What should be done about DACA?


May 21, 2012
so with all that being the case (and it is), who the fukk would welcome the competition? :childplease:

stats show that illegal immigration isnt good for job and housing seeking americans. not your feelings, not whats fair and whats not fair, facts.

I never said I was for illegal immigration. I'm for FAIR immigration. It shouldn't be easier for certain groups of people to get here. The system is set up in a way that makes it conducive for illegal immigration. THAT CAN BE FIXED. But doing so would hurt big business and weaken the system of WS which is the real enemy here.

I'm not heartless and careless enough to not be able to empathize with DACA/Dreamers though like a lot of y'all. And I'm definitely not a part of the extreme that believes in no immigration at all.

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
I never said I was for illegal immigration. I'm for FAIR immigration. It shouldn't be easier for certain groups of people to get here. The system is set up in a way that makes it conducive for illegal immigration. THAT CAN BE FIXED. But doing so would hurt big business and weaken the system of WS which is the real enemy here.

I'm not heartless and careless enough to not be able to empathize with DACA/Dreamers though like a lot of y'all. And I'm definitely not a part of the extreme that believes in no immigration at all.
i wont act like i have the answers, because i dont. that story in the OP is sad, but i can pull up funerals of people who were killed by people who came here illegally. those are pretty sad too

like ive said before, these fukkin criminals on wall street and washington are the ones really hurting the country. but with that being said....thats no consolation to someone whose union got decimated by illegal labor. whose housing market is getting squeezed, etc. because competition with illegals IS real for a lot of americans on a base level


Apr 24, 2016

This and every country has a limited amount of resources. there's a legal system in place for immigration which screens and vets people who want to enter.
When illegals enter the country in the millions, it stretches the resources that are here. Illegal immigrants will go to the poor areas and stretch to the limits the few resources that are there. Underfunded schools that are already crowded become more crowded..etc.etc.etc.

People who live here have to follow laws and rules or get punished, why is there a different standard for illegal immigrants?

cool story bro.

I will support any program white people are mad about. If you haven't learned that every single law that effects all citizens will be selectively enforced on "undesirable" populations, I don't know what to say.

Welfare is AWESOME, until blacks became eligible for it. Then all of a sudden its bad.

Less people in prison is AWESOME, unless blacks are now free to look for employment.

Illegals in the US is awesome, unless people from south america and africa start coming, then its a problem.


Don't get tricked by cac logic. They never enforce the law unilaterally.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
cool story bro.

I will support any program white people are mad about. If you haven't learned that every single law that effects all citizens will be selectively enforced on "undesirable" populations, I don't know what to say.

Welfare is AWESOME, until blacks became eligible for it. Then all of a sudden its bad.

Less people in prison is AWESOME, unless blacks are now free to look for employment.

Illegals in the US is awesome, unless people from south america and africa start coming, then its a problem.


Don't get tricked by cac logic. They never enforce the law unilaterally.


US Deportations of Europeans Could Exceed Last Fiscal Year
The federal crackdown on illegal immigration is causing anxiety among Europeans, who have long been able to fly under the radar.
July 11, 2017, at 3:46 a.m.

US Deportations of Europeans Could Exceed Last Fiscal Year

- In this Thursday, July 6, 2017 file photo, Andrew Mannett, of Boston, holds a sign supporting President Donald Trump during a "Here to Stay" rally at the Irish Famine Memorial in Boston, where immigration activists and labor groups gathered to oppose the president's crackdown on illegal immigration. John Cunningham, a businessman and former chair of the Gaelic Athletic Association in Boston, was deported to Ireland the previous day. Immigration and Customs Enforcement data provided to The Associated Press show that more than 1,300 Europeans were deported through June 24. About 1,450 Europeans were deported in 2016. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File) The Associated Press


By PHILIP MARCELO, Associated Press

BOSTON (AP) — Europeans often hid in plain sight as Latin Americans, Asians and others living illegally in America were sent packing. But now they're starting to realize they are not immune to President Donald Trump's crackdown on illegal immigration, and they're worried.

