Whats up with this "spiritual" ideology women have these days?


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL

shes says: you could be right

"When youre born you respond to the same energies you were born with, that's why its important to know exactly down to the seconds/minutes when and where you were born"

She says you "should" be very observant and that you are intuitive. She is a gemini ascendant. From her perspective your birth conditions are whats most important


Oct 17, 2012
This sounds just as silly as what you’re calling spirituality. All this God talk is nonsense. Look how religious the black community has been, yet look at the conditions. So God wants this? If so, you’d be stupid to worship a god you say is controlling all of this.
Religion and God are two different things. One is based off energy and the other is man made principles of god.

A Pimp Named Slickback

Apr 22, 2018
Yea you definitely have to tread carefully with this shyt. I find you have to be balanced you always have to have one foot in the world to know how to move and use spirituality as a cheat code.
Bingo. Capital Steez is an example I always use when talking about this. When you are too far deep into the spiritual stuff, you lose your mind and presence in the physical world

Losing your touch in reality never ends well

Long Live Steelo


Oct 17, 2012
Bingo. Capital Steez is an example I always use when talking about this. When you are too far deep into the spiritual stuff, you lose your mind and presence in the physical world

Losing your touch in reality never ends well

It’s that and you start thinking what’s the point of all this shyt and you actually can get depressed with how the world really is.


The Legendary Super Sapien.
May 2, 2012
This belief system and realm is actively discussed and believed in by millions of people. Famous and non famous. Rich and poor. Powerful/influential. The talks and dialogue about "selling your soul". This. Is. Not. A. Metaphor

It's not a game

The reason why this kind of talk is so prevalent in the industry is because the people who KNOW BETTER can only control those who don't. if you con convince people that a soul can be sold and even get people from outside the industry to repeat your bullshyt, you have built a powerful field of influence that will be kept in place by the ignorant.

You CANNOT 'sell your soul'. because you ARE the soul. People seem to think the human animal contains sort of baraining chip you can trade away for riches and that is not the case. The soul contains YOU. This body, this life your experiencing is being projected from the LIGHT that you are.

Now what you can do is get so enmeshed into dogma and self service (the ego is the real devil) that you can experience utter disconnect from source. People do it every day. If you choose your job over your joy you are 'sellling your soul'.

The minute you remember who and what you really are, all of that shyt is null and void.
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A Pimp Named Slickback

Apr 22, 2018
The reason why this kind of talk is so prevalent in the industry is because the people who KNOW BETTER can only control those who don't. if you con convince people that a soul can be sold and even get people from outside the industry to repeat your bullshyt, you have built a powerful field of influence that will be kept in place by the ignorant.

You CANNOT 'sell your soul'. because you ARE the soul. People seem to think the human animal contains sort of baraining chip you can trade away for riches and that is not the case. The soul contains YOU. This body, this life your experiencing is being projected from the LIGHT that you are.

Now what you can do is get so enmeshed into dogma and self service (the ego is the real devil) that you can experience utter disconnect from source. People do it every day. If you choose your job over your joy you are 'sellling your soul'.

The minute your remember who and what you really are, all of that shyt is null and void.
Selling your soul is real. You may not literally give it up. But it's a commitment to live for satan. Be of service for him and influencing. Generally speaking


My Darling was literally his conversation with satan dragging him back to the limelight and fulfilling his "deal"

Your boy Eminem has said he sold his soul at least 8 times on his songs. He even tries to be creative with it

"Do you have the soul of a soldier? Or you sold your soul?"


"But I swore id get them back even if it meant selling my soul to get my revenge and what?----thought of a scheme and i..."

It's crazy. My godmother threw away my Eminem Show CD when I was little because it was satanic

I asked my mom to get me another one. 20 years later I know exactly what my godmother was talking about. Early Em was satanic. And he didn't hide it either. Trust me I was a huge Em fan. Not anymore

His music is not good for the spirit

You know the numerous lines he has

"So satanic K Mart chains panicked....they cant bleep out the curse words cus its worse when it's reversed (backmasking music) r*** your mother, kill your pare-----"

I won't post every single lyric. I'm saying it's real. Artists like Em carry out the agenda. Look at that Curtain Call 2 cover bro. Closely. And tell me that shyt wasn't intentional
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The Legendary Super Sapien.
May 2, 2012
It’s that and you start thinking what’s the point of all this shyt and you actually can get depressed with how the world really is.

Because it is pointless, the meaning of life is for YOU to give it meaning, to CREATE.

Whatever people think "god" is, any personality traits, morals, motivations attributed to it are man-made. It's an inherently neutral force more akin to electricity or gravity than sky-daddy who's 'in charge' of things. There is no one in charge...

