When black men say all black women want thugs

G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman

Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
May 12, 2012
You are selling your soul to the game, breh. Exchanging your true identity for p*ssy is despicable. You can get p*ssy without selling yourself out. No man should compromise his character for p*ssy. The pool of women is deep and vast. Therefore, you should be able to find a woman who would like your personality.
Whatever breh. Playing into chics fantasies has its benefits. It's like getting a job by being someone you're not during the interview. We've all done it whether we admit it or not.


Living dead
Mar 2, 2015
So everybody is playing the "only lame dudes say that" line. How is that a point?

If we are all lames, then where the hell are all the lame black women?? Why don't they want a lame dude??

It doesn't add up.

It does add up.
Everyone is looking up when they date. Hardly anyone dates down.
So a lame female ain't lookin for a lame dude...she's lookin for a thug too just like the rest.
I firmly believe that females don't come to their senses until they hit late 20's.
I know without a shadow of a doubt that my wife never would have dated me back in the day.
But when she reached the age of reason...she realized that looks ain't everything and decided to go for stability and reliability....thus me.
Females before late 20's-30's ain't shyt!!!.
That's the main thing I'm teaching my son when he starts dating so his expectations are realistic and he don't become a simpin ass sad sack of shyt fool like I was.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
women like nikkas with MONEY and DANGER

you can thug it out all you want.... if you a broke thug, you can look like chris brown, you ain't getting no bytches.... if you running a cartel, you can look like el chapo and literally marry beauty queens who knows you mass murder people

but yes.... women are attracted to "dangerous" types over some lame nikka sitting in the crib playing video games all day

same way men typically are going to want a more slutty looking woman (IG looking broad in revealing clothes) who likes football rather than a omish dressing woman who watches lifetime all day

motherfukkers want some excitement and sexiness in their life... not "boring"

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
This only applies to hood chicks and even then it's mostly young ones. Even hood chicks want stability when they old and washed.

And y'all went to private schools or magnet schools huh. Cause I went to overbrook 3 of my 4 yrs and it def was "thugs" in that jawn. There were nikkas who literally played dice in the bathroom all day long , gang members (master street), and drug dealers pushing new Lexus coupe to high school like the shyt was normal. Some of them wore coogi and polo and got bytches and some were dirty as shyt and got none :manny:
word.... a lot of these nikkas is exposing themselves

thugs went to school... nikkas was in school, serving nikkas, selling weed in the bathroom, skipping classes to go get high and come back faded, fighting teachers and shyt, getting arrested in school.... all sorts of shyt

and those nikkas kept some bytches TOO

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
These nikkas stupid breh.

They lack the ability to think critically. In here talking about "well he aint a thug for real. Lil Shawn-Shawn aint no thug. I ain't never seen him in no gang or with a gun" :laff: Nikka it aint meant to be taken literally dumbass. When women are young, they want a flashy exciting nikka. That nikka can be a thug. That nikka can be a player. That nikka can be a party boy who rock nothing but, j's and smoke weed every day. That nikka can be the star point guard. Flashy and exciting. Then when women get older, they want a guy they can take home to mom and dad. A guy who can be a husband and a father. And that's when the problems start because the thug, the party boy and the player usually don't make good husbands and fathers :childplease:

These nikkas are on here are beyond stupid breh. And I don't know what school these nikkas went to but, at my school, the players, the street nikkas and the athletes got all the p*ssy. Again. I got p*ssy in high school. I had a girlfriend or a girl I was talking to every year but, I was definitely on the low end to the middle end of the spectrum. I was not considered a top dude like the players, street nikkas and the athletes :whoa: And now we older, surprise surprise some of them nikkas didn't make the transition into successful careers and lives so now, all those chicks aren't as interested in their dusty asses as they were before because now they're on the "find a stable nice guy to settle down with" part of the plan. Exciting guys first, Stable guys later. Bad boys in your 20s, nice guys in your 30s. Alpha fukks, beta bucks. Cads then dads. Nothing new. Nikkas out here denying something that girls have flat out told me to my face :mjlol:

perfect answer right here

and you know what's funny.... the "square" guy never forgets... and he's obviously not stupid either

so when women finally decide they "had enough drama and ain't shyt nikkas" and "want to find a real man"............... that square nikka remembers how he was treated 15 damn years ago

he either ignores your ass cause you now are not on his level of stability... or he plays the game of finally getting that ass that he wanted, while knowing he will NEVER put a ring on your finger, cause you're not on his level anymore

that's when you get that "ALL nikkas ain't shyt... even the ones PRETENDING to be good" speech... that's how you know they finally switched up their preference and got played the same way :francis:


Doctors without Labcoats
May 1, 2012
Payments accepted Obamacare,paypal and livestock
55% of blk women are not single mothers. That's the stats you never get. You only get the percentage of CHILDREN living in single parent homes. NOT THE PERCENTAGE OF BLK WOMEN WHO ARE SINGLE MOMS.

You have to look at raw numbers and calculate those percentages yourself to see just how many blk women in our race are single mothers.

Currently the US has 9 million single mothers. Guess how many of those are blk single mothers? "About two thirds are White, one third Black, one quarter Hispanic."
What's 1/3 of 9 million?
3 MILLION blk single mothers.
OK so far so good...though i dont know why youre extrapolating raw numbers when more precise numbers are available from the census bureau

Out of 24 million blk women, 3 million single mothers. Roughly 1/2 of those were married and now divorced.

