What should be done about DACA?


All Star
Feb 27, 2014
Prime creator
And I have family who does landscaping and landscaping companies BRUH.

If you are BLACK DOS and live in Detroit (and anywhere else) - I am about them first and everytime - we have always been disenfranchised. fukk a illegal. What don't you get?

Mexicans doing WAY better in Detroit than Black people -- so who really disenfranchised?
cac like to cause confusion, they get off on that, you notice how this poster is getting everybody railed up, that's the whole point of him posting.


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
fukk off nikka. I'm as black as the back of your neck fukk boi.


You nikkas kill me, start losing a debate and y'all start reaching for clues that the person you're debating is white instead of coming harder (super pause).
Breh... Illegal immigration literally hurts the poor underemployed BLACK community, and the LEGAL POOR MEXICAN CITIZENS. Who cares if your group of Mexican friends from Texas are being deported?

On a surface level, what your saying sounds good, but in 5 years when the economy tanks again (which it will, because thats how an economy works), We are going to have different priorities. You think this country loves cheap labor, THEY ARE REALLY going to love it when we hit another recession... Meanwhile the poor legal citizens just have more people to fight for crumbs against...

People still think the US is some giant mountain of money and resources when it really isnt. Its actually scary that folks are fighting to let MORE poor and underemployed people into the country...


Feb 12, 2015
Years ago whites were warned that they would soon be a minority in America. Thus they have taken steps and measures to mitigate this. Low white birth rates and increasing suicide rate mean whites are getting antsy and using any angle to increase their numbers while decreasing all non-blks.

Thus it's hard for me to trust whites when they say stand with us against immigration b/c it's hurting the blk community.:wtb:

A meta-analysis of the effects of immigration on poorer communities especially blk communities revealed that it actually had little to no negative effect, while newer studies have found that immigration actually helps the economy and even black communities.

At first I called bullshyt b/c we are always touted this whole "resources" spin or as South Park calls it "THEY TURK UR JURBS!" So I'm like how can millions of refugees create jobs in our community?:what:

Studies like these don't help and show correlations between immigration and decreased job opportunities and higher incarceration rates for low income blacks:
The Fiscal and Economic Impact of Immigration on the United States

Effects of Immigration on African-American Employment and Incarceration
So I'm like...nope they gotta go.

But these studies themselves even said "The authors are careful to point out that even without increased immigration, most of the fall in employment and increase in jailed black men would have happened anyway.":wtf:

Sooooo white people lying again.

Now newer studies have come out saying the exact opposite about the effects of immigration on the U.S. Economy and specifically within the blk community.

"Research finds that as immigrants enter the labor market, African Americans respond to these changes in the workforce by moving up to higher-skilled—and presumably higher-paying—jobs. In fact, African Americans are three times more likely to transition to higher-skilled jobs as a result of immigration than non-African American workers." (Meaning blks are benefiting more than whites which explains why they pushing so hard against it.)
Immigration Helps American Workers’ Wages and Job Opportunities - Center for American Progress

The Effects of Immigration on the United States’ Economy

"Census data on cities with greater immigration from Latin America shows that for every 1 percent increase in a city’s share of Latinos:

  • African American median and mean wages increase by 3 percent.
  • The city experiences a 1.6 percent increase in relatively well-off African Americans and fall in poor African-Americans.
  • A 1.4 percent increase in employment rates Among African Americans.
  • Across different age groups, the 1 percent increase in Latinos yields approximately 1.1 to 2.3 percent fewer African Americans in poverty in the same age group.
Ultimately, even controlling for other possible causes of economic growth in cities, the analysis found “very significant and robust” evidence that African Americans in cities with more Latino immigration “experience much higher wages, lower unemployment, and higher job creation.”

Why Immigration Helps African American Employment

I don't think we are being told everything and this is really about whites wanting to maintain a hold over being a demographic majority in this country. And I think that hurts us more than immigration does to be honest.

In light of this information, what do ya'll think?

Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
Illegal immigrants shouldn't be afforded resources & economic boosts citizens don't have, but deporting somebody who's been here since childhood and 30 years later has established himself as the breadwinner of his family, as small or large of a loaf as that may be, doesn't solve the issue. Because when that family is government-assisted ya'll are going to be complaining about that too.


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
Dude is a fukking landscaper breh.


