Whats up with this "spiritual" ideology women have these days?


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
:skip: But that's not at all how I utilize astrology. Your example could cover horary, electional, or mundane astrology. I stick to natal, though I have dabbled in the others with greater and lesser rates of success. My primary goal is to greater understand myself and my potential abilities and weaknesses, where I should focus my energies this time around, and if asked, help others discover the same.

Natal Astrology​

Natal astrology is what you're probably most familiar with. It's based off of your natal chart, which shows the placements of major celestial bodies at the time and place of your birth. ... "We can see what are your greatest strengths, greatest weaknesses, things like that."

Horary Astrology​

"Horary astrology goes back to the beginnings of astrology," Hale says. Meaning, way back when — we're talking 10,000 to 30,000 B.C. Powell also says that horary astrology is a divination tool.

Horary astrology is the type to use if you're seeking an answer to a specific question. The astrologer will create a chart for the exact moment (down to the minute) and location that the question was asked. The astrologer will read the chart, and give you a yes or no question based on what they see. Powell says this form of astrology reminds her of tarot cart readings.

Electional Astrology​

Electional astrology has to do with picking the absolute best time for an event (it's sometimes called "event astrology"). "The astrologer decides the most appropriate time for whatever the event is based on whatever's going on in the sky," Hale says.

It's mainly used to narrow down fortuitous dates for happenings like weddings or proposals.

Mundane Astrology​

Mundane astrology is a super-interesting one, especially now. It predicts world events and affairs. "This goes back hundreds, thousands of years, because in the very beginning astrologers weren't so much geared towards looking at individual charts they were geared towards looking at the astrology of nations and kings and queens," Hale says.

"For mundane astrology, you have to also kind of be a historian," Powell explains, "because it's all about looking at cycles. You're looking back at patterns. For example, the last time Saturn and Pluto met, did we see other pandemics? Yes. It predicts world affairs."

While nation's have their own birth charts (yes, even the U.S.) Powell emphasizes that it's mainly about cycles and patterns.

You can also look at the chart of an event that happened at a specific time and place — for instance, the death of George Floyd. "Astrologers would look at the exact time it happened and talk about where the planets were at that exact moment that led to his death," Hale says.

Medical Astrology​

This is an ancient branch of astrology that associates various body parts and diseases with the planets and zodiac sign. Each zodiac sign rules a body part, and certain planet affect different organs.

Relationship Astrology​

Relationship astrology is a form of natal astrology, and specifically looks at the compatibility between people. It doesn't have to be romantic, but that's definitely the most common use of it.

One form of relationship astrology is synastry. "It's when you lay one person's birth chart on top of another person's birth chart and see where the planets show up," Powell says. You'll see challenges, strengths, how they might support one another or not, and more telling info about the relationship. It's an analysis of your day-to-day life together.

Another form is composite chart. It's a midpoint between planets. So you take two people and for each of their planets and their rising sign, you find the midpoint in-between, and all of those midpoints become their own birth chart — like your own relationship's birth chart. "This shows how your relationship is viewed by the world, how you're seen as a couple, and can shine some light on the destiny of your relationship," Powell says.

Edit: :skip: Oh, I interrupted my thought. The point was, unless a person been studying for like a decade, they're not qualified to do none of this shyt beyond the most basic natal and relationship astrology. Even with several decades under my belt, I still pay professionals for confirmation and clarification. The ppl you're around don't know shyt about shyt. They should not be informing your opinions on a millennia old sacred practice.
literally everything you posted is stuff my girlfriend does and makes videos about :skip: you went into detail about the "things you can do with it" but it didnt refute my assessment: you want control over things, and you think its a path to that control. I dont need that control. God is in control you see? You say the stars above will give you control over your inner workings but you dont know what those stars above really represent you just assume they are connected to you.

that said, when i look up at the sky i admire her like a woman i used to know

A Pimp Named Slickback

Apr 22, 2018
You might need to elaborate on this here. This is the ish i like hearing about (not porn sites per say, but spiritual stuff in this realm. I come from a _very_ spiritual and well known fam, but I never really went for it like that)
I can't go too deep. Or too extensive about this. This isn't JBO

But this link imma put in the spoiler is a microcosm bro. It's not a game. You can even Google image the logo. I overcame porn addiction

Like I said, no one's perfect. This is a site I used to frequent. Look at the logo. This is a very light example. It gets wayyyyyy deeper and wayyyy darker from here as it relates to porn


A Pimp Named Slickback

Apr 22, 2018
Late 30s.
I'm 26. This shyt is new to me when it comes to knowing so many people that believe in that openly. Namely the women Been exposed to so much. Ever since the pandemic my young adult mind has started to grasp everything about people and the world around me

That frontal lobe development

A Pimp Named Slickback

Apr 22, 2018
This is ironic.
That spiritual world is not something you want to play with. It's real. It's not a game

I have former friends who did acid and shrooms. DMT. One of them was never the same again after a bad trip

It is not a game. This spirituality stuff needs to be done with spiritual support. Ask yourself who's "in charge" of the spiritual realm and you'll find the answer


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
Why do you think it’s causing folks to be upset?
its a tale as old as time

what we don't understand we either ignore or are afraid of

the solution is a strange one @010101 a Mighty One indeed
