What ur zodiac sign

May 11, 2012
Capricorn women have some of the prettiest faces of the earth signs, in tie with Taurus. Very idealistic faces. Air sign women are also very naturally beautiful, and youthful looking into old age. Aquarius and Gemini both have big eyes, though Aquarius eyes look kind of ethereal; with long lashes. Gemini women have great bodies, and Libra:banderas:, Libra women have the best bodies, and they thick in all the right places.



The Capricorn chick that started it all for me.

I was just a lil kid in the early 90's watching that on VHS.

She was so beautiful to me, my lil mind couldn't take it

I shed tears, breh

Dec 26, 2016
And oh yeah, when it comes to nicest bodies, Cancer's are underrated.

Straight brick house's

Scorpios are another good looking, well kept bunch- especially those born in the first and second decan. But like capricorn chicks, their very alpha dominant. And they got that attitude, and that crazy going on too.
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Dec 26, 2016
I don't know, man.

Cap's have some social activist juggernauts.

MLK, Muhammad Ali, Khalid Muhammad, Afeni Shakur ..etc...etc

I think the dark side of Aquarius is very Saturn like.

My family is full of em.

They're humane in the ideal sense, but they can be very tyrannical, also.

Reflects Leo, so the out of control ego/arrogance is another dark trait.

The "inflexibility" is in regard to their own self expression.

If they think you're "doing too much" or acting smarter than THEY THINK you are

they'll shoot you down.On some "Stay in your lane:ufdup:" shyt.

I think they're low key the most aggressive sign in the Zodiac.

End of the day, they're about fairness & equality.

On a social/collective level.They ARE the law.

dark side of the law, it might possibly condemn your azz.

Also think dark side Aquarian's are potentially the biggest bully in the Zodiac.

End of the day, it's still a fixed sign.They're more about organizing humanity,

but people tend to look at them as some kind of"gypsy like"/live and let live sign.

I think that's more Sag, Pisces, Libra.

I'm not trying to shyt on them...THESE ARE JUST THE DARK SIDE TRAITS:whoa:

They're super strong people.Nobody's punk...And they can have legit, brilliant minds.

But they used to sit in Saturn for a reason.If there's any sign that can quarrel with a Cap and win

it's Aquarius.I also think they're the one sign that can survive the sting of a Scorpio.

Again, they're not going for that bullying shyt! They'll step up aggressively against that type of injustice.

That same energy/aggresiveness, Ironically/if left uncultivated/not given any sense of direction--Can lead to them being

the biggest, most monstrous bully you'd ever have to deal with.That's what the dark side does.

I think they're the perfect match for Cap.Cap wants to be business minded/succesful

Aquarius is the business consultant.They have exceptional organizational skills.

Plus their ingenuity is off the charts.They're more self contained than a Cap.

Caps can be insecure about how they come off to the public.

Aquarius can give a fukk about how the public views them.

They can bring balance to the Cap in that way.

And they have the backbone to be successful in doing it

The unique thing about Aquarius, they can come up with all the money making ideas

but they're not exactly money driven.They're more on the "Big Worm" tip

It's the principalities!

To me, Cap & Scorpio are the two hardest signs to handle

Aquarius might be the only sign that can wrapped them up mentally, spiritually, physically.

Might even call him daddy....If you can get a Cap or Scorpio female to call you daddy

your game is STRONG.

MLK, Muhammad Ali, Khalid Muhammad, Afeni Shakur - I'd be very skeptical to consider these people humanitarian. Do some research and you'll find they were CIA agents, operatives fulfilling an agenda, and were likely receiving a great monetary gain on the back end. Muhammed Ali is the only man on that list who exhibited some of the nicer qualities of Capricorn, but even he had his less admirable traits- abandoning one of his illegitimate sons, and making fun of another boxer for his dark skin.

Aquarians are highly intelligent people, VERY intelligent. Their very logical, and practical thinkers, and they think very much outside of the box. Just try having an actual debate with one; especially on the grounds of philosophy.

End of the day, they're about fairness & equality.

On a social/collective level.They ARE the law.

dark side of the law, it might possibly condemn your azz.

