You want perfect black politicians without accepting what black politicians go through getting to where they are.
You wanna be a black female California? You gonna have to climb that ladder
You wanna be governor of Massachusetts? CLIMB THAT LADDER
You want to be mayor of Newark AND NJ senator? CLIMB THAT fukkIN LADDER
You all are such disrespectful c*nts its amazing how you manage to look yourselves in the mirrors.
We barely have black people in the senate.
We barely have a CBC which does anything...and you ungrateful b*stards would side with these white far left jackasses who disrespect the handful of black leaders who try to do whats best for us as often as they can???
Its no surprise all the far left idols you cherish are white. They can afford to become that and not lose their political capital.
You fukkers have NO regard for tactics, strategy, or political acumen.
You're a whiny child masquerading as a young adult.

This Bernie wing side only being white thing is all about invalidating any left of the Dems critics. It's all you have and it completely erases all of the folks of color that critique the Democrats.
Nothing but

It's never ok to criticize any establishment pick I guess. During before after. Nope you just can't. Got ya. Have a nice day.