What does Mona Scott the founder of media takeout and the founder shade room all have in common?


Aug 12, 2012
Everyone in the thread for a second chill and show some respect to one of Jamaicans most iconic and legendary inventions...they killed the game with this one and yall gotta give credit where its due

These resorts have been a game changer in the world. Jamaicans are the home of the best trackstars in the world, reggae and dancehall, oxtail but the resorts is what smashed the doors wide open

The Queen is Proud of her children.



Aug 12, 2012
My bad you weren't born in the 70s. Your opinions and assumptions are worth even WAY less than I imagined. Still mad AAs in the South Bronx. Get lite lol

Look how that other one The Honorable SKJ ran out this thread....thats all they do...they get murked everytime and just run away. Run to America, then they run to Canada, then they run to UK, then they run back to America, then they run to Canada.....they cant stick to one place.
Dec 10, 2015
Everyone in the thread for a second chill and show some respect to one of Jamaicans most iconic and legendary inventions...they killed the game with this one and yall gotta give credit where its due

These resorts have been a game changer in the world. Jamaicans are the home of the best trackstars in the world, reggae and dancehall, oxtail but the resorts is what smashed the doors wide open

The Queen is Proud of her children.


LMAO im fukkin dead! That switchup :dead::deadrose::deadrose:


Feb 12, 2017
Brooklyn keeps on taking it.
You was born in the 70s, you wasn't around the South Bronx when hip hop was formed so you have no idea what you're talking about . The Caribbean migration in the 1920s STOPPED after the depression cause there was less opportunities and even then they were GREATLY outnumbered by southern migrants whose migration didn't stop until the 70s meanwhile your people stopped coming after the 30s and got with AAs.
I got real data and real stats to prove it. Most them merged with the majority AA population in Harlem (at the time there was heavy racism and they collaborated more on that end) , and the ones didn't moved to Brooklyn neighborhoods like Crown Heights, and eventually Flatbush after the immigration act to start their little boat communities lol. Yeah of course the majority of the Caribbeans in the Bronx is Jamaican you guys have whole communities in them North Bronx like I mentioned. We are over 40 years after the immigration act, they are WAY more Jamaicans in the Bronx then their was when hip hop started. I know my history, you have no clue, your people most likely came around the earlier 70s (the ones with 20s roots are very small and irrelevant) and later, what the fukk do you know about hip hop that was started by AA's born in the 50s early 60s, some even 40s etc. My moms not spiteful at all she just tells the truth. She was there, YOU WERE NOT

You are right but I disagree with your migration patterns of Jamaicans in the Bronx.

Especially when almost every Jamaican I know in the North Bronx lived in the south bronx at one point in their lives

Similar to how all these West Indians in southeast Brooklyn and southeast Queens all lived in Crown Heights/Flatbush at one point in their lives!


Feb 12, 2017
Brooklyn keeps on taking it.
I’m not a divisive black but why do some AAs get so he’ll bent over West Indians doing something good?

I know in realty ain’t no AA upset at these West Indians getting their money and neither have I ever heard an AA in real life say that these people are using their culture to profit.

Then again the internet is also where white people try to convince everyone that there is a race war going on in the America so I’m convinced that this is just internet talk.

Next time I’m in Bed Stuy or Harlem I’m going to spark a convo with an AA person to see their viewpoints.

I’m a Yankee boy so they won’t get any bias from me since I’m not too cultured myself!


Aug 12, 2012
What i noticed is alot of these Caribbeans many of them only lived in areas like NYC or parts of CT/PA but not as the South as much. Obviously with the exception of Florida. But being in these northern cities alot of them end up thinking rap music is the only thing AA have in their culture...they know NOTHING of southern black culture where AA is even culture wider. They always are obsessed with preaching about education in life but many of them don't even know what HBCUs are :dead: ask the average Caribbean how they feel about HBCUs and compare it to Black Americans....many of the former don't even know about them. I don't know what they thought Obama was talking about all these years.