Stop with this fallacy that illegal immigrants are the reason black folk have high unemployment and point your blame to the real enemy which is and has always been WHITE SUPREMACY.

System so strong that they got us blaming other disenfranchised people’s for our problems smh.

Breh, I've read a few Economics studies that show many of the jobs that teens and the undereducated/poor do, are now being done by illegal immigrants, in California. Thats an entire generation of people that have to compete on the market with folks who arent even here legally.

NO OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD allows this... Why should the US be different?


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
Years ago whites were warned that they would soon be a minority in America. Thus they have taken steps and measures to mitigate this. Low white birth rates and increasing suicide rate mean whites are getting antsy and using any angle to increase their numbers while decreasing all non-blks.

Thus it's hard for me to trust whites when they say stand with us against immigration b/c it's hurting the blk community.:wtb:

A meta-analysis of the effects of immigration on poorer communities especially blk communities revealed that it actually had little to no negative effect, while newer studies have found that immigration actually helps the economy and even black communities.

At first I called bullshyt b/c we are always touted this whole "resources" spin or as South Park calls it "THEY TURK UR JURBS!" So I'm like how can millions of refugees create jobs in our community?:what:

Studies like these don't help and show correlations between immigration and decreased job opportunities and higher incarceration rates for low income blacks:
The Fiscal and Economic Impact of Immigration on the United States

Effects of Immigration on African-American Employment and Incarceration
So I'm like...nope they gotta go.

But these studies themselves even said "The authors are careful to point out that even without increased immigration, most of the fall in employment and increase in jailed black men would have happened anyway.":wtf:

Sooooo white people lying again.

Now newer studies have come out saying the exact opposite about the effects of immigration on the U.S. Economy and specifically within the blk community.

"Research finds that as immigrants enter the labor market, African Americans respond to these changes in the workforce by moving up to higher-skilled—and presumably higher-paying—jobs. In fact, African Americans are three times more likely to transition to higher-skilled jobs as a result of immigration than non-African American workers." (Meaning blks are benefiting more than whites which explains why they pushing so hard against it.)
Immigration Helps American Workers’ Wages and Job Opportunities - Center for American Progress

The Effects of Immigration on the United States’ Economy

"Census data on cities with greater immigration from Latin America shows that for every 1 percent increase in a city’s share of Latinos:

  • African American median and mean wages increase by 3 percent.
  • The city experiences a 1.6 percent increase in relatively well-off African Americans and fall in poor African-Americans.
  • A 1.4 percent increase in employment rates Among African Americans.
  • Across different age groups, the 1 percent increase in Latinos yields approximately 1.1 to 2.3 percent fewer African Americans in poverty in the same age group.
Ultimately, even controlling for other possible causes of economic growth in cities, the analysis found “very significant and robust” evidence that African Americans in cities with more Latino immigration “experience much higher wages, lower unemployment, and higher job creation.”

Why Immigration Helps African American Employment

I don't think we are being told everything and this is really about whites wanting to maintain a hold over being a demographic majority in this country. And I think that hurts us more than immigration does to be honest.

In light of this information, what do ya'll think?
When it comes to Economics, it isn't good to put all your eggs into one source when you are looking at "what happened". You should check out to what happened to wages and the job market in the State of California for people without a college degree. Or just check out wages, job stats, in general, and then check out tax revenue. One of the states that is the most lenient on legal immigrants is getting boned, for the sake of "doing the right thing". There is a reason Micro and Macro are distinctively separate.


Nov 18, 2016
And I have family who does landscaping and landscaping companies BRUH.

If you are BLACK DOS and live in Detroit (and anywhere else) - I am about them first and everytime - we have always been disenfranchised. fukk a illegal. What don't you get?

Mexicans doing WAY better in Detroit than Black people -- so who really disenfranchised?

