What's this Black folk were in America before slaves were brought over????

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
Now, to think blacks weren't already in america is low key saying blacks are dumb. You think them negroes sat over there thousands of years and never left home?

Black people were on EVERY continent! Had civilizations on every continent. We were the only people for a long time. Until albinoes buklt up in number AND came across "whatever" else it was they bred with or were infected by :mjpls:.

As I've said, every other group is a hybrid of black people. A result of black people mixing with invading hybrids.

Asians - Blacks were there first and they were the first invaded by light colored hybrids who attacked, killed and bred most of the black original inhabitants away. The result is asians are now a self sustaining population of hybrids...but what we recognize as a race.

Arabs - Inhabitants of that land were black until they were attacked and bred with more light colored hybrids. Black people replaced, and now we have another self sustaining population of hybrids...who aim to breed white.

Hispanics - The latest incident and one which more clearly illustrates my point. You had black people and asiatic indians living in central america and on these islands. They were invaded, murdered, and raped by WHITE HYBRIDS. The result is a self sustaining population of hybrids! Who in another 100 years may be classified a separate race but you see the origin.

Notice that you can sometimes mistake any of the hybrids for one another. A rican in Orlando may have an arab come up and start speaking aramic until they :whoa: "Whoa papi...mi borica". Asians are just the oldest hybridization and most stable.


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
Dr Ben is not a continental African
He was born in the Virgin Islands(caribbean) before America bought it. He claims his pops was Eithiopian but that's unverified even by family
But I appreciate his work
So unto the topic got anything to say about that or no? Not a Dr.ben heritage thread. Any sources?
May 16, 2012
i did some reading on this sometime back

I believe that Africans had already landed in the Americas before Columbus... Especially South America, but more Africans were brought over as Slaves!

90% of Black people in the Americas are the descendants of slaves from Africa

We don't know that. We have no idea what the numerical breakdown is between those descended from slaves or those descended from explorers and colonists. What we do know for sure is there were black people in significant numbers all over North and South America.

And we also know crakkkas lie about everything. So my logic on this topic is very simple. Believe the opposite of whatever whites say. We know they say that black people never came to the Americas. That is false. So I believe the opposite. Similarly, they say we're all or mostly descended from slaves. Once again I'm gonna go with the safe bet which is believe the opposite of what the crakkka says. If the crakkka says most of us are descended from slaves, then the opposite must be true.
May 16, 2012
Everybody wants be an African but no one wants to be an African.

Have the goat genetics to dominate any physical activity and rhythm to influence the WORLD but claim to be fathered by small framed native Americans brehs


You guys are either not reading this thread or clearly trying to MISREPRESENT about what is being said.

No one is claiming to be descended from the Asiatic so-called Native Americans. Those nikkas were not here before us. They came later. We are claiming to be descended from the original aboriginal peoples of this continent. Similar to the aboriginal populations seen in places like Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, and the rest of the Pacific. We are also descended from West African explorers from the Mali Empire. And all the other BLACK groups that migrated to America before Columbus.

Stop trying to misrepresent what we're saying. Nobody is saying we're not black and instead some indian. What we're telling you is that the crakkkas are lying to you about the racial composition of the people who populated this continent originally. The people who were the true aboriginal peoples of this continent were BLACK and AFRICAN.
May 16, 2012
that black people discovered America, but some folks take it a step to damn far and claim Black people here in the US, come from America not Africa.

the idea that black people discovered America and even some stayed here and possibly have a descendent here is ok.

BUT the issue comes when nikkas say Black people, in general, DO NOT come from Africa, which is ludicrous.

Why is that ludicrous? On every other continent on earth, the aboriginal peoples of that continent are BLACK.


I posted this picture a while back. Don't these young women look just like any sistas you would see in the states? Just look at that chick in the back with the black shirt on. Don't she look just like LeBron James mom Gloria? :gladbron:

Well these girls are not from America eventhough they look like so-called African Americans. These girls are not from Africa either. They are actually native to an island in the Pacific called Vanuatu. Now Vanuatu is not special. It just one of many islands in that region of the world that is populated by black people. Black people who look indistinguishable from many so-called African Americans. The main reason we don't see pictures like this is because typically when crakkkas take pictures of these people in the Pacific, they usually have them in native garb so that they look exotic. The truth is you put the peoples of the Pacific Islands in some jeans and a t-shirt and they look no different than so-called African Americans.

Why would these AFRICANS that colonized the entire Pacific Ocean just stop at Hawaii or the Samoan Islands? Wouldn't they have kept going and made their way to America? By the way the earliest human remains in the Americas were described by white scientists as being "negro" basically confirming that these same people that colonized the Pacific also made their way to the Americas and colonized it.

Also isn't it STRIKING how much the Pacific Islanders look just like us. Lotta Africans don't like African Americans. However, the populations of the Pacific on islands like Vanuatu look striking like African Americans. Moreso than most Africans. With that said, I'm not saying we're not African. Every black person on this planet is originally from Africa and that is our homeland. However, it cannot be denied that white people lie about everything. And it cannot be denied that the aboriginal population of every continent on this planet is black. Knowing both those things, I'm confused as to why any black person would be suspicious of an argument that says there were large numbers of black people already living in this continent before Columbus and that the odds are very high that the majority of so-called African Americans are descended from the BLACK aboriginal population than they are descended from a population that was brought over to this land from Africa by Europeans during the Trans-Atlantic slave trade.
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Akae Beka

All Star
May 6, 2012
So unto the topic got anything to say about that or no? Not a Dr.ben heritage thread. Any sources?

Just correcting inaccuracies
Well being that they found bones in the ground or grave site in the virgin islands (documented) from like the 1200s that was proven to be African, I believe there is a glimpse or possibility


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
Just correcting inaccuracies
Well being that they found bones in the ground or grave site in the virgin islands (documented) from like the 1200s that was proven to be African, I believe there is a glimpse or possibility
I rather go with what dr. ben said himself but even if he was a west indian the only reason why where he from was mentioned because there was people saying that this was just something african americans believed in that case he still wouldn't be AA. Dr. Ivan Van Sertima wasn't a african american either a lot of people not even addressing the books or lectures just double talking and grabbing at straws. Dr. Ben could be from the planet Krypton for all I care honestly, what does that have to do with his information?


so this were u dudes went
May 9, 2012
300 murders a year
Basically you got a small minority of Black people who think cuz a few AA's have Native American look a likes, that means we the same people. They literally have no proof besides a few books written by cats they never met before and YouTube videos made by nut cases who ask silly questions like "where the slave ships at then?"

It's really no different than joining other movements like the Flat Earthers, the Hebrew Israelites, etc. It's a way to be one of the few "woke" ones who knows the "truth" while everyone else doesn't.
You broke it down perfectly, props.
May 16, 2012
I honestly don't understand how more people don't get this. No matter how you spin it, these myths and rumors are pretty obviously an attempt to divorce blackness from Africa and Africans and more specifically, enslaved Africans. This becomes especially obvious when you consider the ones who want to flat out deny slavery ever occurred or happened on a dramatically smaller scale.

It just sounds like a bunch of historical revisionists saying 'well yeah I'm "black" but :whoa: not one of THOSE blacks'.

I just got one question for you: When have white people ever told us the truth about our history?

I'll wait for a response.

Marc Spector

the 4'11 Cuban
Aug 7, 2014
The Milky Way
Now, to think blacks weren't already in america is low key saying blacks are dumb. You think them negroes sat over there thousands of years and never left home?

Black people were on EVERY continent! Had civilizations on every continent. We were the only people for a long time. Until albinoes buklt up in number AND came across "whatever" else it was they bred with or were infected by :mjpls:.

As I've said, every other group is a hybrid of black people. A result of black people mixing with invading hybrids.

Asians - Blacks were there first and they were the first invaded by light colored hybrids who attacked, killed and bred most of the black original inhabitants away. The result is asians are now a self sustaining population of hybrids...but what we recognize as a race.

Arabs - Inhabitants of that land were black until they were attacked and bred with more light colored hybrids. Black people replaced, and now we have another self sustaining population of hybrids...who aim to breed white.

Hispanics - The latest incident and one which more clearly illustrates my point. You had black people and asiatic indians living in central america and on these islands. They were invaded, murdered, and raped by WHITE HYBRIDS. The result is a self sustaining population of hybrids! Who in another 100 years may be classified a separate race but you see the origin.

Notice that you can sometimes mistake any of the hybrids for one another. A rican in Orlando may have an arab come up and start speaking aramic until they :whoa: "Whoa papi...mi borica". Asians are just the oldest hybridization and most stable.

At the bolded

This is problem number 1. You nikkas are associating sea faring with high achieving societies because thats what Cacs told you to do. In reality alot of variables goes into exploration, most important of which IS YOUR HUB CITIES ARE CLOSE TO A LARGE BODY OF WATER. And even then, that doesnt guarantee people getting the need to explore (Japan is a fukking ISLAND and for most of their history they never explored outside of the Japanese archipelago).

As for the rest of the post, this is problem #2....brehs we're all HUMAN AND HAVE COMMON ANCESTORS. Remember this shyt was all one big continent at first. You dont think that maybe, just maybe, significant tribes with common skin/hair/bone structure characteristics didnt settle on what would become the 7 continents?
May 16, 2012
The bolded is true, but he, for some reason, felt the need to lie about it.

Once again, who cares about his personal life. We're talking about his SCHOLARSHIP. And that was always on point.

Stop doing the crakkkas job for them by attacking one of our smartest brothas. I don't know anything about this shyt you are talking about concerning Dr. Ben. And honestly I don't care. All I ever cared about was his work. I was not concerned about what degrees he had or who his real father was.


Apr 30, 2012
let's just use common sense here.

Black people were on the planet first. Humans explore....

You think Black ppl just began all of a sudden with slavery? you think we all just stayed there in Africa for tens or hundreds of thousands of years?


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
At the bolded

This is problem number 1. You nikkas are associating sea faring with high achieving societies because thats what Cacs told you to do. In reality alot of variables goes into exploration, most important of which IS YOUR HUB CITIES ARE CLOSE TO A LARGE BODY OF WATER. And even then, that doesnt guarantee people getting the need to explore (Japan is a fukking ISLAND and for most of their history they never explored outside of the Japanese archipelago).

As for the rest of the post, this is problem #2....brehs we're all HUMAN AND HAVE COMMON ANCESTORS. Remember this shyt was all one big continent at first. You dont think that maybe, just maybe, significant tribes with common skin/hair/bone structure characteristics didnt settle on what would become the 7 continents?
There weren't any modern humans on the earth for Pangea if you believe in evolution.