What should be done about DACA?


Graphic Alchemist
Jun 3, 2012
It is NOT simple for people to just attain legal citizenship. It’s not like you can just go to the dmv and be granted citizenship my guy. Matter of fact, US laws explicitly made it near IMPOSSIBLE to get legal status after being in the country illegally.

All of y’all should read the facts about DACA here. Illegal immigration is a little more complex than several of you are assuming.

9 things you need to know to understand DACA and the DREAMers
Since the age of 18, he could've went through the process, before starting a family and all that other shyt. Doesn't fukking matter if it's simple or not. When I was in college I worked on a project for our county with another Mexican dude. We were supposed to be given an award by the mayor for our design work, but he didn't show up, come to find out he was over here illegally and thought that he would get in trouble if he accepted the certificate. Yet, he was still able to go to college, get an education and get a good paying job last I heard.

But beyond all that, you would think corporations and companies and banks would fight for DACA because Latinos stay buying shyt, homes, cars, etc...They have a lot of purchasing power, so removing them removes revenue.


May 8, 2012
Arlington, Tx.
They can keep the illegals here if it's gonna mess up the economy. I dont understand why they can't pay taxes like everybody else here.

My problem with illegals is that they expect black folks to feel sorry for them when 1) you're here illegally, 2)you aren't putting anything back into the American economy 3) you expect and get all kinds of shyt JUST because your ass is here ILLEGALLY. 4) they only call on us when they need help fighting WS. 5) Mexicans, etc were nowhere to be found when our people were "strange fruit hanging in the trees" (lynchings), they were nowhere to be found when our people were getting hosed down by police, dogs chasing us down in the streets, etc. 6) Why no Mexicans and other illegals ain't saying nothing about Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Treyvon Martin, Orlando Castille etc were murdered by police??? 7) Mexicans and other non blacks immugrants MAKE sure to differentiate themselves from blacks born in the U.S.

I could go on and on.

I guess the phrase "hold your own nuts" is really what my post is saying.

Stop looking for blacks to save you. Save yourselves.

I get sick of seeing bilingual preferred Spanish speakers only when i look for jobs. IN MY OWN fukkING COUNTRY.

Fix shyt in your own countries and stop expecting to ride to the top of the US off the backs of our black ancestors.

I agree with your entire post. That's also on those companies that hire illegals. They tend to pay them cash to avoid getting outed.

Thats why I say the federal govt should go hard after every company that hires illegal. Let the state go after the non-major companies. You bring them out the shadows that way, rather than raiding homes with ICE.


I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!
Feb 2, 2017
Paddys Pub
You're wrong. This is literally NOT TRUE. If anyone shows up to a ER they have to be treated. You're so misinformed I actually feel sorry for you man. Do your research before being mad at the wrong people.

I'm not really mad I just don't support that DACA bullshyt. Like I said if I'm wrong let me know.

You seem like you know a lot so point me in the right direction to get the info instead of telling me "you feel sorry for me being so misinformed"


Love, Peace, Health, and Wealth
Oct 27, 2016
The Keystone State
You're wrong. This is literally NOT TRUE. If anyone shows up to a ER they have to be treated. You're so misinformed I actually feel sorry for you man. Do your research before being mad at the wrong people.

You are missing the point.

Yes. An emergency room doesn not turn away people in need, because most are federally funded / reimbursed.

However, the ER is supposed to treat acute issues (cold, flu, broken limb, sudden cardiac changes). Not chronic issues (diabetes management, chf management, etc). This is not a long term option for anyone, including illegals.
Not to mention, most people who dont have insurance and go to the ER and NEVER pay the bill. Most illegal persobs dont have insurance because they are nit eligible for the subsidies under Obamacare nor do they have a valid SSN.

Therefore, an illegal person that shows up in the ER, and whom does not have an actual social security number, is basically off the hook for payment. The ER / hospital system eats the cost by increasing the cost of overall services to everyone.

The Medicare system actually had to scrape up money and reimburse some of these health systems for the high cost of undocumented using the healthcare system and not paying in.

