What ur zodiac sign


All Star
Aug 3, 2015
May 11, 2012
I'm a Libra (Aqua Rising) and I love Taurus men - most of my best male friends are Taurus or Aquarius.

My longest relationship was with a Taurus - like HS to years after college -- but he was slack about life and our relationship. it fizzles out in the love department - and we become friends.

So, do you really feel like opposites in the SUN is the best match?

I just simply go by signs that share the same planet.

I believe Libra's Sun opposite is Aries.

And in my experience, they always seem to hate each other:pachaha:
Dec 26, 2016
Leo, Cancer, and Aries are on that next tier right below

Leo and Aries I agree. But cancers- nope. I have never equated Cancer with being an alpha, unless they have strong placements in virgo, cap, or one of the fire signs. Cancers are submissive more than anything, they just have a bit of a hard shell. I would replace Cancer with either Sagittarius, or Virgo. Saggs may bounce quickly, but not because they can't handle a Capricorn, but because they're not willing to put up with the bullshyt that a Capricorn brings.
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May 11, 2012
Leo and Aries I agree. But cancers- nope. I have never equated Cancer with being an alpha, unless they have strong placements in virgo, cap, or one of the fire signs. Cancers are submissive more than anything, they just have a bit of a hard shell. I would replace Cancer with either Sagittarius, or Virgo. Saggs may bounce quickly, but not because they can't handle a Capricorn, but because they're not willing to put up with the bullshyt that a Capricorn brings.

My great grandfather was a Cancer and he was THE ONE.

Single handedly pulled his whole family out of poverty and ran the block.

Guess you can call me bias:hubie:

I hardly ever get along with Virgo dudes.Probably the moodiest niccaz I've ever crossed paths with.

Virgo males can be terribly controlling/know it alls.

I'm not trying to shyt on them.I'm a Sag, but half of my chart is in Virgo.

For some reason, I always had a good rapport with Scorpios.

My sister that I'm the closest to out of all my siblings/2 favorite cousins are all Scorpios

Extroverted Scorpios are a trip.Real daredevils who like to get into a bunch of mischievous shyt in their youth.

My 2 cuzz were destructive and a bit on the violent side, but their was a silliness to it

They used to do shyt like walk into public restrooms and roast anybody they caught doing the "number 2"

I remember one time we was in a McDonalds bathroom and they started roasting on this guy taking a shyt

but he started talking shyt back.He was in the stall and we were out by the sink.Going back n forth.

One of my cousins opened the lid on his large drink and tossed it over the stall:pachaha:

Soaked the fuk out of dude.He come busting out of the stall and chased us down the block half naked.

Them niccaz would do a$$hole shyt like that.Won't front, I used to get a rush out of that shyt.Niccaz could've got smoked for real.

And about the Sag/Cap thing.I'm a Sag and my son's mom is a Cap.

We clashed because she was terrible with money and ultra materialistic.

To the point where it became money over morals for her.

She was the first girl to make me realize most women care more about your "attachments"

than they do your intrinsic qualities.You can be caring, have a big heart, smart

and all that 'ol "good natured" shyt, but if a dog azz nicca rolled up in a Benz looking like a million bucks,

the inclination might be to go there.With certain signs---Cap being at the top of the list.

like I said, no other sign's more about "public presentation" than Cap.

They love the high status/high value shyt.They wanna reek of "success"

It's not necessarily a bad thing, but when it's expressed through the lower nature/ "dark side" of Cap,

It's a MUTHAFUKKA.Basically, she didn't understand value.She wanted the 3 shiny nickels, not the crumpled up

$100 bill.Had she taken the time to pick up, uncrumple, and examine what she really had--Things may have turned out differently.

The love of "shiny" things can lead you to a ditch.Especially when you lack wisdom.All that glitters IS NOT gold..

But yeah, let me stop rambling
Dec 26, 2016
And about the Sag/Cap thing.I'm a Sag and my son's mom is a Cap.

We clashed because she was terrible with money and ultra materialistic

Which is hilarious because Caps are supposed to be great with money, and very business minded. I find that may Capricorns are actually really terrible with money. Their industrious, and extremely hardworking and focused yes- I give em a lot of props for this) but managing the money, and overspending on bullshyt? No. The Capricorn woman you were with was definitely a lower level, un-evolved Capricorn, which are the worst Capricorns to deal with. Ive met very, and I mean VERY few Caps that were truly altruistic, and cared about others, and held onto their principles when there was no benefit for them.

he was the first girl to make me realize most women care more about your "attachments"

than they do your intrinsic qualities.You can be caring, have a big heart, smart

and all that 'ol "good natured" shyt, but if a dog azz nicca rolled up in a Benz looking like a million bucks,

the inclination might be to go there.With certain signs---Cap being at the top of the list.

like I said, no other sign's more about "public presentation" than Cap.

They love the high status/high value shyt.They wanna reek of "success"

It's not necessarily a bad thing, but when it's expressed through the lower nature/ "dark side" of Cap,

It's a MUTHAFUKKA.Basically, she didn't understand value.She wanted the 3 shiny nickels, not the crumpled up

$100 bill.Had she taken the time to pick up, uncrumple, and examine what she really had--Things may have turned out differently.

The love of "shiny" things can lead you to a ditch.Especially when you lack wisdom.All that glitters IS NOT gold..

Capricorns will have those qualities IF they're close with you, and they care about you most of the time. Their just not genuinely altruistic, and naturally giving like that. I've cut off several Capricorn women for that materialistic bullshyt. I let most women know right up front that I'm not financing their lives, or paying for their bullshyt. If there's one sign that likes to gold dig the most, it's Capricorn, and especially people with Capricorn in venus. This is partially why I don't like to have Caps as business partners, or even close friends because they're the type that will sell you out for a nickel. They really would sacrifice their first born if they thought it would help get them the nice shiny house on the top of he hill. Their not a sign that's highly associated with being moral or ethical; at least in a traditional sense. Hopefully you've got custody of your kid too, someone that cares only about money and their image, yet cant manage the latter likely doesn't care about much else.

For some reason, I always had a good rapport with Scorpios.

My sister that I'm the closest to out of all my siblings/2 favorite cousins are all Scorpios

Extroverted Scorpios are a trip.Real daredevils who like to get into a bunch of mischievous shyt in their youth.

My 2 cuzz were destructive and a bit on the violent side, but their was a silliness to it

Sag and Scorpio are very much alike in some ways, and usually have good friendships. Scorpios are really attracted to Sags carefree attitude and optimism about life, and Sag admires Scorpios focus, depth, sometimes freaky side. The introverted Scorpios are ballsy too, and those are really the one's you've got to watch out for. The one thing I really admire about my sign is that were very honest. We call shyt for what it is, and we don't give a fukk who likes it or not. We keep it real, even to our own detriment sometimes.

Your grandpops likely had a bit of fire in his chart, likely an aries moon. Aries moons are driven, and live like a muthafuaka. They're hard workers, and are really about it bout it. They'll throw hands in a second.
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