Jean toomer
People think it’s sweet watching them boys at Red Hook killing it, but riding in one is a whole different level. There’s a young brother who rides out of Brooklyn who’s a beast. Had a major accident in a crit and fractured his skull. There’s a doc about it on YouTube called The Scar I think. I saw that shyt and was likeI concur with @Jean toomer.
Yep, road bike. I'm use to fast group rides that typically stay in the 24-28mph range but crit racing is a whole different world. Doing the same speeds but you have a bike on your left and a bike on your right trying to get on the wheel in front of you to draft. Basically a game of high speed chicken. So you have to concentrate on not clipping the wheel in front of you while worrying about how crazy are the people beside you.
That shyt freaked me out in the first couple of turns so I backed off. Ended up slipping off the back of the main peloton and got dropped. Felt better my second race and held on a few laps longer.
Overall, fun but definitely a challenge. CAT5 guys sprinting 30-35mph out of corners. I'm more conditioned for endurance riding. I'm going hard on training now to see if I can hang with them boys.

Let me stay in my damn lane on Zwift.
Good luck to you bruh. Cycling is the best way to good long term health.