Also think dark side Aquarian's are potentially the biggest bully in the Zodiac.

End of the day, it's still a fixed sign.They're more about organizing humanity,

but people tend to look at them as some kind of"gypsy like"/live and let live sign."-

They are all of these signs, kind of minus the bully aspect- which they can be because they can be very arrogant about their intelligence. Aquarius have a very abstract approach to how they view the world, and think outside the box. Caps are more black and white with their thinking, and tend to stay within certain boundaries. I vibe well with Aquarius, and many of them, no matter how arrogant they are, are very humanitarian in some way, and will go above and beyond for people. They have a very strong sense of humanity, something many Caps seem to be lacking in. Aquarius are also more forgiving and understanding than Capricorns. They don't have time to hold onto grudges for damn near 20 years, and they have the ability to empathize with, even their enemies- something a Capricorn would never do, and even think is beneath them. They're also very live and let live type of people, and it's another thing they'll argue you down about. A lot of Aquarius I've noticed of course tend to be radical progressives, and very liberal in general.

I think they're the perfect match for Cap.Cap wants to be business minded/succesful

Aquarius is the business consultant.They have exceptional organizational skills.

Plus their ingenuity is off the charts.They're more self contained than a Cap.

Caps can be insecure about how they come off to the public

Aquarius can give a fukk about how the public views them.

They can bring balance to the Cap in that way.

And they have the backbone to be successful in doing it

The unique thing about Aquarius, they can come up with all the money making ideas

but they're not exactly money driven.They're more on the "Big Worm" tip"

Aquarius is a good match for Caps as friends, but not for relationships. Caps love to dominate and control, and Aquarius ain't having that. As you stated, Caps can be very insecure about how they're perceived by the world, whereas Aquarius could give two fukks. A more open minded Cap would be receptive to this, but many caps are very stubborn, and deeply hardened by the molds of conformity, to undue their rigidity.

I for one was never bullied or fukked with by and Aquarius. As I stated I vibe well with them, and we have too much of a mutual respect to want to step on each others toes. To be honest, (when I was younger) I encountered more bullying, and was stung by more people of my own sign- Scorpios. Other Scorpios Ive just met were a$$holes, and they weren't afraid to speak their minds, and get in your face about shyt. And sometimes they would just start shyt for no reason! I also had an issue with a cap in the past, but I did some lil shyt to get under their skin, and they still hate me til this day for it :russ:

Also, it's funny that Aquarius are considered unemotional, when nearly every one that Ive met, was super emotional and would cry at the drop of a hat. Their more aloof and detached if anything.

Caps are hella emotional too, they just hide it better.
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May 11, 2012

MLK, Muhammad Ali, Khalid Muhammad, Afeni Shakur - I'd be very skeptical to consider these people humanitarian. Do some research and you'll find they were CIA agents, operatives fulfilling an agenda, and were likely receiving a great monetary gain on the back end. Muhammed Ali is the only man on that list who exhibited some of the nicer qualities of Capricorn, but even he had his less admirable traits- abandoning one of his illegitimate sons, and making fun of another boxer for his dark skin.

Aquarians are highly intelligent people, VERY intelligent. Their very logical, and practical thinkers, and they think very much outside of the box. Just try having an actual debate with one; especially on the grounds of philosophy.

End of the day, they're about fairness & equality.

On a social/collective level.They ARE the law.

dark side of the law, it might possibly condemn your azz.

Also think dark side Aquarian's are potentially the biggest bully in the Zodiac.

End of the day, it's still a fixed sign.They're more about organizing humanity,

but people tend to look at them as some kind of"gypsy like"/live and let live sign."-

They are all of these signs, kind of minus the bully aspect- which they can be because they can be very arrogant about their intelligence. Aquarius have a very abstract approach to how they view the world, and think outside the box. Caps are more black and white with their thinking, and tend to stay within certain boundaries. I vibe well with Aquarius, and many of them, no matter how arrogant they are, are very humanitarian in some way, and will go above and beyond for people. They have a very strong sense of humanity, something many Caps seem to be lacking in. Aquarius are also more forgiving and understanding than Capricorns. They don't have time to hold onto grudges for damn near 20 years, and they have the ability to empathize with, even their enemies- something a Capricorn would never do, and even think is beneath them. They're also very live and let live type of people, and it's another thing they'll argue you down about. A lot of Aquarius I've noticed of course tend to be radical progressives, and very liberal in general.

