When you watch other races take care of their own, even strangers of their own race they will protect and look out for.
If a random cac woman screams near a black man, a flood of cacs will come flying out of the shadows like Indiana Jones looking for treasure at skull island.
I think it's more than just this.
It's not thinking that BW are automatically strong because they are black and don't need help. I've seen dudes on public transportation let BW stand only for a WW to get on and have them offer their seat. It's bad enough that AM, LM and WM ain't going to help out a BW but to see BM by-passing giving common courtesy to BW is disappointing.
Why do WW, LW, hell, sometimes even AW feel comfortable coming for BW or mocking them? If a BW came for a WW, a slew of WM, and even LM and AM will be there to dog her out; people come at BW all the time and no-one says or does anything. As soon as the BW reacts, she's angry and aggressive. Why do people always have something to say about them in general, be it a dismissal or an insult? Then wonder why BW seek validation in every-little thing.....
Just defend them when people come after them like every other race defends their own.
Why is it that when something happens to BW, people make excuses or reasons why she deserved to have it happen to her. Why can't there just be pure outrage like every-time a black man glances in a white woman's direction, even if she spoke to him first. Why do Arab corner store owners and the like feel comfortable soliciting BW as if they are common prostitutes? Protect them against things like that.
Why is it when BW do things it's quickly labeled ghetto and ratchet but when a chick with the last name Medina or Hernandez or Choi or Goldberg does it, it's 'cool' and 'trendy'.....stop hyping those imitators up.
Protect them and their contributions to the culture.... protect them as collective group of women. Do you need to be swinging on every dude that says something out of pocket? No, but the bottom line is, no man should feel comfortable coming for BW in your presence as a BM...it isn't that hard to comprehend.