The number of Europeans deported this federal fiscal year from the United States could surpass last fiscal year's total, according to figures provided to The Associated Press by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

From Oct. 2, 2016 through June 24, more than 1,300 Europeans have been removed, compared with 1,450 during all of federal fiscal year 2016 — the last under President Barack Obama. The agency didn't provide estimates broken down by calendar year.

In San Jose, California, an HIV-positive Russian asylum seeker faces possible deportation after overstaying his visa. In Chicago, Polish and Irish community groups say they're seeing inquiries about immigration and citizenship-related services surge as people seek legal protections.

And in Boston, John Cunningham, a well-known Irishman who had overstayed his visa by 14 years, was sent back to Ireland last week, sending shivers through the city's sizeable Irish expat community.

"People are very, very concerned and lying low," says Ronnie Millar, of the Boston-based Irish International Immigrant Center. "The message is that if it can happen to John, it can happen to anyone."

Europeans comprise about 440,000 of the estimated 11 million people living illegally in the United States, according to the Migration Policy Institute.

Since just before Trump was elected last November, the U.S. has deported 167,350 foreigners, compared with 240,255 in all of fiscal year 2016. Immigrants from Latin America make up the most by far, with Mexico leading the way at about 93,000.

Among Europeans, Romanians make up the largest share, with 193 deportations so far in fiscal year 2017. Behind are Spain at 117; the United Kingdom at 102; Russia at 81; and Poland at 74. Those countries were also tops last fiscal year; Romania had 176, United Kingdom 160, Poland 160, Spain 115 and Russia 94.

Immigrant advocates say they've been urging individuals to know their rights if they're stopped and for parents to make arrangements for their children in the event they're detained.

"The worst aspect of these numbers from our perspective is that our community organizations do not know who is being deported and why, and are unable to send immigration attorneys to assist them," says Dmitri Daniel Glinski, president of the Russian-Speaking Community Council of Manhattan and the Bronx.

In California, San Jose resident Denis Davydov was detained for more than a month after returning from a vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

He was eventually released after his lawyer argued Davydov was legally allowed to re-enter because he's currently seeking political asylum for being gay and HIV-positive. But he could be forced to return to Russia if his request is denied.

Davydov says the experience of being detained — and the uncertainty it has thrust into his asylum application — has left him feeling vulnerable.

"Before this, I thought I was a doing everything right, but I'm afraid now that doing everything right is not enough. I don't know what else I can do," he said. "I feel like it can happen again to me anywhere. In the airport or in the street."

At the Polish American Association in Chicago, executive director Magdalena Dolas said her organization has been asked to give talks about what residents should do if immigration officials show up at their doorstep.

"People are worrying about their rights," she said. "It shows there is awareness but that there is also anxiety."

The Chicago Irish Immigrant Support Center has been receiving triple the number of inquiries on immigration and legal service matters these days as it did a year ago, said Michael Collins, executive director.

There have been 18 deportations among Irish nationwide in the current fiscal year, compared with 26 in all of last fiscal year, according to the ICE data.

Cunningham's case has still become a cautionary tale among Irish expats in Boston's Irish community.

"The rumor has gone around, 'Don't go in any courthouses, and if you hear a knock on your door and you're not expecting anyone, don't answer it," said Benny Murphy, a 32-year-old bartender in Boston who had been living in this country illegally until about three years ago, when he married a woman who is a U.S. citizen.

Many believe Cunningham simply forgot the golden rule of living in the shadows: Keep your head down.

Months before his arrest, he appeared on a national news show in Ireland to share his experience of living illegally in America.

Cunningham, who declined to comment for this article through his lawyer, also wasn't squeaky clean. He had a warrant for his arrest for failing to show up in court over a $1,300 dispute with a customer of his electrical contracting business, and state records show he wasn't a licensed electrician.