There's Mexicans in Detroit? :ohhh::lupe:


I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!
Feb 2, 2017
Paddys Pub
You know what's funny? people worrying about this illegal getting separated from his family and sent back while they are largely safe here in the states. :patrice:

No one is worried about LEGAL immigrants coming over alone having to leave their families behind in some unfortunate situations while they spend the time and money to get them over here LEGALLY. No one cares that the LEGAL immigrants are coming over here toughing it out years separated from loved ones who could very well be in danger or poverty. :jbhmm:

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
Breh, I've read a few Economics studies that show many of the jobs that teens and the undereducated/poor do, are now being done by illegal immigrants, in California. Thats an entire generation of people that have to compete on the market with folks who arent even here legally.
of course this is happening. its purely a numbers game :yeshrug:

the more people you have, the higher competition is for housing
the more people you have, the harder it is to get a job. the less they have to pay, to attract workers

this shyt is not about "feelings", or "right and wrong" :dead: those facts are just that, facts. there is NO REASON that an american citizen should support pursuing policies that encourage people to come here illegally

and i truly dont begrudge individuals who try to do it. you wanna come here illegally, knock yourself out. but when you get called out on it and deported, you dont get to act like a victim, im sorry :camby:

the last story about some woman who got tore away from her kids, she was working at a water park because she stole someone's social security number :stopitslime: the fukk am i supposed to cheerlead that for?


Aug 6, 2015
There's Mexicans in Detroit? :ohhh::lupe:

Yeah. Michigan in general is Black, White, Mexican and then Arab/Chaldean/Assyrian.

Detroit has a lot Arab/Chaldean/Assyrians though. They are deep in Michigan.

They own a lot of grocery stores, gas stations, corner stores, etc in and out our neighborhoods.


Feb 12, 2015
When it comes to Economics, it isn't good to put all your eggs into one source when you are looking at "what happened". You should check out to what happened to wages and the job market in the State of California for people without a college degree. Or just check out wages, job stats, in general, and then check out tax revenue. One of the states that is the most lenient on legal immigrants is getting boned, for the sake of "doing the right thing". There is a reason Micro and Macro are distinctively separate.
The meta analyses are summaries of findings from data pulled from several cities with the highest immigration patterns. The studies found that the negative results were either neglible or just not there. Meanwhile the newer studies over years showed a lot of positives as I shared in the other post.

I don't know about economics, I'm just going thru the different findings and wondering why we aren't being told the full picture in the media. Obviously in light of these findings we can't keep claiming that immigration overarchingly negatively impacts communities after reviewing evidence to the contrary right?

For me the question is whether the maintanence of whites as a majority in America hurts us more than immigration does? And you can't separate those two issues b/c they are very closely connected.

Help me b/c u seem to know more about economics than I do. B/c the actual studies on this shyt looks a hell of a lot different than what is being told to a lotta people. I'll keep looking b/c this issue is far from closed to me.


May 21, 2012
Breh, I've read a few Economics studies that show many of the jobs that teens and the undereducated/poor do, are now being done by illegal immigrants, in California. Thats an entire generation of people that have to compete on the market with folks who arent even here legally.

NO OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD allows this... Why should the US be different?

This is true but its NOT illegal immigrants' fault. It's the BUSINESSES THAT HIRE THEM. Trump and his cronies can solve this problem easily by cracking down hard on businesses that hire illegal immigrants but THEY HAVEN'T AND WON'T. Because if they did so this would totally crash the economy and affect the bottom line. Direct your energy to the enemy which is ALWAYS the system of white supremacy. Illegal immigrants are the victims here, not the problem.


May 21, 2012
OP is one of the most blatant fake black personas that I’ve seen on here. :russ:

Breh is totally oblivious to all of the red flags he’s throwing up too.:deadmanny:

Glad you mad though :pachaha::umad:

Just cause I challenge the dumb ignorant shyt yall parade on this forum I'm white? fukk outta here. Only people mad are the confusedd nikkas who can't take it to come across facts that contradict their simple minded baseless thinking

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
This is true but its NOT illegal immigrants' fault. It's the BUSINESSES THAT HIRE THEM. Trump and his cronies can solve this problem easily by cracking down hard on businesses that hire illegal immigrants but THEY HAVEN'T AND WON'T. Because if they did so this would totally crash the economy and affect the bottom line. Direct your energy to the enemy which is ALWAYS the system of white supremacy. Illegal immigrants are the victims here, not the problem.
so with all that being the case (and it is), who the fukk would welcome the competition? :childplease:

stats show that illegal immigration isnt good for job and housing seeking americans. not your feelings, not whats fair and whats not fair, facts.

see the worst part about this is that the democrats dont even give a fukk about these people, they're just going after the voting bloc :scusthov: and they trot out this "we are the world" bullshyt every election cycle to pander to the hispanic vote. shyt is shameless and disgusting