Which one of you coli wolfs put sotomayors grandma house on craigslist?

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
The fact that he parades it around for his own benefit.

Ratchet behavior does not effect me or my family. But the negative stereotypes his videos reinforce do.

If we as a people want to address the behavior we have to address the causes for it, not attack our own people. We have enough outside people doing that, we don't need to help them.

You didn't answer the question bruh? :comeon:
I think that more black folks should turn our noses up at some of the ratchet behavior that goes on in our communities. We should shame some of that shyt instead of embracing it.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
You didn't answer the question bruh? :comeon:
I think that more black folks should turn our noses up at some of the ratchet behavior that goes on in our communities. We should shame some of that shyt instead of embracing it.

You are missing the point, it's not about shaming or embracing anything. TS is no better than worldstar. He gives ratchet behavior a platform to exist on, so the ratchets continue existing.

They don't watch their videos on worldstar or TS and get embarrassed. They are proud of that shyt. That's why they always pull out a camera and say "worldstaaaaarrrrr". If you continue to show and promote their behavior they will continue to act that way.

If we really want to do something about it we should be attacking the route causes, not the people.

What you fail to understand is that by "turning your nose up" at them, your only turning it up at yourself. To the rest of the world there is no distinguishing between Ronnie Lott and one of the ratchets in the videos. So it's in your best interest to not only address the problems within your communty, but to do it in a way that we all stand TOGETHER for a better future instead of trying to DIVIDE us. It is OUR community from the good to the bad. Quit trying to point these people out cause in reality your only pointing yourself out.


Dec 31, 2012
You are missing the point, it's not about shaming or embracing anything. TS is no better than worldstar. He gives ratchet behavior a platform to exist on, so the ratchets continue existing.

They don't watch their videos on worldstar or TS and get embarrassed. They are proud of that shyt. That's why they always pull out a camera and say "worldstaaaaarrrrr". If you continue to show and promote their behavior they will continue to act that way.

If we really want to do something about it we should be attacking the route causes, not the people.

What you fail to understand is that by "turning your nose up" at them, your only turning it up at yourself. To the rest of the world there is no distinguishing between Ronnie Lott and one of the ratchets in the videos. So it's in your best interest to not only address the problems within your communty, but to do it in a way that we all stand TOGETHER for a better future instead of trying to DIVIDE us. It is OUR community from the good to the bad. Quit trying to point these people out cause in reality your only pointing yourself out.



May 1, 2012
You are missing the point, it's not about shaming or embracing anything. TS is no better than worldstar. He gives ratchet behavior a platform to exist on, so the ratchets continue existing.

They don't watch their videos on worldstar or TS and get embarrassed. They are proud of that shyt. That's why they always pull out a camera and say "worldstaaaaarrrrr". If you continue to show and promote their behavior they will continue to act that way.

If we really want to do something about it we should be attacking the route causes, not the people.

What you fail to understand is that by "turning your nose up" at them, your only turning it up at yourself. To the rest of the world there is no distinguishing between Ronnie Lott and one of the ratchets in the videos. So it's in your best interest to not only address the problems within your communty, but to do it in a way that we all stand TOGETHER for a better future instead of trying to DIVIDE us. It is OUR community from the good to the bad. Quit trying to point these people out cause in reality your only pointing yourself out.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
You are missing the point, it's not about shaming or embracing anything. TS is no better than worldstar. He gives ratchet behavior a platform to exist on, so the ratchets continue existing.

They don't watch their videos on worldstar or TS and get embarrassed. They are proud of that shyt. That's why they always pull out a camera and say "worldstaaaaarrrrr". If you continue to show and promote their behavior they will continue to act that way.

If we really want to do something about it we should be attacking the route causes, not the people.

What you fail to understand is that by "turning your nose up" at them, your only turning it up at yourself. To the rest of the world there is no distinguishing between Ronnie Lott and one of the ratchets in the videos. So it's in your best interest to not only address the problems within your communty, but to do it in a way that we all stand TOGETHER for a better future instead of trying to DIVIDE us. It is OUR community from the good to the bad. Quit trying to point these people out cause in reality your only pointing yourself out.

So let me ge this straight, you think that because people like TS and worldstar put up videos of ratchet behavior, is the reason why these types of actions happen :what: People have been doin ratchet bullshyt long before youtube/worldstar or a cel phone even existed. So stop blamin other people for the IGNANT actions of rathet individals. If TS never existed, do u really believe that Waffle house fights and weave theft wouldn't happen? :why:

Cmon fam, u are blamin the wrong people. Your focus is on the wrong shyt. Only thing I will agree with u is the fact that we do need solutions, but we should never make excuses for some of the behavior that some black people do

You seem to have more of a problem with TS and worldstar than the actual ratchet behavior in these videos. If ratchet behavior didn't exist, then worldstar and TS wouldn't have any material right?

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
His actions caused this? what making videos? we dont have a 1st amendment. :wtf:

ive seen nazis and skinhead make WAY more offensive videos and nikkas dont do shyt. you got police officers practically ruining lives and no one goes looking for their family. blacks see other blacks as easy targets. plain and simple.

if we put the same effort we do on other blacks, toward the system, we'd instantly get out of poverty and have solid communities.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
So let me ge this straight, you think that because people like TS and worldstar put up videos of ratchet behavior, is the reason why these types of actions happen :what: People have been doin ratchet bullshyt long before youtube/worldstar or a cel phone even existed. So stop blamin other people for the IGNANT actions of rathet individals. If TS never existed, do u really believe that Waffle house fights and weave theft wouldn't happen? :why:

I'm not saying the behavior wouldn't exist. I'm saying the videos reinforce the behavior. They like the fact that they are on worldstar. They like the fact that they can broadcast their ratchetness around the world. So they continue to do it. Plenty of fights are set up for the sole purpose of taping it and putting it on worldstar. Plenty of people would rather video tape a fight then to actually step in a diffuse the problem. Why? It's because they want their 10 seconds of fame and TS/worldstar gives them that.

Cmon fam, u are blamin the wrong people. Your focus is on the wrong shyt. Only thing I will agree with u is the fact that we do need solutions, but we should never make excuses for some of the behavior that some black people
Not once did I make an excuse. There are REASONS for the behavior and until the reasons are addressed the behavior won't stop.

My focus is on the causes of the problem. Like I've said plenty of time on here. I'm the one thats actually out with these people. Talking to them, helping them. Seeing their problems and motivations first hand. All you dudes sitting behind a computer screen watching TS really have no clue what goes on in these neighborhoods. You have fallen for the stereotypes just like a white person has. They got you wanting to turn your nose up at your own people.

You seem to have more of a problem with TS and worldstar than the actual ratchet behavior in these videos. If ratchet behavior didn't exist, then worldstar and TS wouldn't have any material right?
What is the problem with ratchet behavior? Why should we as a people care about it?

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
You are missing the point, it's not about shaming or embracing anything. TS is no better than worldstar. He gives ratchet behavior a platform to exist on, so the ratchets continue existing.

They don't watch their videos on worldstar or TS and get embarrassed. They are proud of that shyt. That's why they always pull out a camera and say "worldstaaaaarrrrr". If you continue to show and promote their behavior they will continue to act that way.

If we really want to do something about it we should be attacking the route causes, not the people.

What you fail to understand is that by "turning your nose up" at them, your only turning it up at yourself. To the rest of the world there is no distinguishing between Ronnie Lott and one of the ratchets in the videos. So it's in your best interest to not only address the problems within your communty, but to do it in a way that we all stand TOGETHER for a better future instead of trying to DIVIDE us. It is OUR community from the good to the bad. Quit trying to point these people out cause in reality your only pointing yourself out.

How the hell can u tell me to not point "those people" out? :what: How am I wrong for pointin bullshyt out? Some of y'all nyggaz hate to call bullshyt out and will protect and defend the actions of ratchets at all costs. I ain't pointin myself out, because I ain't out in the streets doin bullshyt.

You need to speak to the nyggaz that's fightin at the gatdamn waffle house and fightin on the bus and shyt. Them nyggaz are the ones that are dividing the black community. The nyggaz that are out here literally destroyin the community are the ones "dividing" black people. But somehow dues like u hate to criticize that shyt, u would rather defend it. :snoop: Its pretty sad

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
His actions caused this? what making videos? we dont have a 1st amendment. :wtf:

ive seen nazis and skinhead make WAY more offensive videos and nikkas dont do shyt. you got police officers practically ruining lives and no one goes looking for their family. blacks see other blacks as easy targets. plain and simple.

if we put the same effort we do on other blacks, toward the system, we'd instantly get out of poverty and have solid communities.

This is exactly what I keep sayin. But these psuedo fake black militants keep tryin to shoot it down. Nyggaz are so gatdamn quick to bash their own, kill their own, rob their own etc, but give the white man a pass

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
I'm not saying the behavior wouldn't exist. I'm saying the videos reinforce the behavior. They like the fact that they are on worldstar. They like the fact that they can broadcast their ratchetness around the world. So they continue to do it. Plenty of fights are set up for the sole purpose of taping it and putting it on worldstar. Plenty of people would rather video tape a fight then to actually step in a diffuse the problem. Why? It's because they want their 10 seconds of fame and TS/worldstar gives them that.

Not once did I make an excuse. There are REASONS for the behavior and until the reasons are addressed the behavior won't stop.

My focus is on the causes of the problem. Like I've said plenty of time on here. I'm the one thats actually out with these people. Talking to them, helping them. Seeing their problems and motivations first hand. All you dudes sitting behind a computer screen watching TS really have no clue what goes on in these neighborhoods. You have fallen for the stereotypes just like a white person has. They got you wanting to turn your nose up at your own people.

What is the problem with ratchet behavior? Why should we as a people care about it?

I can't believe u just asked "what's the problem with ratchet behavior" :snoop:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
How the hell can u tell me to not point "those people" out? :what: How am I wrong for pointin bullshyt out? Some of y'all nyggaz hate to call bullshyt out and will protect and defend the actions of ratchets at all costs. I ain't pointin myself out, because I ain't out in the streets doin bullshyt.
Show me where I have protected or defended anything:popcorn:

Put it this way. If a family member of yours was acting up and needed some help. Would you approach that person and call their behavior out face to face. Or would you broadcast it on Facebook for everyone to see?

Which do you think would be more effective in helping your family member?

You need to speak to the nyggaz that's fightin at the gatdamn waffle house and fightin on the bus and shyt. Them nyggaz are the ones that are dividing the black community. The nyggaz that are out here literally destroyin the community are the ones "dividing" black people. But somehow dues like u hate to criticize that shyt, u would rather defend it. :snoop: Its pretty sad
Again where have I defended the behavior. Show me one post of me saying its OK.

As for the bolded. Thats what I do EVERYDAY unlike any of you Internet activists. I'm out everyday with these people addressing their problems and showing the the right way. In no way do I condone or endorse the behavior. I give real solutions and real support in order to better our people. People like you and TS promote the bad behavior and indirectly inspire it.