Advocates complain Trump, in taking a hardline against immigration scofflaws, is sweeping up many hardworking, taxpaying people, many of whom have raised children who are now U.S. citizens.

The Obama administration, in contrast, focused immigration enforcement on the most serious criminals.

Many of those living here illegally were lulled into a "false sense of security" by the Obama years, said Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors more restrictive immigration policies.

"This is a return to more traditional immigration enforcement," Vaughan said. "There needs to be some level of across-the-board, routine enforcement, in the same way your local police department doesn't focus only on murder, robbery and rape. They also have traffic patrols."

But Ali Noorani, executive director of the immigrant-rights group National Immigration Forum, argued the administration is overdoing it.

"It's pretty clear ICE is removing anyone undocumented they come across," he said. "The bigger issue is that the Trump administration is wasting really valuable law enforcement resources on many people who aren't a public safety threat, whether they're Irish, Latino, Asian or otherwise."

Associated Press writer Sophia Tareen in Chicago contributed to this report. Follow Philip Marcelo at twitter.com/philmarcelo. His work can be viewed at Associated Press News .
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Apr 24, 2016

US Deportations of Europeans Could Exceed Last Fiscal Year
The federal crackdown on illegal immigration is causing anxiety among Europeans, who have long been able to fly under the radar.
July 11, 2017, at 3:46 a.m.

US Deportations of Europeans Could Exceed Last Fiscal Year

- In this Thursday, July 6, 2017 file photo, Andrew Mannett, of Boston, holds a sign supporting President Donald Trump during a "Here to Stay" rally at the Irish Famine Memorial in Boston, where immigration activists and labor groups gathered to oppose the president's crackdown on illegal immigration. John Cunningham, a businessman and former chair of the Gaelic Athletic Association in Boston, was deported to Ireland the previous day. Immigration and Customs Enforcement data provided to The Associated Press show that more than 1,300 Europeans were deported through June 24. About 1,450 Europeans were deported in 2016. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa, File) The Associated Press


By PHILIP MARCELO, Associated Press

BOSTON (AP) — Europeans often hid in plain sight as Latin Americans, Asians and others living illegally in America were sent packing. But now they're starting to realize they are not immune to President Donald Trump's crackdown on illegal immigration, and they're worried.

The number of Europeans deported this federal fiscal year from the United States could surpass last fiscal year's total, according to figures provided to The Associated Press by Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

From Oct. 2, 2016 through June 24, more than 1,300 Europeans have been removed, compared with 1,450 during all of federal fiscal year 2016 — the last under President Barack Obama. The agency didn't provide estimates broken down by calendar year.

In San Jose, California, an HIV-positive Russian asylum seeker faces possible deportation after overstaying his visa. In Chicago, Polish and Irish community groups say they're seeing inquiries about immigration and citizenship-related services surge as people seek legal protections.

And in Boston, John Cunningham, a well-known Irishman who had overstayed his visa by 14 years, was sent back to Ireland last week, sending shivers through the city's sizeable Irish expat community.

"People are very, very concerned and lying low," says Ronnie Millar, of the Boston-based Irish International Immigrant Center. "The message is that if it can happen to John, it can happen to anyone."

Europeans comprise about 440,000 of the estimated 11 million people living illegally in the United States, according to the Migration Policy Institute.

Since just before Trump was elected last November, the U.S. has deported 167,350 foreigners, compared with 240,255 in all of fiscal year 2016. Immigrants from Latin America make up the most by far, with Mexico leading the way at about 93,000.

Among Europeans, Romanians make up the largest share, with 193 deportations so far in fiscal year 2017. Behind are Spain at 117; the United Kingdom at 102; Russia at 81; and Poland at 74. Those countries were also tops last fiscal year; Romania had 176, United Kingdom 160, Poland 160, Spain 115 and Russia 94.

Immigrant advocates say they've been urging individuals to know their rights if they're stopped and for parents to make arrangements for their children in the event they're detained.