Now, if you don't know that you're more than this flesh and ready to take personal responsibiliy, you are not really ready to recieve that knowledge. This is what mysterly schools and master teachers like the Christ are for. Unfortunately, mystery schools and messianic figures get strung up run underground and relegated to 'darkness'.


Oct 17, 2012
There are very few things more powerful than women UNITED
With common purpose
Think of churches and covens
In the spiritual world, some of the most powerful men are "feminine"
There’s a reason why prett
Because it is pointless, the meaning of life is for YOU to give it meaning, to CREATE.

Whatever people think "god" is, any personality traits, morals, motivations attributed to it are man-made. It's an inherently neutral force more akin to electricity or gravity than sky-daddy who's 'in charge' of things. There is no one in charge...

Now, if you don't know that you're more than this flesh and ready to take personal responsibiliy, you are not really ready to recieve that knowledge. This is what mysterly schools and master teachers like the Christ are for. Unfortunately, mystery schools and messianic figures get strung up run underground and relegated to 'darkness'.

I agree with what you’re saying that you create it that’s a healthy approach to spirituality. What I’m talking about is that you are so far in it because you absolutely do not care to be apart or participate in this world. There is an escapist element to spirituality if you’re not using it in a conducive way.

Digital Omen

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
This spiritual shyt is real I damn near manifested my whole life to what it is right now. Manifested my fiancé even where i’m living. Being spiritual is like going to the gym. It’s like a muscle you got to work out consistent through meditation and affirmations.
Call it whatever but manifesting out loud with bass and conviction in your voice is a jewel
I got into 5% lessons back in HS, thanks to Brand Nubian and Wu I was printing out the supreme alphabet and mathematics when I first got on the internet.
Straight b&w printing at the HS library from a Gopher search for "Raekwon Knowledge God lyrics".
The main point I got from the 120 is do for self. Stand on your square. Declare that you are God.
That's a discussion for another time (God body talk), but those lessons + reading the autobiography of Malcolm X at 18 years old gave me that foundation.

Thoughts become beliefs become reality.
I've seen that play out throughout my life.

When I was up, I believed I was up. I accepted and embraced the props, accolades, p*ssy, all the bomb ass times I had in my 20s.
I felt envy but didn't care about it. Too busy partying and getting laid.
In my party era I was one of those local celebs that knew everybody and everybody knew me. I was good in every club, VIP, rave, backstage.
Deep in the scene for a good 5 years.

When the burnout came I went really down. Instead of accepting that nothing lasts forever I got depressed. Couldn't buy p*ssy. Broke as a joke.
I stopped believing in myself. All my so called friends were gone with the wind. bytches had me on their pay no mind list. It was all good just a week ago.

I manifested both realities with my thoughts and beliefs.

Just recently I was laid off my 6 figs/6 certs WFH gig

My first reaction was panic. I hadn't built up my emergency fund to where I want it to be (6 months expenses). At the most I only 2-3 months. So I was shook.

But I did for self and came up with a plan. Calmed down and got the unemployment, put my spot on Airbnb. Spent days on LinkedIn and Indeed applying for shyt. No success on that front but I declared out loud that I will get another WFH 6 figs. My living standards will remain the same then increase. Never going backwards.

What do you know, same gig that laid me off reached out asking if I wanted that ol thing back.
fukk it, tech is in the toilet as we all know so I wasn't getting more than interviews.
So now I'm back to where I was 3 months ago. Of course I learned my lesson and will keep Airbnb so I can build up my emergency fund and pay down my car (Dec) and Amex Plat cuz I went to London and Brussels before I went back to work on some I'm God shyt.

A Pimp Named Slickback

Apr 22, 2018
Because it is pointless, the meaning of life is for YOU to give it meaning, to CREATE.

Whatever people think "god" is, any personality traits, morals, motivations attributed to it are man-made. It's an inherently neutral force more akin to electricity or gravity than sky-daddy who's 'in charge' of things. There is no one in charge...

Now, if you don't know that you're more than this flesh and ready to take personal responsibiliy, you are not really ready to recieve that knowledge. This is what mysterly schools and master teachers like the Christ are for. Unfortunately, mystery schools and messianic figures get strung up run underground and relegated to 'darkness'.
You decide for yourself if this is the only life we live. I know I'd rather be safe than sorry. And I know the safety is real

To each his own

"Whatever makes all of you happy in this bytch/just take it all back before the lightswitch" - Kendrick

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
The reason why this kind of talk is so prevalent in the industry is because the people who KNOW BETTER can only control those who don't. if you con convince people that a soul can be sold and even get people from outside the industry to repeat your bullshyt, you have built a powerful field of influence that will be kept in place by the ignorant.