They probably think HBCU is one big college :deadrose:

this is some of southern black culture to its core. There is nothing like an HBCU in the Caribbean that combines the elite BLACK EDUCATION AND CULTURE all at once.

and they do it without hanging on to jacking off the British Education system or hugging the Queen's titties


Feb 12, 2017
Brooklyn keeps on taking it.
Who? This nikka was bragging about some false shyt before but none of y'all had that same energy.
When we come with facts and point out: Shower posse is some feds
"Philly aint been the same since the SHOWER POSSE crushed the JBM towers"-Bro. Omar (MST) <<<<
and they didn't crush no JBM, no 125, no 4xKdy, and no Park Heights towers...got ran out of East Cleveland, East Columbus...The West Side of Detroit...and had to come up to Canada, to keep up the good CIA work.
It's why the 5PG/Falstaff/Shower gets caught and always released, we know the CIA needs their men in the field!

Author, Daurius Figueira writes in his book, “Cocaine And Heroin Trafficking In The Caribbean,” “In fact, it meant that illicit drug runners linked to the JLP were integrated into a CIA linked illicit drugs guns and criminal trafficking pipeline.”

Former CIA agent, Philip Agee, said “the CIA was using the JLP as its instrument in the campaign against the Michael Manley government, I’d say most of the violence was coming from the JLP, and behind them was the CIA in terms of getting weapons in and getting money in.”

Reggae, Rastafari, and the Rhetoric of Social Control

nikkas bragging about being do-boys for some REAL SPOOKS. you got this nikka in here calling us SPOOKS AND JIGABOOS, literal cac curses against AAs, but nikkas got sent up here to fukk us up? The CIA?
:stopitslime: and nikkas STILL LOST.

Do you have links for the wars in DC and Detroit? I looked up the DC one and didn’t find much unfortunately


Feb 12, 2017
Brooklyn keeps on taking it.
What i noticed is alot of these Caribbeans many of them only lived in areas like NYC or parts of CT/PA but not as the South as much. Obviously with the exception of Florida. But being in these northern cities alot of them end up thinking rap music is the only thing AA have in their culture...they know NOTHING of southern black culture where AA is even culture wider. They always are obsessed with preaching about education in life but many of them don't even know what HBCUs are :dead: ask the average Caribbean how they feel about HBCUs and compare it to Black Americans....many of the former don't even know about them. I don't know what they thought Obama was talking about all these years.

They probably think HBCU is one big college :deadrose:

this is some of southern black culture to its core. There is nothing like an HBCU in the Caribbean that combines the elite BLACK EDUCATION AND CULTURE all at once.

and they do it without hanging on to jacking off the British Education system or hugging the Queen's titties

Well to be honest a lot of AAs know nothing about Caribbean culture other than Jamaican culture.

It’s a two way street here most definitely!

And you are wrong again. Most West Indians who were raised or born here know what HBCUS are lmao.

Plus we have black colleges in nyc that technically aren’t HBCUs but once you enroll in those colleges there’s enough info on Black history taught there that teaches you this.

My mom came to Brooklyn in 1986 and is 65 years old and still has a strong Haitian accent and knows very well what an HBCU is!
Dec 10, 2015
You are right but I disagree with your migration patterns of Jamaicans in the Bronx.

Especially when almost every Jamaican I know in the North Bronx lived in the south bronx at one point in their lives

Similar to how all these West Indians in southeast Brooklyn and southeast Queens all lived in Crown Heights/Flatbush at one point in their lives!
I'm not saying they wasn't there, i'm saying they wasn't deep like that the early 70s Way more AAs and Ricans. Hell I know some AA's that moved up north from South BX, some to Harlem, some to queens. The point is they (jakes) didn't fukk with our music, we damn sure didn't fukk with them unless they dropped that accent and got with the program like Kool Herc did. shyt, Kool Hercs accent alone should tell you just how dominant the southern descended AA's in South BX where at the time. Hip hop is AA through and through. My mother knows best, she was actually THERE and understood spanish and fought Puerto Ricans. Sorry


Aug 12, 2012
Well to be honest a lot of AAs know nothing about Caribbean culture other than Jamaican culture.

It’s a two way street here most definitely!

And you are wrong again. Most West Indians who were raised or born here know what HBCUS are lmao.

Plus we have black colleges in nyc that technically aren’t HBCUs but once you enroll in those colleges there’s enough info on Black history taught there that teaches you this.

My mom came to Brooklyn in 1986 and is 65 years old and still has a strong Haitian accent and knows very well what an HBCU is!