"The worst aspect of these numbers from our perspective is that our community organizations do not know who is being deported and why, and are unable to send immigration attorneys to assist them," says Dmitri Daniel Glinski, president of the Russian-Speaking Community Council of Manhattan and the Bronx.

In California, San Jose resident Denis Davydov was detained for more than a month after returning from a vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

He was eventually released after his lawyer argued Davydov was legally allowed to re-enter because he's currently seeking political asylum for being gay and HIV-positive. But he could be forced to return to Russia if his request is denied.

Davydov says the experience of being detained — and the uncertainty it has thrust into his asylum application — has left him feeling vulnerable.

"Before this, I thought I was a doing everything right, but I'm afraid now that doing everything right is not enough. I don't know what else I can do," he said. "I feel like it can happen again to me anywhere. In the airport or in the street."

At the Polish American Association in Chicago, executive director Magdalena Dolas said her organization has been asked to give talks about what residents should do if immigration officials show up at their doorstep.

"People are worrying about their rights," she said. "It shows there is awareness but that there is also anxiety."

The Chicago Irish Immigrant Support Center has been receiving triple the number of inquiries on immigration and legal service matters these days as it did a year ago, said Michael Collins, executive director.

There have been 18 deportations among Irish nationwide in the current fiscal year, compared with 26 in all of last fiscal year, according to the ICE data.

Cunningham's case has still become a cautionary tale among Irish expats in Boston's Irish community.

"The rumor has gone around, 'Don't go in any courthouses, and if you hear a knock on your door and you're not expecting anyone, don't answer it," said Benny Murphy, a 32-year-old bartender in Boston who had been living in this country illegally until about three years ago, when he married a woman who is a U.S. citizen.

Many believe Cunningham simply forgot the golden rule of living in the shadows: Keep your head down.

Months before his arrest, he appeared on a national news show in Ireland to share his experience of living illegally in America.

Cunningham, who declined to comment for this article through his lawyer, also wasn't squeaky clean. He had a warrant for his arrest for failing to show up in court over a $1,300 dispute with a customer of his electrical contracting business, and state records show he wasn't a licensed electrician.

Advocates complain Trump, in taking a hardline against immigration scofflaws, is sweeping up many hardworking, taxpaying people, many of whom have raised children who are now U.S. citizens.

The Obama administration, in contrast, focused immigration enforcement on the most serious criminals.

Many of those living here illegally were lulled into a "false sense of security" by the Obama years, said Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors more restrictive immigration policies.

"This is a return to more traditional immigration enforcement," Vaughan said. "There needs to be some level of across-the-board, routine enforcement, in the same way your local police department doesn't focus only on murder, robbery and rape. They also have traffic patrols."

But Ali Noorani, executive director of the immigrant-rights group National Immigration Forum, argued the administration is overdoing it.

"It's pretty clear ICE is removing anyone undocumented they come across," he said. "The bigger issue is that the Trump administration is wasting really valuable law enforcement resources on many people who aren't a public safety threat, whether they're Irish, Latino, Asian or otherwise."


Associated Press writer Sophia Tareen in Chicago contributed to this report. Follow Philip Marcelo at twitter.com/philmarcelo. His work can be viewed at Associated Press News .


did you just refute me by proving the disparity between deportations to white countries compared to brown countries?

I hope this post was in SUPPORT of my argument and not against it.

If you ever been to New York, you know there are atleast 1 million illegal europeans there alone and you post 13,000 deportations out of 167,000.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.
did you just refute me by proving the disparity between deportations to white countries compared to brown countries?

I hope this post was in SUPPORT of my argument and not against it.

If you ever been to New York, you know there are atleast 1 million illegal europeans there alone and you post 13,000 deportations out of 167,000.

In bold capital letters, you issued a specific challenge. I answer it.

Now the goal posts move.


Aug 25, 2015
I don't think you understand the situation.

