White bernie-bro purity leftists are attacking hardworking black politicians


Last Time That I Checc'd......
May 1, 2012
She was the Attorney General of the largest state in the country, what did you motherfukkers expect?

I didn't expect a woman who attempts to portray herself as some sort of liberal or progressive to have allowed fraudsters to have escaped justice for more than 1,000 illegal acts , while either ordering or incompetently allowing her office to pursue a policy of keeping prisoners, a disproportionate amount of whom are probably black by the way, incarcerated, for their cheap labor. She herself has also referred to this as a form of "indentured servitude", but hey maybe my standards are too high. :troll: :manny:

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Prove it.

I'm not seeing any of this data.

Her job is to enforce the laws of the state.

If you wanted someone to change those laws, you should have asked her to run for state house/governor/etc.

Now she's in a position to fix those laws in a higher office...and she's made it apart of her platform

Ironically, the "establishment" allows the sort of Bernie-wing to exist.

Bernie consistently attacks people from larger and more important regions.

Thats what pisses me off. He can literally afford to be the white far left socialist and have no responsibility to deliver on any of it for his constituents.

Kamala Harris can't do that. Cory Booker can't do that. Patrick couldn't do that. Obama couldn't do that.

And they damn sure can't be BLACK and do it.

They represent states with huge cities, massive economies, and far ranging social and political circumstances and consequences.

They toe the line out of survival, not passion.

Bernie is from a state so small its barely a suburb of a major city in terms of population with an apathetic population not facing any real problems, threats, or concerns.

Bail reform and weed is just for Blacks now? Good damn you are a fukking disgrace. fukking stooge

Who needs reparations and laws to benefit Black people, you got weed nikkas, ENJOY! You got to have a half a mil liquid and legal tender/credit just to start a weed dispenser.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I didn't expect a woman who attempts to portray herself as some sort of liberal or progressive to have allowed fraudsters to have escaped justice for more than 1,000 illegal acts , while either ordering or incompetently allowing her office to pursue a policy of keeping prisoners, a disproportionate amount of whom are probably black by the way, incarcerated, for their cheap labor. She herself has also referred to this as a form of "indentured servitude", but hey maybe my standards are too high. :troll: :manny:
1. Prosecution of financial crimes is very difficult. I'm going to recommend a book. If you have any sense, you'll read it.

2. Yeah, prisoners in cali is a big problem. Her job is to prosecute crimes, not to handle low level bullshyt i.e. most of the reason black people are locked up. If you want to change that, change the laws.

3. She's in the senate, i.e. a place to change laws. Before now, she wasn't.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Bail reform and weed is just for Blacks now? Good damn you are a fukking disgrace. fukking stooge

Who needs reparations and laws to benefit Black people, you got weed nikkas, ENJOY! You got to have a half a mil liquid and legal tender/credit just to start a weed dispenser.
You'll never get reparations.

But weren't you just bytching about bail reform and weed arrests?

Whats it gonna be?

Who do you hate more? Yourself or republicans?


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
You are literally spewing the same shyt constantly and act like folks are criticizing these politicians because of their race when critiques are all policy based. The game y'all are playing with this is why people who don't follow politics like that check out.

So yea. fukk outta here. Especially while y'all act like y'all have exclusive rights to speak for minorities of all kinds. Same ol same ol.
I'm glad you check out...it keeps you from getting shyt done because you keep avoiding the real answers and avoiding the hard work of changing anything.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
And you never answered the question

