McNabb looked better in the Eagles offense than Vick's younger more in shape ass has recently. Any quarterback that gets pushed around by Julius fukkin Peppers should certainly be ashamed?
e actually bulked up in order to take the pounding of a being a pocket passer. That was an ill-fated decision because his strength was making plays not necessarily dropping back and being Mr. Accuracy ala Brady/Manning.
Ryan has played with Roddy White and Michael Turner his whole career and has had Gonzalez and Jones the last two...his numbers should be better. You think he would have the same numbers or team success for that matter with Pinkston, Thrash, Curtis and co. No excuse for not putting a single point on the board last year though. It's funny how that shyt can just be swept under the rug but a hard fought SB loss to a team that gave all QBs problem's incorrigable.
As I said before every QB in the league has a shot at redemption that doesn't make them better RIGHT NOW.