We use Jamaicans because they are the most vocal and cocky in the Caribbean when it comes to bragging about what they have done. They are the most visible

Yes but ill tell you what the difference is. AA don't go as hard as Jamaicans do as assuming they know everything. Jamaicans or other islands in the Caribbean will in addition to repeating the lie about hip hop, will say Black Americans Culture is European Culture or that they just have rap. Just straight up ignorance and foolishness. In addition to that, they will and have been disrespectful for years running around calling AA lazy and saying they complain too much and put themselves in their ghettos. Just wild ignorant shyt.

IF they been here for decades, i mean like decades like 30 years plus then yeah i can see them knowing what HBCUs are but there are alot who came here in say the 90s that still know nothing about them.

Your mom is one person though, and i have already said before Haitians and Cubans are more conscious and aware compared to other people on the Islands. Jamaicans get called out the most because not only are they the more braggadocious ones, but they are also in the US in higher numbers.

I'm sure you heard about this happening recently by the way. Mark my words just in time for the new census in 2020, when WHITE MEDIA starts talking about how alot of Black people are moving to the South, watch alot of Caribbeans(cough Jamaicans cough) get on the bandwagon and follow Black Americans because White Daddy reported it

Ill enjoy the day when i see Jamaicans all up in Southern culture and its rising economies and industries acting like they so Black and proud.


Feb 12, 2017
Brooklyn keeps on taking it.
We use Jamaicans because they are the most vocal and cocky in the Caribbean when it comes to bragging about what they have done. They are the most visible

Yes but ill tell you what the difference is. AA don't go as hard as Jamaicans do as assuming they know everything. Jamaicans or other islands in the Caribbean will in addition to repeating the lie about hip hop, will say Black Americans Culture is European Culture or that they just have rap. Just straight up ignorance and foolishness. In addition to that, they will and have been disrespectful for years running around calling AA lazy and saying they complain too much and put themselves in their ghettos. Just wild ignorant shyt.

IF they been here for decades, i mean like decades like 30 years plus then yeah i can see them knowing what HBCUs are but there are alot who came here in say the 90s that still know nothing about them.

Your mom is one person though, and i have already said before Haitians and Cubans are more conscious and aware compared to other people on the Islands. Jamaicans get called out the most because not only are they the more braggadocious ones, but they are also in the US in higher numbers.

I'm sure you heard about this happening recently by the way. Mark my words just in time for the new census in 2020, when WHITE MEDIA starts talking about how alot of Black people are moving to the South, watch alot of Caribbeans(cough Jamaicans cough) get on the bandwagon and follow Black Americans because White Daddy reported it

Ill enjoy the day when i see Jamaicans all up in Southern culture and its rising economies and industries acting like they so Black and proud.

White media has been talking about blacks moving down south for a while already bro!

Citi Trends

aka milobased
Nov 9, 2014
Keep giving muthaphuckas source material then cry about it.
The fact of the matter is that some people are just meant to be food. Consumed then shytted out.

I can understand y'all frustration though. Y'all get exploited by every group, even other black Americans, and feel like y'all are powerless to profit off of your own misery. That's not a consequence of black Americans being loving and accepting like the coli love to tell it, it's a result of the general lack of self worth that black Americans have.

All this lashing out and howling at the Moon that you coli nikkas love to do from time to time won't change a damn thing.
African Americans have been food and entertainment your whole history in this country.
Must not be that bad for yall to come here, fake assimilate and suck up our slang and culture etc...
seeing as though yall left what ever dusty country you were in to come reap the benefits our ancestors laid down :mjlol:
obviously this isn't a life or death problem, its just very rampant and annoying. please dont actually forget who made it possible for yall to leave that shack and come here to make your life possible.

we're annoyed yall have to profit off our culture, but lets really not get into pure "exploitation" for where ever you're from:mjgrin:

Now that I think about where would the rest of yall even be if it weren't for AAs :mjcry:


Jun 22, 2014
So what do y’all think of Marcus Garvey? Because according to some of y’all he had no right to lead let alone address black Americans yet all the black activists y’all love got their blueprint from him

na....other way around homey. Garvey got his blue print from aframs. These are some of the aframs who gave him a style to run with


Alexander Crummell


Booker T. Washington


Henry McNeal Turner


Martin Delany


Lewis Woodson.


garvey was in:ahh: of aframs and we gave him a style to run with:leon:


