What's up with Dominicans who think they are white and not black?


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
why do we NEED to attack anybody? we dont have any self-hate to project onto others. we leave that to ya. while ya out there claiming ancient tribes that had nothing to do with ya how the homey pointed out, your kids are out there massacring each other and giving a bad name to the whole damn race. yet u sitting on a message board worrying about dominicans? that shyt makes no sense. you have to clean your own damn house before you go to your neighbors and call him dirty.
You guys do have self hate when you got people downplaying your African ancestry. :snoop:

I am not claiming tribes that had nothing to do with me. Your delusional as fukk lol.

All of those people who you mention get criticism too.

You guys aren't above criticism. They have self hating Dominicans just like they got african Americans killing african Americans.

If they can get criticism so can the self hating Dominicans. :umad:


Mar 18, 2013
You guys do have self hate when you downplay your African ancestry. :snoop:

I am not claiming tribes that had nothing to do with me. Your delusional as fukk lol.

All of those people who you mention get criticism too.

You guys aren't above criticism. They have self hating Dominicans just like they got african Americans killing african Americans.

If they can get criticism so can the self hating Dominicans. :umad:

the problem with that logic is that there arent nearly as many dominicans downplaying their african ancestry as you try to make it sound. thats a very small and uneducated minority. there ARE dominicans in the US who get upset if you call them black even after they tell you that they are dominican, but thats because they want to distance themselves from black americans just like our grandparents didnt like being called black to distance themselves from haitians. is it stupid? yes and very wrong. but u are asking them the wrong question. instead of asking them if they are "black" ask them if they have african ancestry. anybody that says no is an idiot. go up and down jerome avenue in the bronx. there are countless african stores and restaurants and countless dominican stores, restaurants and auto shops side by side. go see if there is anything but an amicable and friendly relationship between us. dominicans have no issues with jamaicans, africans, trinidadians or even HAITIANS here in the US. we all here to make money and send it home. we all love plantains and playing dominoes. we are all very similar. and we all have within us groups that try hard to distance themselves from the fukkery that african americans are into everyday in those rough neighborhoods we immigrate too.

perfect point right here... if it was a racial thing, how do u explain dominicans also getting upset if you call them puerto rican instead of dominican????? puerto ricans are white! if it was a racial thing, dont u think we would be proud to call ourselves puerto rican? yet i have NEVER and neither have you or ANYBODY(i guarantee that) ever met a dominican that was willing to claim being puerto rican over being dominican even tho puerto rico is a mostly white latin nation.


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
try hard to distance themselves from the fukkery that african americans are into everyday in those rough neighborhoods we immigrate too.

perfect point right here... if it was a racial thing, how do u explain dominicans also getting upset if you call them puerto rican instead of dominican????? puerto ricans are white! if it was a racial thing, dont u think we would be proud to call ourselves puerto rican? yet i have NEVER and neither have you or ANYBODY(i guarantee that) ever met a dominican that was willing to claim being puerto rican over being dominican even tho puerto rico is a mostly white latin nation.

1. You didn't immigrate here. you came here illegally to enjoy the benefits that us supposed savage African Americans paved for you.This will be corrected with immigration reform.
2. Puerto Rican's have African ancestry as well, though in smaller doses than DR or Jamaica


Mar 18, 2013
1. You didn't immigrate here. you came here illegally to enjoy the benefits that us supposed savage African Americans paved for you.This will be corrected with immigration reform.
2. Puerto Rican's have African ancestry as well, though in smaller doses than DR or Jamaica

idk why im responding to you :snoop:

1. i did immigrate here, legally, when i was 2 years old with my mother
2. Puerto Rico does have african ancestry, but its nowhere near as much as the rest of latinos in the carribean.


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
idk why im responding to you :snoop:

1. i did immigrate here, legally, when i was 2 years old with my mother
2. Puerto Rico does have african ancestry, but its nowhere near as much as the rest of latinos in the carribean.

1.When I say "you", I mean Dominicans in general, not just your personal experience.

2. That's what I said.

It's sad. We pave the way in the greatest nation for yall to break bread and can't even get a simple thank you or appreciative nod. Instead, *some* of you act like your "cousins" disgust you. shyt is odd.


Mar 18, 2013
1.When I say "you", I mean Dominicans in general, not just your personal experience.

2. That's what I said.

It's sad. We pave the way in the greatest nation for yall to break bread and can't even get a simple thank you or appreciative nod. Instead, *some* of you act like your "cousins" disgust you. shyt is odd.

1. we all immigrated here whether legally or illegally you big retard :wow:

go anywhere in DR and ask who martin luther king is, and u will get an answer along the lines of a great man who helped all colored in the united states achieve what they can achieve today. in dr the most famous black americans are 1. michael jordan 2. martin luther king. maybe there are some others but mostly those 2. nobody is downplaying the significant contributions of the civil rights era blacks. we THANK them by coming here and making the MOST out of that opportunity that they gave us. we appreciate THEM. YOU have nothing to do with that. picture my grandpops, comes here from DR in the 70s, moves to harlem, opens a bodega within 3 years time, gets robbed over a dozen times by black dudes.

can u really blame him for not wanting to be lumped in with them when all his interactions in the first years in the US with other people of color were bad ones?

like i said, clean your shyt up, then worry about the rest of the world wanting to be down with ya.


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
1. we all immigrated here whether legally or illegally you big retard :wow:

go anywhere in DR and ask who martin luther king is, and u will get an answer along the lines of a great man who helped all colored in the united states achieve what they can achieve today. in dr the most famous black americans are 1. michael jordan 2. martin luther king. maybe there are some others but mostly those 2. nobody is downplaying the significant contributions of the civil rights era blacks. we THANK them by coming here and making the MOST out of that opportunity that they gave us. we appreciate THEM. YOU have nothing to do with that. picture my grandpops, comes here from DR in the 70s, moves to harlem, opens a bodega within 3 years time, gets robbed over a dozen times by black dudes.

can u really blame him for not wanting to be lumped in with them when all his interactions in the first years in the US with other people of color were bad ones?

like i said, clean your shyt up, then worry about the rest of the world wanting to be down with ya.

1. No. We were enslaved.

2. As long as you keep claiming that the AA of the civil rights movement's offspring do not deserve any respect for what our parents did for all Blacks worldwide, there will continue to be issues. There's a reason why Blacks rob in the first place. Learn our history before you open your mouth.

Why come to OUR country if you don't want to be lumped in. You have a country you can call your own last I checked.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
the problem with that logic is that there arent nearly as many dominicans downplaying their african ancestry as you try to make it sound. thats a very small and uneducated minority. there ARE dominicans in the US who get upset if you call them black even after they tell you that they are dominican, but thats because they want to distance themselves from black americans just like our grandparents didnt like being called black to distance themselves from haitians. is it stupid? yes and very wrong. but u are asking them the wrong question. instead of asking them if they are "black" ask them if they have african ancestry. anybody that says no is an idiot. go up and down jerome avenue in the bronx. there are countless african stores and restaurants and countless dominican stores, restaurants and auto shops side by side. go see if there is anything but an amicable and friendly relationship between us. dominicans have no issues with jamaicans, africans, trinidadians or even HAITIANS here in the US. we all here to make money and send it home. we all love plantains and playing dominoes. we are all very similar. and we all have within us groups that try hard to distance themselves from the fukkery that african americans are into everyday in those rough neighborhoods we immigrate too.

perfect point right here... if it was a racial thing, how do u explain dominicans also getting upset if you call them puerto rican instead of dominican????? puerto ricans are white! if it was a racial thing, dont u think we would be proud to call ourselves puerto rican? yet i have NEVER and neither have you or ANYBODY(i guarantee that) ever met a dominican that was willing to claim being puerto rican over being dominican even tho puerto rico is a mostly white latin nation.
Those who downplay their African ancestry still exist therefore they are called out. If you have any issue then go at those who downplay their African ancestry.

I think its funny that you guys distance yourself from all african americans. I say all because you talk as if all AAs are out there doing crimes and such when if it wasn't for AAs the south would of took over and your people wouldn't even be able to enter the US.

Also talking about the current AAs, you and those people you mention are hurting yourselves in this country if you refuse to associate with all AAs since we have a big say in this country despite what racist whites tell you.

I'll stop there because I'm not into this separation crap.


May 6, 2012
This thread has run it's fukking course. I honestly don't get why nikkas are so caught up in what basically goes on in damn near all corners of the earth.

Speaking as a haitian, I know haitians that do not like to be called "black". Haitians deny their "africaness" too to a large extent. The difference between us and Domincans I noticed is haitians will tell you they're black when referring to their race but Dominicans thanks to the retarded "hispanic/latino" moniker would not call themselves black because they don't want to be seen as African American black or African "black" due to the perceived stigma.

Dominicans and other spanish speaking folks want to associate themselves with again the "hispanic/latino" lable seemingly for cultural purposes.

It's quite simple, in the eyes of those who don't want to call themselves black it's because black=poor, dirty, African, undesirable, ugly etc. It's no different from black folks who like to claim their mixed with Cherokee, indian, saiyan etc.

You can blame the sickening caste systems, european imperialism and the white washed eurocentric american media for creating this mindset among people. On one hand you got a group of folks that don't want to be associated with Africa because of how bad they show it to be and it's negative connotation(AA's). On the other hand you have foreign folks that are irrefutably derived from African stock that ignore that part of their history and try to masquerade the downplaying of it by claiming that they just are ___________ first and foremost. :rudy:

That's true to a certain extent but the fact that you have foreigners that will tell you quickly about how their grandparents sister was from Spain, France, Italy or any other seemingly flaunted european nation that says a lot. You NEVER hear a nikka talking about having some Kenyan or Cape Verdean blood but I STAY hearing nikkas yap about Spain or France. :snoop: It's disgusting.
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Mar 18, 2013
1. No. We were enslaved.

2. As long as you keep claiming that the AA of the civil rights movement's offspring do not deserve any respect for what our parents did for all Blacks worldwide, there will continue to be issues. There's a reason why Blacks rob in the first place. Learn our history before you open your mouth.

Why come to OUR country if you don't want to be lumped in. You have a country you can call your own last I checked.

1. no u said dominicans in relation to this country. all dominicans immigrate here, thats common sense.

2. why do the offspring deserve respect for the accomplishments of your grandparents? when the majority are setting the whole group back :heh:

Those who downplay their African ancestry still exist therefore they are called out. If you have any issue then go at those who downplay their African ancestry.

I think its funny that you guys distance yourself from all african americans. I say all because you talk as if all AAs are out there doing crimes and such when if it wasn't for AAs the south would of took over and your people wouldn't even be able to enter the US.

Also talking about the current AAs, you and those people you mention are hurting yourselves in this country if you refuse to associate with all AAs since we have a big say in this country despite what racist whites tell you.

I'll stop there because I'm not into this separation crap.

im talking about in the hood. when a dark skinned dominican comes to ny he is most likely gonna end up in harlem, the heights, brooklyn, queens, or the bronx. in the HOOD. so knowing how racist the cops are here, and knowing how much aa's like to fukk around in the hood and how much the cops love to fukk with aa's in the hood, the dark skinned dominican's first instinct is to deny being black(stupidly so but the point stands).

like i said, maybe if ya did a better job of attacking YOUR buffoons that make YOUR people look bad, dominicans and others would be ECSTATIC to come to this country and represent the great and proud african american people.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Because they/we earned it. The fact that you're brushing over that fact is as clear as day why AA have problems with Dominicans. You want to talk all that Dominican pride and how you have your own country and then come over here and eat off the fukking table we built. Maybe if you self-hating negroes showed a little more respect, Black group economics could come into play and we'd both could mutually benefit but as long as that c00n rhetoric keeps coming out your mouths, there will be issues.
1. The AA who fought for those rights are our parents and grandparents, uncles and aunts, family friends, historical heroes, etc. The fact they you think we are a different breed shows the amount of ignorance and c00nery of you Dominicans.

2. There isn't a single metric that will show that Dominicans are doing better than Blacks. Last I checked, Latinos have been hit harder by the current economy and have the lowest household wealth. You really are making tons of those opportunities LOL. Funny thing is, I've lived in Harlem and I'm pretty sure White business is about to wipe out most of the local business there. Your time eating off of other people's tables for free is coming to a close. Back to your 3rd world shythole where you have to sell your land so old White men can come on tourist resorts and fukk, suck on your women for $50 USD.

:banderas: @ this. Straight KO blow after KO blow

how am i brushing over it? i said i acknowledge the fact we have opportunities thanks to AA's who fought for them, but the AA's now are a completely different breed than the AA's from back then. Black group economics? HA thats a fukking laugh. Ya paved the way, and we making more out of that opportunity than ya are. Why in the fukk would we want to go into some group economics with people who rather spend money on jordans and $1,000 sweaters than on opening business in their communities? and if u think im talking bullshyt, go to washington heights and count the dominican owned businesses and go to harlem and brooklyn and count the black owned businesses.

I give AA's back in the day all the respect and thanks for paving the way, but stop acting like we owe AA's of today a goddamn thing for that. we dont owe ya shyt. Worry about your own damn dirty ass backyard before you take shots at ours. We here, whether legally or illegally, to better ourselves and we do a pretty good fukking job of it without your support. The fact that we arent sucking up to ya and begging to be accepted by ya doesnt mean we hate our african roots. we LOVE our african roots, but just cause our great grandaddies come from the same motherland does not mean we owe ya shyt.

nikka said we :russ:

Why you shyt on black people all of a sudden? :stopitslime:

You rep your black roots for a second, then you shyt on AAs over the bullshyt of a few people. Let the bigoted Dominicans shyt on black people and still struggle with group economics, that don't own any land to support each other or to pass down on. I'm not even hating on entire groups like you, just that it is stupid to think that denying and bleaching your black skin and your background is the way to go.

Haitians and Jamaicans that rep their African roots >>> a few c00ns that deny their roots that speak Spanish.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
im talking about in the hood. when a dark skinned dominican comes to ny he is most likely gonna end up in harlem, the heights, brooklyn, queens, or the bronx. in the HOOD. so knowing how racist the cops are here, and knowing how much aa's like to fukk around in the hood and how much the cops love to fukk with aa's in the hood, the dark skinned dominican's first instinct is to deny being black(stupidly so but the point stands).

like i said, maybe if ya did a better job of attacking YOUR buffoons that make YOUR people look bad, dominicans and others would be ECSTATIC to come to this country and represent the great and proud african american people.
You could deny being black but to a racist cop your just another ******.

Even worse is that you guys are seen as immigrants so they would be more against you.

I did all I can do and in fact still do to help out fellow AAs, in fact I help out all allies that are cool with AAs.

FYI There are successful AAs out there. It isn't my fault that you pretend that they don't exist.


Redemption is Coming
May 4, 2012
id like to call in the following members for a rebuttal..

@7Revo @Torrential @LeVraiPapi

there were others, but these 3 stuck out the most.

good. I can found a similar pic of Haiatians that look whiter than them. Even the whitest kid looks like he's mixed with something when you look at his hair :laugh:

So, if I go deep for some white Haitians, does that mean there are plenty of Black, White, SPaniards, Italian mixed people in Haiti ? While it's common sense most Haitians are Black, darkskinned or mixed ? You neggas disgust me.

DOminic00ns (not all dominicans) gonna Cooon!!!

Simple as that


Redemption is Coming
May 4, 2012
Ofcourse they are. Shut the fucc up every time i come around

nikkas run from me in these Dominican Hate threads like the KKK's around :scusthov:

Is there some way to be bookmarked or be alerted when threads with a certain words in the title are made?

I'm always late to the party..and i was looking forward to having so much fun


Look they black yall :troll:


Guess which one is Haitian. They even had a thread about it on st0rmfr0nt. I mean, Haitians are white y'all :heh: