What Does It Mean To “Protect” Women?


Godzilla got busy.
May 1, 2012
I always took "protect women" more figuratively than literally, and really alludes toward protecting their dignity.

Obviously women saying this must HAVE some dignity in the first place, otherwise they're just some bird trying to be absolved of responsibilities.


Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
esp when I hear a BW say it. “bm dont protect us”

Is it just the men in her life? Or should I protect random women?

Protect her from what exactly? Herself? Lol

Excuse my ignorance. Im legit confused

I want an answer preferably from a brehette
Listen, respect and support black women.

Uchiha God

Jan 11, 2013
That’s women conditioning you into being a white knight.

I do believe that black men need to stay in code and build and protect our community overall, but at the same time, these days women will spend 6 out of 7 days telling you that men ain’t shyt, that they are just as capable (rightly so) or better, that they don’t need a man, that they will not be nice or do anything for men etc, then on the 7th day they will say men need to protect them.

They want the benefits they enjoy from archaic and patriarchal beliefs like a men being a protector and fighting the battles, as well as being a provider and all the other bullshyt they believe “a real man” should do, but at the same time they want to be conveniently progressive when it comes to gender roles and beliefs/expectations that they see as demanding for women and beneficial to men

It’s usually subtle, but a good portion of these talking points are just veiled attempts at molding men into being subservient all the while they do the bare minimum.

That said, nikkas do c00n a lot, and needlessly mock or go out their way to shyt on or spite black women, especially on social media circles, and we gotta start looking at these type of brehs as enemies/white supremacy agents


2018 Coli Rookie of the Year
Mar 30, 2018
This is exactly what they mean, that "BM don't protect us" rhetoric is sum bs black feminist NBWs scream cause they wanna shame Bm into being simps.

black men ain't got no problem protecting bw when they're in need. We just ain't down with the simp shyt.

Right, dont send me on no fukkin dummy mission.


Jan 3, 2015
It's 2018 I don't believe in gender roles I protect PEOPLE that I care about. That's all i have ever done and that's all I ever will do
I beleive in gender roles but im not protecting random women lol

I dont even know what im protecting from when I hear women say this. What do u need protection from?
That's just a woman's way of manipulating you. Back in the old days when a tribe invaded it's neighbor, a man was expected to help protect the women and children. Women still hold on to the primitive notion that a man is cannon fodder for her.

It's 2018 and I ain't with dying for dames :camby:

These responses say a lot.
Some weak weak "men"
I remember a few months ago a meme got posted on here. It went something like
When someone starts on britney,brad will call the cops.
You start on gupta indian men will hit you with sticks.
Africans will chop you with a machete.
You start on an arab woman mr al hak amidad with throw a stone on your head.
Black american men however will do noithing,record it on their phones and laugh


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
When I hear this though it seems as if the women are expecting all bm to come to aid them

Thats why I want a brehette to answer this cuz im confused by it

No, I dont think the more realistic and free-spirited, black women (those of us with an independent mindset) are expecting bm to "save" them, without them putting their own effort into helping themselves but it's nice and comforting to know that a black man has your back when deserving of it. Meaning, I think some women (generally speaking) have feelings of entitlement accompanied by an inherent sense of privilege; then, when things do not go as they planned, they are quick to criticize or complain because their expectations did not leave up to reality. Black women (as far as protection, from a relationship or friendship perspective) - I think it's having a sense of security in knowing, the man that you are with, can provide stability. For some women - it's emotionally, mentally. others it's purely financial (bills, home, social connections). Most stable women would like a balance of all three with them prioritizing what's most important and it also depends on how self-motivated the reasons are. Black women as nurturing category - From my point of view, I see myself as a nurturer or helper - where if I see something happening (to a member of our race-man, women or child) or someone in an uncomfortable situation- I'll offer to help or make sure they're ok, but that's instinctual to me, so I apply it for myself. In a relationship, I think it's equally weighted- woman should be supportive and nurturing while it's fair for the man to take on the protective role - (this is assuming they both have something to offer and not on some one sided expectation type shyt.)

But, I don't think it's realistic for women to always think that a man is automatically supposed to protect them or just outright come to their rescue (especially someone not family or of no significance), otherwise it can reduce the man to simp levels. Depending on how important or in some cases, life alternating or threatening the situation is - we need to allow men the time to contemplate decisions and weigh out the options/outcomes. Like as an example, when I first started commenting on here.. OP had a coworker whose ex was stalking her, I said at the time, that he should not feel obligated to help out because 1) don't know what her real motives are 2) don't know how serious the situation is. And another factor is members of other races are quick to play the blame game or deny their part if something goes left b/c of their 2 sided nature.

Not to front, I also know there are a small segment of black women who "use" our struggle as a race or their individual struggles as an excuse to condone their negative behavior; they think that it's acceptable to behave irrationally to minor situations or events, then when shyt hits the fan and they are retaliated against, the first thing they want to do is call on the black man for help. Then when called out about it - they make up excuses or think that it's everyone else's fault but theirs. In that case, the situation doesn't merit protection or a reaction. I think that's how people end up in the "no good deeds go unpunished" and take on someone else's issues that could be disruptive to their own lives.

I've been so conditioned into thinking and my experiences are - to "not expect anything from anybody, do for self, if you don't have it - don't ask for it; be patient and put for the effort so that you can get it yourself", so the idea of asking anybody for protection is not comfortable to me unless it's beyond my control. I don't like to burden other people with my problems anyway. To me, protection in that sense, applies to those who are unable to help/defend themselves because they don't have the resources or a physically incapable of doing so (older people, children).
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2018 Coli Rookie of the Year
Mar 30, 2018
I think it's more than just this.

It's not thinking that BW are automatically strong because they are black and don't need help. I've seen dudes on public transportation let BW stand only for a WW to get on and have them offer their seat. It's bad enough that AM, LM and WM ain't going to help out a BW but to see BM by-passing giving common courtesy to BW is disappointing.

Why do WW, LW, hell, sometimes even AW feel comfortable coming for BW or mocking them? If a BW came for a WW, a slew of WM, and even LM and AM will be there to dog her out; people come at BW all the time and no-one says or does anything. As soon as the BW reacts, she's angry and aggressive. Why do people always have something to say about them in general, be it a dismissal or an insult? Then wonder why BW seek validation in every-little thing.....

Just defend them when people come after them like every other race defends their own.

Why is it that when something happens to BW, people make excuses or reasons why she deserved to have it happen to her. Why can't there just be pure outrage like every-time a black man glances in a white woman's direction, even if she spoke to him first. Why do Arab corner store owners and the like feel comfortable soliciting BW as if they are common prostitutes? Protect them against things like that.

Why is it when BW do things it's quickly labeled ghetto and ratchet but when a chick with the last name Medina or Hernandez or Choi or Goldberg does it, it's 'cool' and 'trendy'.....stop hyping those imitators up.

Protect them and their contributions to the culture.... protect them as collective group of women. Do you need to be swinging on every dude that says something out of pocket? No, but the bottom line is, no man should feel comfortable coming for BW in your presence as a BM...it isn't that hard to comprehend.

I disagree, if a bw was on a ww head and it wasn't on no fugazi shyt and some WM or am got involved most nikkas goin to step in.

But you gotta be careful goin to battle over the word of a woman, no disrespect to any brehettes. But some of the biggest conflicts in history have happened because of womankind


Hispaniola Exchange Student
Dec 14, 2016
Where It’s Not Safe
These responses say a lot.
Some weak weak "men"
I remember a few months ago a meme got posted on here. It went something like
When someone starts on britney,brad will call the cops.
You start on gupta indian men will hit you with sticks.
Africans will chop you with a machete.
You start on an arab woman mr al hak amidad with throw a stone on your head.
Black american men however will do noithing,record it on their phones and laugh
How are we weak if we wont stick up for random women?

And have u not read the thread? Other races of men do it too. This is more about equality and gender politics than race. Idk if uve noticed but theres a huge rift between white men and white women.

Quote me next time when u grow up and wont result to name calling.


