reason that we vote for these so-called leaders is because of WHAT THEY DO FOR OUR COMMUNITIES... not because they are Democrats.
And just like us, our leaders forgot that we vote for them not because we are black, but because of what we expect from them.
Actions become habits and it has become a habit for most black people to vote for the Democratic Party. Habits lead to expectations and Democrat leaders expect to get our votes just because they are Democrats...
The problem is when you expect me to behave a certain way just because I am black, and go the extra mile to affect my decision you are being racist. And when I LET your actions and expectation affect what I do, how I live my life, or who I choose to vote for, I am CHOOSING to fall victim to your racism...When I look at the actions of the Democratic party and the so called liberal media, I feel like they can be seen as racist.
I say all of that to say this...I can understand why Dr. Carson is saying what he is saying. When it comes to black people in politics specifically, Democrats tend to be more racist than Republicans. They expect me to behave a certain way, but more importantly, they make a concerted effort to make sure that I behave that way.
What are some methods they use? Well... just look through this thread. If you say you are black and claim to be a Republican, you are mocked and called names. In reality a free man of any race or nationality should be able to make his own decisions when it comes to any issue...And his decisions should be respected.
The so called liberal media uses more advanced techniques.... Networks like NBC and CNN don't try to control what you do by resorting to calling you names or making fun of you. Instead they make a concerted effort to make sure that you have as little information on important topics as possible. On the other hand they have endless hours of programming that is intended to appeal to your emotions...And if you aren't careful emotions can and will cloud your judgement.
Just to give an example of what I mean, let's look at a recent hot-topic in the media, the assault weapons bill and the recent mass shootings around the country. These tragic and disheartening situations were covered endlessly by every major network. Despite this endless coverage and despite the millions of people that tune in to watch every day and night, the average viewer doesn't know the most basic facts about the issues (What is an assault weapon? What is the difference between an assault weapon and an assault rifle?) And in most cases, this same viewer will have a solidified opinion about the issue. Opinion without facts is always a dangerous thing.
The thing is, white people that watch Fox News are victims of the same "racism" that black people fall victim to. Matter of fact, I don't even think it should be called racism. It's just really really powerful people trying to control your actions by any means necessary. Racism, sexism, and all these other isms are simply tools that are used.
At the end of the day our actions are all that we really have. Over the last few decades, I feel like the American people have lost sight of this fact. By LETTING these powerful outside forces influence our decisions (inaction is form action), we are CHOOSING to give up our most basic rights as human beings.