He was brought here by HIS parents as a CHILD. He didn't make the decision to come here, why should he be punished for it?

That's like you killing a guy in front of your kids and the kids getting charged as accomplices. Come on now...

As far as shipping his kids to mexico with him:

His kids have been born and raised here. THEY ARE CITIZENS OF THE US.

Yes they could go back with him, but that's like the gov't forcing you (a US citizen) to go back to your tribe in third world Africa. Again, an example of punishing the kids for a crime of the parents.

Your analogy makes no fukkin sense.

As someone who was born in another country, brought to another country, and then finally brought to US all w/o my input in the decision, I can say that his NUMBER ONE PRIORITY while living here should have been citizenship. Literally nothing else should have topped that.

Even if you don't like America, you're shooting yourself in the foot and dooming your future if you decide to never go through the naturalization process


May 21, 2012
Your analogy makes no fukkin sense.

As someone who was born in another country, brought to another country, and then finally brought to US all w/o my input in the decision, I can say that his NUMBER ONE PRIORITY while living here should have been citizenship. Literally nothing else should have topped that.

Even if you don't like America, you're shooting yourself in the foot and dooming your future if you decide to never go through the naturalization process

Like other posters you don’t understand that the laws are written in such a way that makes it near IMPOSSIBLE to be granted citizenship or asylum after being here illegally. These kids (now adults) practically have no choice at legal status.The system is broken and tilted in favor of white, well to do immigrants. There is literally NO path to citizenship for DACA/dreamer people.
Aug 16, 2017
I don't really care if illegals stay, BUT, a lot of them could have gotten legal years ago. Why remain illegal, and put yourself at risk? I don't understand the logic in them becoming DACA, and not being provided help in becoming a legal citizen. That should have been the government's goal when creating DACA.

As far as the wall, I think more border security, and increased fencing would be more cost effective than a wall. I also think more drugs are coming through tunnels, and if the government REALLY wanted to stop the flow of drugs, they could.


Aug 12, 2012
I don't really care if illegals stay, BUT, a lot of them could have gotten legal years ago. Why remain illegal, and put yourself at risk? I don't understand the logic in them becoming DACA, and not being provided help in becoming a legal citizen. That should have been the government's goal when creating DACA.

As far as the wall, I think more border security, and increased fencing would be more cost effective than a wall. I also think more drugs are coming through tunnels, and if the government REALLY wanted to stop the flow of drugs, they could.

I swear i get pissed when some of yall talk.

DACA is for the youth whose parents brought them here. They can't just "make themselves legal" you stupid motherfukker

It takes 2 mins to go on Youtube and learn what DACA(an executive order started by Obama 5 years ago) is.

Do research and you won't feel the need to ask retarded questions


May 6, 2012
30+ million black people
no line in the sand from democrats who can't win without Black support on racism or anything related to it
800,000 people who ain't even citizens and they shutting down the government in defiance

if this doesn't tell you where you are on the totem pole nothing will :francis:

As I've said. If it wasn't clear before, 2017-2018 has made it extremely crystal. Folk don't give a shyt about black people but will use us when pushing their own agendas.

More folk protesting for illegals than they are for the racially motivated killings of legal, black CITIZENS. You can't make this shyt up.

....betta stand for that anthem nikka. :demonic:

And I'm still for the protests...I just find shyt funny.
Aug 16, 2017
I swear i get pissed when some of yall talk.

DACA is for the youth whose parents brought them here. They can't just "make themselves legal" you stupid motherfukker

It takes 2 mins to go on Youtube and learn what DACA(an executive order started by Obama 5 years ago) is.

Do research and you won't feel the need to ask retarded questions

The guy's wife was on CNN, and said they were going through the process, but paperwork got messed up. I know it's not an easy process, but if they were eligible to be protected, then they could have been provided help to become legal. The government could have helped them become legal. I'm referring to dreamers specifically, not just illegals in general.