You CANNOT 'sell your soul'. because you ARE the soul. People seem to think the human animal contains sort of baraining chip you can trade away for riches and that is not the case. The soul contains YOU. This body, this life your experiencing is being projected from the LIGHT that you are.

Now what you can do is get so enmeshed into dogma and self service (the ego is the real devil) that you can experience utter disconnect from source. People do it every day. If you choose your job over your joy you are 'sellling your soul'.

The minute you remember who and what you really are, all of that shyt is null and void.
It’s like when people really thought Robert Johnson sold his soul. The Crossroads meant picking between secular life or religious communal life. That’s why back then you couldn’t play 7th chords in church or bring saxophones home too—mainly because trained Black musicians got segregated to brothels and honky tonks which gave the association to vices(black music was NOT inherently created for Vice). Jelly Roll Martin hot disowned by his mother until he was making good money. Amish communities put their kids on the Crossroads to this day and make them pick secular life and never come back or stay in the community. Mystical magical stories leave too much an impression on us and waste time. He got better at guitar because he got humiliated and practiced, that is a trend among black musicians. We have his teachers daughters first hand account too


Oct 17, 2012
:salute:Call it whatever but manifesting out loud with bass and conviction in your voice is a jewel
I got into 5% lessons back in HS, thanks to Brand Nubian and Wu I was printing out the supreme alphabet and mathematics when I first got on the internet.
Straight b&w printing at the HS library from a Gopher search for "Raekwon Knowledge God lyrics".
The main point I got from the 120 is do for self. Stand on your square. Declare that you are God.
That's a discussion for another time (God body talk), but those lessons + reading the autobiography of Malcolm X at 18 years old gave me that foundation.

Thoughts become beliefs become reality.
I've seen that play out throughout my life.

When I was up, I believed I was up. I accepted and embraced the props, accolades, p*ssy, all the bomb ass times I had in my 20s.
I felt envy but didn't care about it. Too busy partying and getting laid.
In my party era I was one of those local celebs that knew everybody and everybody knew me. I was good in every club, VIP, rave, backstage.
Deep in the scene for a good 5 years.

When the burnout came I went really down. Instead of accepting that nothing lasts forever I got depressed. Couldn't buy p*ssy. Broke as a joke.
I stopped believing in myself. All my so called friends were gone with the wind. bytches had me on their pay no mind list. It was all good just a week ago.

I manifested both realities with my thoughts and beliefs.

Just recently I was laid off my 6 figs/6 certs WFH gig

My first reaction was panic. I hadn't built up my emergency fund to where I want it to be (6 months expenses). At the most I only 2-3 months. So I was shook.

But I did for self and came up with a plan. Calmed down and got the unemployment, put my spot on Airbnb. Spent days on LinkedIn and Indeed applying for shyt. No success on that front but I declared out lout that I will get another WFH 6 figs. My living standards will remain the same then increase. Never going backwards.

What do you know, same gig that laid me off reached out asking if I wanted that ol thing back.
fukk it, tech is in the toilet as we all know so I wasn't getting more than interviews.
So now I'm back to where I was 3 months ago. Of course I learned my lesson and will keep Airbnb so I can build up my emergency fund and pay down my car (Dec) and Amex Plat cuz I went to London and Brussels before I went back to work on some I'm God shyt.
See this is what I’m talking about. I don’t understand how brehs can lead a life without thinking there is a higher power involved. That’s why I try to make it a conscious effort to tap in. Because it is definitely needed to get you through those low point lessons of life.


The Legendary Super Sapien.
May 2, 2012
There’s a reason why prett

I agree with what you’re saying that you create it that’s a healthy approach to spirituality. What I’m talking about is that you are so far in it because you absolutely do not care to be apart or participate in this world. There is an escapist element to spirituality if you’re not using it in a conducive way.

That is exactly what the experience of "hell" is family. Knowing that there is divinity but feeling seperate from it. Most people who commit suicide just want to go HOME. The needless suffering on this planet, largely caused by the propagation of religious dogma is what keeps people feeling seperate from the divine.

If I let you into the garden of eden, let you walk around for 5 minutes, kicked you out and told you the only way to get back here is when you die...wouldn't you weight your options?.

It's time that we understood that we are here to bring heaven to earth, not escape. But cannot do that with a small minded, childish conception of god. You cannot do great works from fear! You wanna be a christian or you wanna be Christ-like.
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