I think they're the perfect match for Cap.Cap wants to be business minded/succesful

Aquarius is the business consultant.They have exceptional organizational skills.

Plus their ingenuity is off the charts.They're more self contained than a Cap.

Caps can be insecure about how they come off to the public

Aquarius can give a fukk about how the public views them.

They can bring balance to the Cap in that way.

And they have the backbone to be successful in doing it

The unique thing about Aquarius, they can come up with all the money making ideas

but they're not exactly money driven.They're more on the "Big Worm" tip"

Aquarius is a good match for Caps as friends, but not for relationships. Caps love to dominate and control, and Aquarius ain't having that. As you stated, Caps can be very insecure about how they're perceived by the world, whereas Aquarius could give two fukks. A more open minded Cap would be receptive to this, but many caps are very stubborn, and deeply hardened by the molds of conformity, to undue their rigidity.

I for one was never bullied or fukked with by and Aquarius. As I stated I vibe well with them, and we have too much of a mutual respect to want to step on each others toes. To be honest, (when I was younger) I encountered more bullying, and was stung by more people of my own sign- Scorpios. Other Scorpios Ive just met were a$$holes, and they weren't afraid to speak their minds, and get in your face about shyt. And sometimes they would just start shyt for no reason! I also had an issue with a cap in the past, but I did some lil shyt to get under their skin, and they still hate me til this day for it :russ:

Also, it's funny that Aquarius are considered unemotional, when nearly every one that Ive met, was super emotional and would cry at the drop of a hat. Their more aloof and detached if anything.

Caps are hella emotional too, they just hide it better.

I know all about that.My supervisor is an Aquarius.The lady stays WIRED in whichever direction her emotions are going.

She's either cussing you out or crying on your shoulder.I respect her because it's all genuine.

She never comes off phony or pretentious.Her heart's always right there on her sleeve.

They're times when I've seen her start bawling when things start running other than smoothly.

And it's very vulnerable & childlike.People have made the mistake of thinking she was weak

but soon as they try to test her, they get wrapped up, and folded like a lawn chair.

She could go from crying like a child to some straight up gangsta shyt in the blink of an eye

And it was all her genuine personality.

I still stick by my theory that the planets don't lie.The sign you share a planet with is your best potential mate.

It's half/half----You come together to produce a whole/completion.

One's the dark/negative side of the planet----The other, light/positive.

Gemini/Virgo(Mercury)----Gemini light side/Virgo dark side

Libra/Taurus(Venus)--Libra light/Taurus dark


And for the people reading this, when I say "dark side", I don't mean it in a negative way.

It's kinda like extrovert/introvert----neither one is really "bad" or good.

But yeah, Aquarius is synonymous with Saturn for a reason.The more I ponder on it,

I think they're perfect for Cap.I don't think there's a sign better equipped to handle the

rigors of a relationship with Cap.Aquarius can do some eccentric/quirky shyt, but

for the most part, they're extremely loyal.Once you're in their circle, it's for life.

Even if they cheat, they still stay loyal to their man.They'll even offer him a room

at their new man's house.We can all be friends!---I've seen that shyt play out

in real life:pachaha:

Aquarius are a fukkking trip.They're lovable, yet detached at the same time.

The women make for the best fukk buddies IMO.They can separate the dikk

from the feelings.That famous detachment!!I think they're the hardest sign to

get "cock sprung"(Virgo/Libra are the easiest from my experiences, but that's another story).

They always keep a part of themselves compartmentalized/stashed away.

And they're crazy disciplined with that shyt.Beyond disciplined---it's 2nd nature, really.

You're not really getting in there unless you prove to be ultra worthy.They can be discriminant in a good way.

Straight stubborn with it.

