Real Talk
My reaction was clearly this 

I was in fukking awe at how BRILLIANT it was a film, not just a Batman movie. Heath Ledger really gave the performance of a lifetime, not even butter-faced Maggie Gyllenhall could bring down the greatness of this film experience.
One of my all time favorite movie watching experiences is the moment where Batman is chasing Joker on the bat-cycle and does that FLIP off the wall. The WHOLE crowd in unison had theface it was THE perfect movie moment.
he was serious with his approach to the franchise he wanted to show how someone like that could really exist, Joker was clean with his swag custom made (now if the coat, the vest the pants and the socks were all black id wear that sh1tAt Bale's killing of Batman via growling like a mad dog. As for Ledgers Joker? meh, it felt more like the Anarchist than it did the Joker, Nolan missed the whole point of having the Joker wear makeup and being the only clean looking motherfukker in that universe. Still a great fukking film, dovetailing off of Batman Returns, to be fair, it seemed like Nolan was really just phoning it in. It was never his wheelhouse, but the fact that he made a trilogy that bad ass was enough for me accept his "Nolanverse" changes.
he was serious with his approach to the franchise he wanted to show how someone like that could really exist, Joker was clean with his swag custom made (now if the coat, the vest the pants and the socks were all black id wear that sh1t),but at the end of the day that is joker, hes there to spread anarchy and fukk with peoples minds like the devil, he talked his way out of harvey dent killing his ass. (not only that he was responsible for successfully driving him insane, like the joker tried to do in the killing joke with gordon)
His goons were former inmates of arkham, loony and unstable, a bunch of potato heads from a funny farm, he just knew how to manipulate them into doing his bidding, "The boss said he'd take away the voices and replace them with bright lights! Like Christmas!"
its heightened reality like what he did with the prestige, banes seige on gotham was like watching genghis khan, the blue rose emits a toxic fear inducing hallucinagen which later becomes more science fiction than supernatural, Bruce doesn't enjoy brooding or the dark atmosphere he just knows its a world he was thrust into the moment his parents were killed, he chooses the dark because no one else will. How was The joker never about anarchy? for all we know he could have been a good man once like in the killing joke, he alludes to the idea that all it takes is one bad day to drive the sanest man alive into a maniac, the irony is that he tells the truth even when he lies, and nobody ever wants to accept the cold hard truth, because its actually frightening and cruel, thats how the joker see's the world and wonders why we dont see it and why we arent laughing or "getting the joke", he doesnt break it down for us in simpler terms because thats like having to explain a joke and when you do that the joke is never funny. Comedians are always about the truth, because they show us how fukked up shyt is.Except that its a fictional universe with over the top characters. You can't halfway step into the supernatural aspect (blue rose) and then step right back out and expect the audience to believe that you want a "realistic" take on it. Bane was super powered (punches through a stone column) yet you want us to believe that its all grounded in a tinge of reality? No thank you, either stick to your guns and make it all grounded or leave the supernatural alone. Truth is, he doesn't like doing monsters/magic, he's said this himself, so tacking on universe with a character like Bane was pretty dumb.
Its like he tried to appease the fans by adding a somewhat quasi supernatural feel to characters like Scarecrow, Bane, Ra's, but takes a hard turn into the Nolanverse, which is fine for some aspects, but that was no Joker. More like The Anarchist. The Joker is the Yin to Batmans Yang, while Bruce loves anything dark, and brooding, the joker represents color and humor. Nolans color themes of "always gray" was lost on the Joker, he made him an anarchist with a bad makeup job, as opposed to a calculating walking piece of Gotham's irony.
No one would like the Joker could ever exist, Nolan can try and peddle that notion off, but its just not feasible in the universe he decided to direct. Nothing and no one is grounded. They're super-villains, he sold the audience terrorists.