So you saying use higher gear's? I'll try this tomorrow I bet I'm not gonna be able to do 5 miles
There's also the option of finding the happy medium, don't mash your legs so hard that it turns you off from riding, but don't try to spinning so fast that you're barely moving. They say the most efficient cadence is 90rpm, but i prefer high 70's/low 80s and can hold a decent 18mph distance with ease these days. For reference, an 80rpm spin is just slightly faster than one rotation per second. Get up to a comfortable speed and try to find the the lowest gear that you can maintain it with. You should feel just enough resistance that even though you're spinning quickly, you could go faster in the same gear if you were just to spin a little more.
At the end of the day, everyone has their own philosophy, so just find the way that encourages you to ride the most regardless if what youbread online. I'm not even totally sold on what's regarded as the most efficient spin speed as i like to ride with a little resistance myself.
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