The MLK, Afeni, Muhammad Ali thing.......You really believe they were CIA?:jbhmm:

I'm not knocking it.Anything is possible in this world.Beyond that theory,

they fought against injustice/ for the rights of the people.

To me, that's "humanitarian".....But, if it can be proven they worked for the CIA

I'll be totally done

Dec 26, 2016
But yeah, Aquarius is synonymous with Saturn for a reason.The more I ponder on it,

I think they're perfect for Cap.I don't think there's a sign better equipped to handle the

rigors of a relationship with Cap.Aquarius can do some eccentric/quirky shyt, but

for the most part, they're extremely loya
l.Once you're in their circle, it's for life.

Even if they cheat, they still stay loyal to their man.They'll even offer him a room

at their new man's house.We can all be friends!---I've seen that shyt play out

in real life:pachaha:

Aquarius are a fukkking trip.They're lovable, yet detached at the same time.

The women make for the best fukk buddies IMO.They can separate the dikk

from the feelings.That famous detachment!!I think they're the hardest sign to

get "cock sprung"(Virgo/Libra are the easiest from my experiences, but that's another story).

They always keep a part of themselves compartmentalized/stashed away.

And they're crazy disciplined with that shyt.Beyond disciplined---it's 2nd nature, really.

You're not really getting in there unless you prove to be ultra worthy.They can be discriminant in a good way.

Straight stubborn with it.

Im still kinda iffy on the whole relationship aspect between Aquarius and Capricorn. I think they're better suited as friends.It would only work with a more evolved Capricorn, an Aquarius would be their guiding light. Aquarius keep it real, and are willing to call out the bullshyt whenever, wherever. They'll hold a person down, and be willing to walk through the fire with them. An Aquarius also wouldn't stand for all the games, or fall for the emotional games that Caps like to try and play. I admire the fact that Aquarius can separate their emotions from their feelings so well; but even more is that their honest about what they feel. No leading on bullshyt . I love their eccentricity, It's a quality of all the air signs. Funny enough my own sign is compatible with Caps; even in spite of the little wars for power. I'd prefer to deal with a Cap than another Scorpio. Two goddamn Scorpios don't belong together...Damn near learned the hard way.

Aquarians are the type you want to have on your side in a war. They'll have yo back, and really hold you down.
Yeah Libra and Virgo women get sprung real easily. :myman:
May 11, 2012
I am a cap woman married to an aqua man. The power struggle has been real. We have settled into it though. But when we first got together:demonic:....2 stubborn ass people trying to fall in love.

But Aquarius are up for the struggle.They don't back down from a challenge.

Cap's need somebody with a strong backbone like that.

If it was a Sag or Gemini, they'd leave you chocking in the dust.

They'd be OUT...with the quickness.

You can't be flimsy dealing with Cap.

I think Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus, and Cap are the "alphas" of the Zodiac.

Leo, Cancer, and Aries are on that next tier right below

Gotta be about your business when dealing with those signs.
Dec 8, 2015
But Aquarius are up for the struggle.They don't back down from a challenge.

Cap's need somebody with a strong backbone like that.

If it was a Sag or Gemini, they'd leave you chocking in the dust.

They'd be OUT...with the quickness.

You can't be flimsy dealing with Cap.

I think Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus, and Cap are the "alphas" of the Zodiac.

Leo, Cancer, and Aries are on that next tier right below

Gotta be about your business when dealing with those signs.

So true!!


Aug 6, 2015
I still stick by my theory that the planets don't lie.The sign you share a planet with is your best potential mate.

It's half/half----You come together to produce a whole/completion.

One's the dark/negative side of the planet----The other, light/positive.

Gemini/Virgo(Mercury)----Gemini light side/Virgo dark side

Libra/Taurus(Venus)--Libra light/Taurus dark


I'm a Libra (Aqua Rising) and I love Taurus men - most of my best male friends are Taurus or Aquarius.

My longest relationship was with a Taurus - like HS to years after college -- but he was slack about life and our relationship. it fizzles out in the love department - and we become friends.

So, do you really feel like opposites in the SUN is the best match?