in a primary where less than 9% of the country took part in the primary?
The one Bernie lost?
in a primary she rigged?
she didn't rig it
in a primary where she was given every advantage known to man?
That she won?
in a primary where the more she talked, the more her poll numbers sank?
The American public are idiots
in a primary that excluded left-leaning independents in an act of voter suppression?
This did not happen
In a general where she lost nearly the entire midwest?
In a general where she didn't have the sense to campaign in the midwest?
She should have done more of this.
in the general where she tried to court bush-era Neocons instead of progressives?
Its called bipartisanship.
In the general where she chose Tim Kaine and depressed her own base even further?
because you all like flashing lights and lies more than sensible pragmatic individuals.
In the general where Bernie Sanders was up 10% on avg. on trump, while Hillary barely managed to stay 2% on avg?
is that why he lost the primary? Fair and square?
The same Hillary Clinton that would STILL lose to donald Trump if the election was held AGAIN?! (according to a recent poll)
Adult idiots get to vote.
Isn't the fact that corporate dems lost 1000 seats over the last 8 years in addition to the general Hillary just lost more of an indication that the centrist democrat is not the direction the country needs to go?

people vote against their interests all the time, oh and in the last decade more people left the suburbs to go back to cities.


Apr 30, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
I'm glad you check out...it keeps you from getting shyt done because you keep avoiding the real answers and avoiding the hard work of changing anything.
I didn't say I check out. I'm avoiding what real answers. You addressed almost nothing I've said in here but keep going. Whatever helps you live.


Don Homer

Molto Bene
Aug 25, 2013
The one Bernie lost?
she didn't rig it
That she won?
The American public are idiots
This did not happen
She should have done more of this.
Its called bipartisanship.
because you all like flashing lights and lies more than sensible pragmatic individuals.
is that why he lost the primary? Fair and square?
Adult idiots get to vote.

people vote against their interests all the time, oh and in the last decade more people left the suburbs to go back to cities.
LMAO so many excuses. I wouldn't be surprised if you voted for Trump the way you disregard and dismiss facts

if you really don't think the primary was rigged, you didn't pay attention

you offer a lot of sad excuses (the american people are stupid)

doesn't change the fact that the last 8 years show that Clintonism is dead. Clintonism has caused the dems to have theleast amount of power they've had since the 1920's. This is where you're pragmatism gets you.

You're clearly just dodging the facts, but most people in America aren't buying it. Sure you can say everyone is dumb, but just know you're in the minority

The fact that you're thread has gotten so much resistance shows how incorrect you are.

The fact that you are actively defending people like Kamala harris, who have ruined generations of black lives shows how much of a c00n you are (if you are black)

Either way, cut it out. You lost this one :camby:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I didn't say I check out. I'm avoiding what real answers. You addressed almost nothing I've said in here but keep going. Whatever helps you live.

You want perfect black politicians without accepting what black politicians go through getting to where they are.

You wanna be a black female AG...in California? You gonna have to climb that ladder

You wanna be governor of Massachusetts? CLIMB THAT LADDER

You want to be mayor of Newark AND NJ senator? CLIMB THAT fukkIN LADDER

You all are such disrespectful c*nts its amazing how you manage to look yourselves in the mirrors.

We barely have black people in the senate.

We barely have a CBC which does anything...and you ungrateful b*stards would side with these white far left jackasses who disrespect the handful of black leaders who try to do whats best for us as often as they can???

Its no surprise all the far left idols you cherish are white. They can afford to become that and not lose their political capital.

You fukkers have NO regard for tactics, strategy, or political acumen.

You're a whiny child masquerading as a young adult.


Real N Quotes

East Is In The House OMG
Jun 10, 2012

Why leftists don't trust Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and Deval Patrick
The contest for control of the Democratic Party between left and center is continuing apace. The latest battleground is over a handful of minority Democrats being groomed by the centrist establishment to run for office: Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), and former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick.

If the center wants to win over a suspicious left, they can start by clearly explaining their policy orientation, particularly in areas where they might have fallen short by the supposed standards of the modern Democratic Party — which all three of the above candidates have done in various ways. If they want to deepen divisions, they can use cynical accusations of bigotry to try to beat back any leftist challenger.

Let's take each in turn. The former attorney general of California, Harris is mistrusted by the left mostly because of her roots as a prosecutor. The Black Lives Matter movement has put anyone with law enforcement history under close scrutiny, and California's criminal justice system is notoriously brutal (though it has improved recently). While she is obviously no Jeff Sessions, Harris has sometimes displayed a rather Hillary Clinton-esque tendency to say the right thing but not follow through in a vigorous way. Most notoriously, she refused to prosecute Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin's old company OneWest for numerous instances of almost certain illegal foreclosure, against the advice of her own Consumer Law Section, and has so far refused to say why. (She was also the only Senate Democratic candidate to get a donation from Mnuchin himself in 2016.)

Booker is mistrusted because of his ties to Wall Street. Most notoriously, when President Obama attacked Mitt Romney during the 2012 campaign for his long career as a bloodsucking financial parasite, buying up companies only to strip their assets and drive them into bankruptcy, Booker defended Bain Capital on Meet the Press. Why? Because New Jersey is just across the river from Manhattan and both parties are drowning in Wall Street cash.

Patrick is least trusted of all because he actually works for Bain Capital as a managing director. If he were to run for president, as Obama's inner circle is apparently urging him to, President Trump would just have to copy-paste Obama's 2012 ads.

In other words, there are quite substantive reasons why a leftist might not trust any of those candidates. The probably accurate perception that all three candidates are being groomed by the same big-money donors that clustered around Hillary Clinton will only deepen the divide, because it suggests that — like pro-union rules, or the public option in ObamaCare — any adoption of Sanders-style proposals are mostly bait to be cast aside when it comes time to actually pass something.

If they want to win over the left — and Harris, who has expressed at least mild support for tuition-free public college (for families with income less than $140,000), a $15 minimum wage, expanded Social Security, and Medicare for all, would probably be the most credible person to attempt this — they need to first explain their recent history.

Second, and perhaps more importantly, they need to make a symbolic rhetorical break with the despised donor class. The left generally likes Elizabeth Warren because she ferociously criticizes Wall Street and corporate abuse. Adopting a harsh anti-economic elite line will reassure young Sanders Democrats that anti-establishment policies aren't just window dressing. Meanwhile, steps like refusing to take PAC money and running mostly on small donors will signal independence from the donor class (and as Sanders discovered, might actually lead to a gusher of campaign cash).

But if they just want to have a retread of the 2015-16 primary, the center could just try to win dirty. The left, they might say (working hand-in-glove with sympathetic columnists), just doesn't like minority or female candidates because they are racist and sexist.

I would bet quite a lot of money the centrist Democratic establishment will opt for the latter strategy. Indeed, some are already doing so — like Neera Tanden, head of the Center for American Progress, elite Democrats' in-house think tank.

That would be pretty rich coming from the crowd that shamelessly leveraged Islamophobia to keep Keith Ellison — probably the left's second-most trusted politician, after Bernie Sanders — out of the chair of the Democratic National Committee. Indeed, in other forums the left is simultaneously being criticized for being too sympathetic to radical Muslim and black activists. On Tuesday the neoconservative Bari Weiss lambasted leftists for, among other things, associating with the Muslim activist Linda Sarsour (for being anti-Zionist) and cast their praise of the exiled black radical Assata Shakur as love of a cop-killer — conveniently neglecting to mention that the reason people support her is their belief that she was framed for the murder.

That extraordinarily cheap attack at least has the actual history of social justice activism straight, in which the left has long been leading the charge and centrists following (often very far) behind.

At any rate, if I had to guess, I'd say we're in for a rather bitter fight for supremacy over the Democratic Party between big money elites on one side and Sanders Democrats on the other. But for actual individuals like Harris, it's worth considering the extremely weakened state of the party elite compared to 2013. Clinton's defeat completely shattered the elite's reputation for competence, and they will have a muchharder time beating back a left-wing challenger in 2020. Even on purely tactical grounds, it probably makes more sense to permanently throw one's lot in with the left.

None of them would beat Trump :mjlol: