When will people accept that Lebron is better/as good as than Jordan

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
Hard to say when you consider that basketball is so psychological. Not saying Bron isn't mentally strong because he has shown this with how he handles all of the scrutiny he gets and by his great playoff performances in elimination scenarios, but how do you compare that to a guy who destroyed people on that plane, and as a result is a six time champion? Additionally, Jordan is a more polished player imo.
Because the Bulls didn't face any great competition in the 90's. The only teams that had the potential to be great that they faced were Seattle and Orlando, both of whom self destructed after 1996 over money issues with kemp and the mcilvane signing and Shaq and the contract dispute with the magic when Los Angeles offered the money he wanted. Every other team either played poor defense or relied way too heavy on one guy for their offense.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Finally, someone arguing something I said. I could give you Jordan slightly better defensively but the margin isn't anything significant. Lebron can completely shutdown almost anyone.

Mike was the original glove and rewrote the best text book on backcourt defense.
from everything from the one on one game to defensive guard blocks to help side behind the back blocks as well.
Including how to steal from a great dribble based player to playing the passing lanes.

Also,..no pip was never better than Jordan defensively, either.

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
Because the Bulls didn't face any great competition in the 90's. The only teams that had the potential to be great that they faced were Seattle and Orlando, both of whom self destructed after 1996 over money issues with kemp and the mcilvane signing and Shaq and the contract dispute with the magic when Los Angeles offered the money he wanted. Every other team either played poor defense or relied way too heavy on one guy for their offense.

The trailblazers were the most complete roster team on paper breh.
The jazz were the Celtics of the eighties in the west during all the eighties and nineties till they got to the finals and the delta center was Boston garden west.
Even down to how lopsided the ref base was in favor of the jazz.
You were not beating the jazz a-typically.
Unless you were a team like the blazers or Lakers, Houston, suns, etc.

You really did not watch basketball and being from Miami and being in the south.
I see already how people are down here.
who did not have a sports team to having one.
So, I know you did not watch enough basketball in the eighties or nineties.
to really say what you are saying, as well.
Which explains the disconnect you have towards the game and taken your username into account.
Mj was your draw in Miami till mourning/shaq/wade/van gundy/pat.
To the point bron had to steal Dr j number and foreshadow the move to Miami.
All because mj's number was already retired as a draw in the heat org and arena with a banner.
You are just speaking from a play of inexperience and completely homer based.
Plus, I am the original bron Stan and now the bron villain.
All because I been watching duke and I know exactly why he is not Jordan cause I saw both and rooted on both.
I stopped rooting on bron cause real talk, he is not Jordan.

Plus, it is difficult after seeing Jordan and seeing bron's shortcomings incomparison to even continue to root for bron.

Bron is not seeing Jordan, period.

Art Barr
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Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
The trailblazers were the most complete roster team on paper breh.
The jazz were the Celtics of the eighties in the west during all the eighties and nineties till they got to the finals and the delta center was Boston garden west.
Even down to how lopsided the ref base was in favor of the jazz.
You were not beating the jazz a-typically.
Unless you were a team like the blazers or Lakers, Houston, suns, etc.

You really did not watch basketball and being from Miami and being in the south.
I see already his people are down here who did not have a sports team to having one.
So, I know you did not watch enough basketball in the eighties or nineties to really say what you are saying, as well.
Which explains the disconnect you have towards the game and taken your username into account.
Mj was your draw in Miami till mourning/shaq/wade/van gundy/pat.
To the point bron had to steal Dr j number and foreshadow the move to Miami.
All because mj's number was already retired as a draw in the heat org and arena with a banner.
You are just speaking from a play of inexperience and completely homer based.
Plus, I am the original.bron Stan and now the bron villain.
All because I been watching duke and I know exactly why he is not Jordan cause I saw both and rooted in both.
I stopped rooting on bron cause real talk, he is not Jordan.

Plus, it is difficult after seeing Jordan and seeing bron's shortcomings incomparison to even continue to root for bron.

Bron is not seeing Jordan, period.

Art Barr
I ain't reading all that gibberish. Terry porter was the second best Portland player and the Blazers shot 10-52 from deep on the series and it still went to the wire in game 6. Karl Malone was the only jazz player to average more than 12 points per game and they cracked 90 once in 12 finals games.

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
So you're 30+ and still have poor reading comprehension and have a hard time getting your point across clearly :why:

The media is more than just ESPN and you watching highlights. The media includes endorsements and such, that don't have anything to do with on court playing ability. There was very smart marketing strategies employed to capitalized on the craze at the time.

The media was never on jordan's dikk.
As a matter of fact the ring argument was created to purposefully keep jordan from being deemed the goat.
Which is why mj made it his focus to win the ship three times in a row twice.

You expose yourself when you talk about the media.
As mj was the original guy crazy sportswriter made a draw off of by dissing a great player skip bayless originally hated mike as well as mariotti who were all pro Krause and were debunked by Jordan exclusively.
The fact bron does not know his actual history bball press wise.
To even know who he potentially was supposed to be is also why he is not the greatest.
As he did not even understand to apply himself fully to study and ramp in basketball IQ.
As the whole idea he is a savant of the game is a lie.
Just like bron lied about watching the godfather.
He lied about watching game film and anyone who watches bron play.
With any knowledge about the game can easily see that bron has no real bball iq.

Art Barr
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Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
I ain't reading all that gibberish. Terry porter was the second best Portland player and the Blazers shot 10-52 from deep on the series and it still went to the wire in game 6. Karl Malone was the only jazz player to average more than 12 points per game and they cracked 90 once in 12 finals games.

This is how I know you do not know who the blazers were.
As cliff Robinson was the next best blazer.
Plus porter was as good an oversized point you could find and his IQ was off the Richter and he still was bested by magic
Plus flanked by buck and duck in the frontcourt

You did not watch the blazers stop it breh.

What you had a satellite before directv with the satellite pen.
What galaxy were the blazers on, my nikka?

Answer that or be quiet?

Art Barr

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
MJ gets the comparison because i think the majority consider him the GOAT, some may like him solely for his on court play but IMO i think there are also a lot of outside factors that go into ppl coming to that conclusion (things other than just on court play).

And yes, as for all time player, taking into account Jordan finished his career with 6 rings and accumulated all the accolades that he did, i think i would put him atop that list if ppl were really forcing me to choose 1 player like that. Thats something that i really dont do tho. The reason being, you have players like Lebron and Kobe and going even before MJ, dominant players, that may not have the titles, but had the physical skillset where they could dominate. Wilt was a monster, and lost to Bill Russell year in and year out (another dominant player of his era, obviously). It really is tough for me to land on 1 player like that. But i know im gonna enjoy watching a guy like Lebron do his thing for years to come because we've never seen a player like this and he is reaching maturity now (had his best season, chance at a title), hes coming into his own, and even with all hes accomplished already (individual awards) plenty more is yet to come...

ight im done lol

edit: Btw i coulda took you the Bill Russell route and said he has more rings but neither your or i saw him play live...I bet you that most old timers out there that saw both would give Russell the nod over MJ.

No they would not ever give Russell the nod over mj.
All because Russell used to get destroyed one on one versus wilt.
Not to mention the Boston garden was cheaters central all day.
They are why people still to this day have the whole idea of the nba still being rigged.
Mj cut out all that Boston garden ref shady rigged bullshyt from ever being real as he defied odds and bookie makers.
Mj was probably the bane of any bookies existance.

You ain't see no mj play for real my nikka.

As the bulls came on sportschannel and wgn only had a few home games.
You needed a satellite with the whole pen setup and all of that to get sportschannel.
So people talking all that I saw him on wgn.
Wgn was not who had all the bulls games, sportschannel did.

So, I know you a lie and anyone else a lie saying they saw mike play like that.
When wgn did not have home games till after the bulls became a hot ticket.
That was some new shyt.
If you ain't live in Chicago in the burbs to get tci for cable you did not see all the bulls games.
You needed a satellite in Chicago to see all the bulls games.
As, tci did not hit the city with cable till much much later in mike's career.
So nikkaz lying with all that I saw mike on wgn shyt,....

Art Barr

Oh, and the nikka who owned and sold tci used to be my boss, and I got on with him because I knew who tci was well after the fact.
Well after he sold it.
I got the job because I was able to give him info on his own company.
I worked for him when he went into the whole online camera security to your cellphone business.

So, don't let me catch you in a lie, either


Omniversal Guardian
May 4, 2012
I'm becoming a fan of Bron and I can admit that he is probably the best player in the NBA today, but he aint ever gonna be better than MJ. That's ok though, I honestly feel he has a good shot at being number 2 if he can get this chip and get a consistent midrange jumper.

I will admit that he is already better than Kobe tho

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
lets be real dude needs to raech larry Legend before beng compared to MJ

As a skill player bron is not better than:

Dr j
Bernard king

Plus since he shirks his natural.
He also reduces his effectiveness and ruins a nightly mismatch.
Which if you were alive during the la Lakers 69-13 season.
Every game the announcers told you about the nightly mismatch the Lakers had via size on paper every game.
Which started at the pg with magic being six.nine.
What does bron do,..
Shirks away from a nightly mismatch on paper.
Then, gravitates to low IQ era bball, just by that move off top.

Art Barr

Also,..james worthy was more effective as an iq player as a forward in championship situations than bron as well.
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The Menace
Apr 30, 2012
Damn...it took Jordan 7 years to reach the finals?

Guess he needed more help...


That Phil Jackson stimulus package...