Source: Single Mother Statistics — Single Mother Guide

Moreover only half of those 3 million blk single mothers are living in poverty.

Source: Pay Equity and Single Mothers of Color

So once you take away the 1.5 million blk women single mothers who dont fit the bitter blk male narrative and aren't impoverished, you have 1.5 million blk women out of about 18-20 million blk women (I took 4-6 million off for blk female children and older blk women past the age of 45).
:usure: WRONG...these are the errors you get from crude extrapolation...

FIRST mistake most of the Black population is young..and by that i mean below reproductive age so the assumption that there are 24 million potential mothers is wrong

The other issue is the OLD part of the female population 40+ who are still in your numbers...for your numbers to be accurate it must be limited to women 15-35 or so because thats who is having the babies

its far easier to compare say live births to women by year to single mothers vs couples and that paints a disturbing picture as well.

Third error is you are taking the poverty rate calculated by someone else as Gospel...it is flawed..i looked at it and their methodology for calculating income is dubious to say the least.

1.5 out of 18 million other blk women who are the baby boomers for our entire race. While the majority of blk women are single and childless but held accountable in the media for some blk men's obsession with easy, ratchet p*ssy.

People let statistics bamboozle them. When they heard 70% of blk children being borne to OOW homes they automatically thought this was a one-to-one ratio. They automatically assumed these children were being born to 70% of blk women.
You may have a small point that Black single mothers are having slightly MORE children but the bottom line is there are still MORE of them period...the error you made in your extrapolation is this
24 Million women..the women aged 16-35 are the ones in reproductive age and they are roughly 25% of that say roughly 6 million

of these 6 million many will never have children

so if there are 3 million single moms and the data says 55% then it IS accurate

Nope. Not when a large percentage of the single moms actually have multiple children.

But this is the shyt you won't hear in the news and bitter blk dudes are happy to parrot this mess because they need an excuse for romantic failures.

But the overwhelming majority of blk women are childless and our birthrates have declined steadily.

:francis: You may wanna Re check your METHOD ,DATA and ASSUMPTIONS all over again...im afraid it is YOU who has been bamboozled by a propaganda publication

I can understand why they would publish such misleading info...Some people seem to think if you cover up bad news it goes away...unfortunately thats not how life works..Broken families have become the New Normal and they are having MORE children than couples...this is not gonna end well if something drastic doesnt happen.



Sep 6, 2016
FBA hairline
You just gave a 1 to 4 ratio, with those stats I'd say nikkas have a point

25% of your female friends have boyfriends that you'd consider thugs

I'd consider that high, not on any white supremacy shyt, but most white girls have these vanilla ass white boys, maybe 5% of those white boys are thugs, nikkas have a point

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
There are whole sectors and scores of blk women that are virtually invisible to the same blk men complaining about these women's preferences.

These invisible women look and act just like these dudes btw but somehow these dudes think they better than them.

The majority of blk women don't like thugs anymore than the majority of blk men like light-skinned hoes.

The problem is, the women YOU want like thugs. And of course the rest of the blk female population has to pay for YOUR choice to be moist over a chick who prefers a dope boy over you.

You know why you bothered by her preferences? Not b/c all blk women or most blk women have these preferences, but b/c she got a big ass and a Hoover mouf and she decides to use it to gargle thug nut instead of yours. This ain't about you being nice. Because u don't want to treat this blk woman kindly or love her. You actually just mad that you don't get the same sexual opportunities as the trifling nikkas she fukkin and suckin.

This is also why the majority of children in our race are borne to broken homes of a minority of single blk impoverished women. And why these women continue to trap multiple blk baby daddies. 70% percent of blk children born to 20-25% of blk women. Majority of single moms have multiple babies with different fathers.

Ya'll stay caring about the worse elements in our community and projecting that onto all of us.
And after spending your male youth worrying about bytches who like thugs and played ya'll or laughed ur lames asses out of the room, you come to the public sphere to blame the rest of blk women.
The sad and ironic thing is you not even aiming at ur target audience because those bytches who hurt or rejected or ignored ya'll ain't here. Them chicks gon to the next lame ass sucka. Or they married! Lol!

Nope it's the other random blk women who gotta deal with ya'll bitterness.

What the actual fukk. Don't nobody want a damn thug or a player.
Put this shyt to rest and stop parroting stereotypes and excuses for why you having trouble finding and maintaining a stable relationship.

Broken ass record.:camby:
Like I told some other chick earlier today. Blk men ain't the reason why you lonely or bitter. That you.

And the same goes for ya'll.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Ain't no nikka in this world intentionally giving a thot the time of day over a girl that's actually good. Ain't no nikka in this world purposely going out here and cuffing ran through ass females, and placing them over good girls
so who is exactly running through these hoes out here :jbhmm:

how they hoeing and fukking 5-6 nikkas and got nikkas paying their bills, dates, travel plans, etc :jbhmm:


Nov 30, 2015
I know plenty of black women in careers that will openly admit to liking street nikkas :pachaha:foolish to generalize all black women in that category but there's a lot of caping fools acting like there isn't truth to this.

Black women on Internet forums like this isn't a good judge of character because many ain't even open minded enough to find entertainment in a site like this :leostare: