This is a nitpicking post which avoids the overall points and questions I raised.
I say that because the very last debate we were involved in, you did the same thing.
I believe I was debating you, Illmatic Delta, and the guy who is currently under fire for past self hating comments. In that thread, at some point I played an audio clip of an iconic musician making a comment (which supported my overall point). I was met with juelzing telling me that " he didn't mean what he said" , personal attacks against me, filibustering,etc.etc for several pages.
When I later posted the pages & quotes from that musician's biography confirming that he said exactly what he meant, neither of you guys conceded the point. In fact, in your response to the receipt post of mine, you highlighted a sentence that was unrelated to the overall point and avoided admitting that you were wrong.
I brought this up to Ill directly, so bringing it up to you also.
Call somebody out about something, man up when they prove their case.
Speaking of which, your point about the slave trade is correct, but it's a straw man to an extent. Unless you think that you are really explaining to me for the first time that the majority of the Africans in the mainland British colonies were brought here directly from slavers trading from West Africa .
Your reply was a reach.and I ask you to give me the benefit of the doubt if I write something in haste.
under spoiler is a book that I previewed and will probably buy in the future
It wasn't a strawman, because you made a generalized statement that "the Africans were acclimated/broken down at the first leg of the the Caribbean. ....then shipped to ports North" without prefacing it with "a minority of" or even "some" implying that it was the general rule when in fact it was the exception to the rule even during the british colonial period.
And your imagination is quite vivid if that's your version of what took place during that conversation back then, because as I recall it you were making many erroneous claims by attributing quotes regarding cuban musical motifs to WC handy and Jelly roll morton and others which they never said in a transparent attempt attribute caribbean origins where there is none to many aspects of MY African-American culture, as you seem to love doing and were corrected and back tracked many times which you still seem to be triggered by to this day. And as long as you continue to attempt to misrepresent MY people's history to appropriate MY culture I'll continue to correct you just as I'm sure you would if I was attempting to appropriate Haitian and/or Caribbean culture, heritage, and history and insert an AA origin where there isn't any.
And the first ad homenin attack in our exchange came from you to me during that discussion. You should've kept it civil if you didn't want to go down the road of personal attacks.
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