Section 1011, Federal Reimbursement of Emergency Health Services Furnished to Undocumented Aliens, provides $250 million per year for fiscal years (FY) 2005-2008 for payments to eligible providers for emergency health services provided to undocumented aliens and other specified aliens. Two-thirds of the funds will be divided among all 50 states and the District of Columbia based on their relative percentages of undocumented aliens. One-third will be divided among the six states with the largest number of undocumented alien apprehensions.

Pennsylvania ran out of funds i believe in 2016. The program ended for good in 2016.


Knowledge is the Greatest gift
Nov 19, 2016
opus dei
Knock it off breh, you really think this the reason black people in the hood ain't getting jobs?
Hell fukking yes how many times have you been to a store or restaurunt and seen nothing but Hispanics, i remember when i was trying to get a job and highschool and had the hardest time becuase the hiring manager was Mexican and lo and behold everyone hired was hispanic.


The one true gym gawd...
May 24, 2014
I used to work at a factory in Chicago heights, a south suburb that’s 41% Black, 33% Hispanic and 23% white.

This in a black low income area of the the suburb with about ~50% unemployment for youth with young adults not doin too much better than that.

Out of about 200 employees, less than 10 were black. Maybe about 40 whites and the rest all

We had a union, the Mexicans voted that because the hiring went thru the union. They started bringing more of their own in.

They had a temp agency that only brought in Mexicans, somebody must’ve reported them or something because immigration came through one day and the factory was damn near empty.

While I was there, outside of a lot of them being passive aggressive bytches with nikkas in general with the telling supervisors, watching us and everything else. A brother had got hired in, then not too long after got fired for supposed aggressive behavior or some bs. From the mouth of a white boy that saw what happened to get breh fired ( breh was a little dude ) ‘they had been fukking with him since he started, sending him off and telling him wrong information about what he was supposed to be doing on top of other things’...“that was bogus how the company did him” but it was his ( that black breh’s ) word vs there’s and they, as I stated previously, had all the numbers and some departments were entirely Mexican/illegal. One of there friends/family members get hired in the breh’s spot the next week...

This is just one place in the Chicagoland area out of many I can speak on with these warehouses and factories. And that’s completely outside of street / gang bangin shyt with em

Any nikka who capes for these tacos need to be shot dead period. They literally team up with whites to bring blacks down in any possible situation they can do so in


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
I used to work at a factory in Chicago heights, a south suburb that’s 41% Black, 33% Hispanic and 23% white.

This in a black low income area of the the suburb with about ~50% unemployment for youth with young adults not doin too much better than that.

Out of about 200 employees, less than 10 were black. Maybe about 40 whites and the rest all

We had a union, the Mexicans voted that because the hiring went thru the union. They started bringing more of their own in.

They had a temp agency that only brought in Mexicans, somebody must’ve reported them or something because immigration came through one day and the factory was damn near empty.

While I was there, outside of a lot of them being passive aggressive bytches with nikkas in general with the telling supervisors, watching us and everything else. A brother had got hired in, then not too long after got fired for supposed aggressive behavior or some bs. From the mouth of a white boy that saw what happened to get breh fired ( breh was a little dude ) ‘they had been fukking with him since he started, sending him off and telling him wrong information about what he was supposed to be doing on top of other things’...“that was bogus how the company did him” but it was his ( that black breh’s ) word vs there’s and they, as I stated previously, had all the numbers and some departments were entirely Mexican/illegal. One of there friends/family members get hired in the breh’s spot the next week...

This is just one place in the Chicagoland area out of many I can speak on with these warehouses and factories. And that’s completely outside of street / gang bangin shyt with em

Any nikka who capes for these tacos need to be shot dead period. They literally team up with whites to bring blacks down in any possible situation they can do so in
Again, in Chicago theres a case I've been following.

A temp agency is facing lawsuits because they not only ignored black applicants, but they preferred illegals, and legal hispanics over black labor.

