Nah this aint it
You was the same way?But these women clearly bath and use deodorant, what makes them disgusting to some of you though?
I’ll be honest I was the same way but had to stop and think why?
Lmao no, I get waxed every month and get a sugar scrub, I was raised too conservative to let that happen.You was the same way?
So u hairy now?
I wouldn't ever bully or male someone feel bad for having it, but I'm not attracted to itThe women with the chest hair actually does really good self care and trims herself
But I’m simply trying to understand what is it about body hair on women that grosses everyone out? Someone just called her chest hair taco meat
ThisAt the end of the day masculine is attracted to feminine and excessive body hair, especially chest and facial hair on a woman is not considered feminine which is why they're turned off and find it disgusting.
It's like how many women are not attracted to short/broke/shy/unambtious/feminine men.Oh I know she’s got pcos but I notice the immense disgust that everyone showed and I wanted to know why but I already can understand some of the mens reason.
Also I mean women in the far past were hairy
It be them lightskint Puerto Ricans and Mexican jawns with the hairy arms and lady staches.them genetics must be wack. Having a daughter with a goatee or a son looking like sasquatch. Pardon the ignorance
Disgusting is a harsh term, but that chest hair is pretty fukkin aggressive too...But these women clearly bath and use deodorant, what makes them disgusting to some of you though?
I’ll be honest I was the same way but had to stop and think why?
What is it that you love about it?I love a hairy woman! The more hair the better!
Thats why they got wax and razors, Nair and lasersNewsflash, fellas, women grow body hair too!