All Star
Lol noAre you from the suburbs? I'm not trying to find you but judging by your evasiveness I can assume you grew up sheltered and/or in a white environment.
Lol noAre you from the suburbs? I'm not trying to find you but judging by your evasiveness I can assume you grew up sheltered and/or in a white environment.
I got to give credit where credit is due. Latinos cape for their women. nikkas dontesp when I hear a BW say it. “bm dont protect us”
Is it just the men in her life? Or should I protect random women?
Protect her from what exactly? Herself? Lol
Excuse my ignorance. Im legit confused
I want an answer preferably from a brehette
I feel you. I just never encountered this in my real life and I'm glad.U can get killed trying to play capt save a chick to someone u dont know.
Ill do it if her life in danger.
But over a fight with a bf or something naw it got to be something real
esp when I hear a BW say it. “bm dont protect us”
Is it just the men in her life? Or should I protect random women?
Protect her from what exactly? Herself? Lol
Excuse my ignorance. Im legit confused
I want an answer preferably from a brehette
First gen do. Americanized ones dontI got to give credit where credit is due. Latinos cape for their women. nikkas dont
Its more like I'm showing that the reason other races are better off than us is because they go by a code and put their women and children first. How you got out of it that I'm sucking them off is funny. lolStop sucking other races dikks fakkit
First gen do. Americanized ones dont
Dont beleive me come around my fam. That handcuff a bytch to a radiator killer simp shyt starts to die once we get integrated into this feminist culture
I know i dont be caping for shyt lol
You defend your dikk sucking with more dikksucking smfh. Some of y'all on here some low self esteem ass nikkas. Suck any other race off and shyt on your own. dikkeating ass bytches I tell ya. All that shyt you claim other races do everybody does it dikkeater just like every white person isn't on code. fukking online goofy nikkasIts more like I'm showing that the reason other races are better off than us is because they go by a code and put their women and children first. How you got out of it that I'm sucking them off is funny. lol
Hell I one of my exes stole off on a dude one time for dragging some woman and trying to bash her head in on the concrete at our apartment complex.
1. Physical protection from others. Other Black Men included. In cases of abuse, a woman's male family members should be there to tune her abuser's ass up. Not always in a deathly manner but there needs to be social repercussions to abuse...of which there is not enough of imo.
2. Financial Security
3. Emotional Security
4. Help them navigate through their unique relationship with white supremacy (uplift black beauty norms, fight against mass incarceration which affects women just as much as men socially, and eschew the fetishization of their forms by other races.
5. Boost their self-worth.
Now these are things ALL black people should be doing for each other regardless of gender. But according to marriage stats black women are the ones in marrying in side the race more than any other group, and helping start/maintain families.
So when BW say "our men don't protect us" they are saying "Our men aren't marrying us, they aren't protecting us from the abuse of other men, they aren't buliding with us financially and emotionally, they are uplifting norms that tear down our self worth and ending up in prison too often to help us maintain our families."
I've seen special needs people get coddled less than this
Y'all feminist lowkey think black women are high functioning retards.
The soft bigotry of low expectations...
None of that stuff is coddling. If you aren't in a relationship where your woman isn't doing that for you then its a toxic relationship. Besides physical protection...but hell I've seen chicks buss another chicks ass because they know their man isn't going to hit a woman who was out of line.
The fact you think its coddling lets me know you are deficient in at least one of these areas. Not even trying to be funny or fish for daps.