Discrimination suit alleges black temp workers passed over for Hispanics

There was also a case of this in New Jersey:

No 'ghetto people': How temp agencies allegedly hire based on race and gender

@Y2Dre @Shook @Raymond Burrr @Red Shield @bdizzle @satam55 @Houston911 @Michael's Black Son @Sagat @Trajan @Sukairain @YouMadd? @MalikX @Matt504 @SupremexKing @#1 pick @Clutch Robinson @Cat piss martini @AndroidHero @Pirius Black


The one true gym gawd...
May 24, 2014
Then you have clown ass bytches like the op talkin about what’s “humane” and what isn’t, is it right to work people to death and pay em crumbs while not giving them any real benefits only because of the fact that there’s illegals that will do the job in their place?

Out here the unemployment rate for young nikkas is insane...

Then this whole “they work jobs nobody else wants” bullshyt you hear idiots like this parrot. Nah they work jobs they’re willing to get lowballed on and lowball others on so no one else can compete with em. The shyt is spreading to all of these factories and warehouses which should be the jobs that young nikkas should get but why would an employer hire a young nikka when they can get a middle aged slave Mexican roach that will do whatever the employer wants without regard for their own personal safety, well being or anything else? What is an illegal going to do to hold an employer to any type of standard...absolutely nothing but take whatever they can get and that fukks everybody over in the end...


The Dude
Jan 29, 2016
I used to work at a factory in Chicago heights, a south suburb that’s 41% Black, 33% Hispanic and 23% white.

This in a black low income area of the the suburb with about ~50% unemployment for youth with young adults not doin too much better than that.

Out of about 200 employees, less than 10 were black. Maybe about 40 whites and the rest all

We had a union, the Mexicans voted that because the hiring went thru the union. They started bringing more of their own in.

They had a temp agency that only brought in Mexicans, somebody must’ve reported them or something because immigration came through one day and the factory was damn near empty.

While I was there, outside of a lot of them being passive aggressive bytches with nikkas in general with the telling supervisors, watching us and everything else. A brother had got hired in, then not too long after got fired for supposed aggressive behavior or some bs. From the mouth of a white boy that saw what happened to get breh fired ( breh was a little dude ) ‘they had been fukking with him since he started, sending him off and telling him wrong information about what he was supposed to be doing on top of other things’...“that was bogus how the company did him” but it was his ( that black breh’s ) word vs there’s and they, as I stated previously, had all the numbers and some departments were entirely Mexican/illegal. One of there friends/family members get hired in the breh’s spot the next week...

This is just one place in the Chicagoland area out of many I can speak on with these warehouses and factories. And that’s completely outside of street / gang bangin shyt with em

Any nikka who capes for these tacos need to be shot dead period. They literally team up with whites to bring blacks down in any possible situation they can do so in
Facts u in the CHi where illegals been killing black employment


All Star
Mar 11, 2017
Hell fukking yes how many times have you been to a store or restaurunt and seen nothing but Hispanics, i remember when i was trying to get a job and highschool and had the hardest time becuase the hiring manager was Mexican and lo and behold everyone hired was hispanic.

Go to any hair store in the hood and who is behind the weave counter? Mexicans. Wtf do Mexicans know about weave?? Or any other black hair care products?? Nothing. They don't know a damn thing, but Asians will set up shop in the hood and hire Mexicans to help them sell fake hair cuz they don't want to deal with their black customers who keep them in business. Smh.


I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!
Feb 2, 2017
Paddys Pub
I'm a first generation American and I DONT have the answers on illegal immigration. If they're adults and here illegally :yeshrug:

BUT we are talking about DACA. If you were brought here as a kid, you should receive amnesty. Let's not become the ignorant and intolerant people that conservatives want everyone to be.

Also, let's not forget Mexicans are NOT the only illegals in this country.

Btw the drain on the economy is coming from above, not the poor fighting for crumbs below. :stopitslime:

Dreamers and DACA are still ilegal. That "merit based" system Trump wants is to push more H1B1 visa internationals into employment at a cheaper salary than hiring an American

Gov needs to help out its own citizens and build a solid base for Americans before we start helping out illegals/dreamers and foreign nations. We losing rn "help yourself before you help others"