The King of Fighters
Triple A turn based rpg
Until Persona 6 is announced, you'll probably have to hold your breath on that one.
Triple A turn based rpg
Wider variety of games and frequency dropped like the PS2 generation
From games are some of my favorite of all time. Sekiro is on the lower end of Froms games imo, but still better than 99% of everything else coming out.Weren't you throwing all kinds of shade at Sekiro recently? I know FromSoft is in your bag, but you were talking about it being among your least favorite of theirs and being an L2 deflect simulator or some shyt (some of that might've not been your exact words).
Wider variety of games and frequency dropped like the PS2 generation
Name some of your favoritesI agree.
You played Yakuza like a Dragon?Triple A turn based rpg
You played Yakuza like a Dragon?
From games are some of my favorite of all time. Sekiro is on the lower end of Froms games imo, but still better than 99% of everything else coming out.
Name some of your favorites
Also, we need a good arcade sports game.
Don’t matter the sport, but we use to get stuff like NBA Street/Jam, NFL blitz. Ready to rumble. Fight for NY, etc.
Even extreme sports games like SSX, or some of the Off-road games.
We barely get any of that anymore.
Tomy Hawk remake was cool, but we need lots more.
Gonna try out riders republic soon, but was honestly waiting to see if/when it hits Gamepass
Name some of your favorites
Syphon Filter, Silent Hill, NBA Street, Bully, Half Life, Sly Cooper, Onimusha, Burnout, 007, Socom, Soul Reaver, Max Payne etc