Hispaniola Exchange Student
Dec 14, 2016
Where It’s Not Safe
No, I dont think the more realistic and free-spirited, black women (those of us with an independent mindset) are expecting bm to "save" them, without them putting their own effort into helping themselves but it's nice and comforting to know that a black man has your back when deserving of it. Meaning, I think some women (generally speaking) have feelings of entitlement accompanied by an inherent sense of privilege; then, when things do not go as they planned, they are quick to criticize or complain because their expectations did not leave up to reality. Black women (as far as protection, from a relationship or friendship perspective) - I think it's having a sense of security in knowing, the man that you are with, can provide stability. For some women - it's emotionally, mentally. others it's purely financial (bills, home, social connections). Most stable women would like a balance of all three with them prioritizing what's most important and it also depends on how self-motivated the reasons are. Black women as nurturing category - From my point of view, I see myself as a nurturer or helper - where if I see something happening (to a member of our race-man, women or child) or someone in an uncomfortable situation- I'll offer to help or make sure they're ok, but that's instinctual to me, so I apply it for myself. In a relationship, I think it's equally weighted- woman should be supportive and nurturing while it's fair for the man to take on the protective role - (this is assuming they both have something to offer and not on some one sided expectation type shyt.)

But, I don't think it's realistic for women to always think that a man is automatically supposed to protect them or just outright come to their rescue (especially someone not family or of no significance), otherwise it can reduce the man to simp levels. Depending on how important or in some cases, life alternating or threatening the situation is - we need to allow men the time to contemplate decisions and weigh out the options/outcomes. Like as an example, when I first started commenting on here.. OP had a coworker whose ex was stalking her, I said at the time, that he should not feel obligated to help out because 1) don't know what her real motives are 2) don't know how serious the situation is.

Not to front, I also know there are a small segment of black women who "use" our struggle as a race or their individual struggles as an excuse to condone their negative behavior; they think that it's acceptable to behave irrationally to minor situations or events, then when shyt hits the fan and they are retaliated against, the first thing they want to do is call on the black man for help. Then when called out about it - they make up excuses or think that it's everyone else's fault but theirs. In that case, the situation doesn't merit protection or a reaction. I think that's how people end up in the "no good deeds go unpunished" and take on someone else's issues that could be disruptive to their own lives.

I've been so conditioned into thinking and my experiences are - to "not expect anything from anybody, do for self, if you don't have it - don't ask for it; be patient and put for the effort so that you can get it yourself", so the idea of asking anybody for protection is not comfortable to me. I don't like to burden other people with my problems anyway. To me, protection in that sense, applies to those who are unable to help/defend themselves because they don't have the resources or a physically incapable of doing so (older people, children).

Prolly cuz u grew up in a big city

This might be regional too

But I know for a fact that “other races dont tolerate that!” argument is bullshyt. These redpill MGTOW incel white boys wouldnt piss on a bytch if she was on fire:russ: and shame other men who try to help

Hence the terms like “white knight”, “cuck/cuckold”, “beta”

I think women got so much equality these days men in general dont see women as needing help :yeshrug:


Chairman Meow
Jul 14, 2012
Dog Shooting Squad Of Islamabad
These responses say a lot.
Some weak weak "men"
I remember a few months ago a meme got posted on here. It went something like
When someone starts on britney,brad will call the cops.
You start on gupta indian men will hit you with sticks.
Africans will chop you with a machete.
You start on an arab woman mr al hak amidad with throw a stone on your head.
Black american men however will do noithing,record it on their phones and laugh
oh look other men are simps and will die for females :cape:

Women here gave up their gender roles first. Why am I under a obligation to protect someone just because im a man? How many men have foolishly lost their life over a broad.. fukk outta here, not me :camby:

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
Everything we kicking anecdotal so fukks your point? Another coli night working with the youth? This place is a fukking riot didn't know this was the youth helpline messagebaord. Every fukking thread like this a few nikkas work with the youth gtfoh.

No, I cited data to @Indiglow Meta (R$G)

And as far as other cats on the site go :manny: I can't speak for them. But check my post history if you so choose. I've run an after-school program for the past like 3 years.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
No, I cited data to @Indiglow Meta (R$G)

And as far as other cats on the site go :manny: I can't speak for them. But check my post history if you so choose. I've run an after-school program for the past like 3 years.
Data about living yourself? Yeah right fam there is no data on that that isn't anecdotal so my point still stands. I don't care about y'all programs its funny that's the goto y'all use. I've worked with kids in the past too but I'm not using that as no trump card on some see look at me I know what I'm talking about. That's why the shyt is always funny when all y'all do it on here. It gives you no advantage my friend. I just think we disagree on some aspects of protecting women. On others we agree.