How sway? I have a tough time getting to 5 miles
Yeah just keep riding.
When I started riding and got my first 10 miles I was like
Mainly because I didn't realize how close everything was in proximity. Your city is completely different on a bike. You realize some places are closer. Some farther.
Then I'd ride 12.5 out and 12.5 back pretty much everyday.
Slowly that increased to about 17.5 out and back everyday. And on days I didn't work I'd ride about 50.
Your body gets acclimated and I don't even get warmed up until about 5 miles in.
Every ride doesn't have to be a race though, sometimes I just ride just to enjoy riding, not worried about speed or how many miles I'm putting in, just enjoying the day, clearing my head.
If you ride the same routes everyday you'll quickly get used to it, the main variable you'll have to worry about is wind. I get some 20 mph gusts and it's tough to ride, but the key is to stay in a higher gear and just push through, rather than a low gear and keep spinning.