Scustin Bieburr
Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
I agree with you to an extent, but there's a flaw in your logic. You encourage men to have a nonchalant attitude towards love. Honestly, the type of stuff I read on this board would only attract weak minded females. Yes, you'll be able to bag some females easily, but are you looking for quantity or quality? Because no real woman would accept a man to hold himself back as much as you guys do. I understand it's a form of protection, but isn't it sad that you feel you can never let your guard down? Of course you have to know who is worthy of that... and I believe a lot of people confuse love with attachment. The latter being a form of weakness amongst people who haven't yet learnt how to control their emotions. Yet, once you can differentiate the two, then love is a beautiful thing.. if released in the right environment (realms of marriage).
If you continue to see love as a game, you'll miss out... on someone you could have truly loved, and who would have loved you back equally. Kind of reminds me of this poem...
Maybe I'm just wording it in the wrong way, but the idea I'm trying to convey is this: You should not feel like your life is only made worth living by another person. Really that goes for both genders.
This is the key thing here. As a man your heart MUST be hard. Every woman you come across should not get to see your naked soul. Even IF you find a woman who you think is the one, you may never truly know. People get married and then divorce, sometimes after several decades of marriage. You must be tough at all times with your feelings and you must keep things about yourself hidden. You must never let anyone inside 100% because usually they won't be able to handle what they see. If a woman knows you inside and out she will still bounce. Why? because she'll say you're too predictable. If she knows your insecurities she'll bounce. Why? because she'll run into someone who DOESNT have those insecurities or has managed to hide them so well that she isn't bothered by them. The most painful wound of all is the one that is inflicted from the inside, not the outside.I understand it's a form of protection, but isn't it sad that you feel you can never let your guard down? Of course you have to know who is worthy of that... and I believe a lot of people confuse love with attachment.
Love has attachment as a component of it. A woman that says she loves a man won't bounce the moment he loses his job, gets sick, or any other unfortunate thing happens to him. A man that loves his children won't throw up deuces when he finds out they are addicted to drugs/going to be born with a physical or mental ailment. I can honestly say that I love a woman if I'm still willing to stay around with her if bad things happen to her or if she reveals some terrible emotional baggage. The thing is, I shouldn't fully expect that from her. I should never fully expect her to be 100% open with me just as she doesn't expect me to be 100% open with her.
Don't get it twisted, I'm not cosigning dishonesty. In fact, I think honesty is a strong pillar of a relationship. If my girl cheats on me, I'm expecting her to be 100% with me. The funny thing is, some women actually take men back after they've cheated when they come up to her and admit it like a man instead of sneaking around and trying to hide it until she finds out and they show a commitment to changing.