I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
Thisalso stop being co dependent....i know so many dudes in their mom, grandma or aunty house that sit on their ass and play john madden all day smoking blunts pushing thir girl car around....its a waste
and stop trying to spread that mentality to the youth, I have had so many older cousins, brothers, friends in general try to make this the number 1 thing in the world.. if I have sex 2-3 times a week then I am fine, not for any other reason than I want to do other things with my time..Put less focus on the present, and more focus on the future.
Stop making p*ssy-chasing such a big part of development.
Start taking care of the children they had a hand in making.
Try to bring up the college enrollment to 50-50 with Black women, not to undermine women, but to improve our standing in society.
Stop violence amongst each other.
Help uplift Black women in anyway we can.
Stop doing everything in our power to not strap up/believing a chick saying she's on BC. Control what you can and protect YOURSELF. Too many baby mamas/daddies.
Stop letting the opinions of women spark us toother dudes who don't fit the mold. From clothes, what he drives, music, etc.
Stop having the dog eat dog mentality we have towards EACH OTHER.
Idk if dudes here are a voice for a large number of black dudes but stop being so quick to use the word c00n.
Stop that no snitching shyt cause the nikkas you being quiet for probably ain't quiet about you and I heard an absolute horror story about a dude being at the wrong place wrong time in my area and is doing basketball numbers in prison for nothing
The most overused word on the coli by a large margin. and it almost never applies
yepBe role models for our youth
Learn our history. I spend at least 20 minutes a day learning about black history. It so important to know where your from so you can navigate where your going
Value education over everything
Learn to be more self sufficient. relying on other for every necessity is inexcusable.
Dont be afraid to show love to others. A simple gesture or acknowledgement goes a long way. I try to interact with as many blacks on a daily as possible. There more to this than " struggle"
Build generational wealth
ThisHere's what we need to do improve on as Black Men.
We need to value education more at a younger age.
We need to be the ones to rebuild the Black family. We need stop trying to fukk every woman possible and try to focus on finding one we feel we can build with at a younger age.
We need to shake off the demons of too much drugs and alcohol (even weed)
We need to value Black women more, instead of women outside our race.
We need to stop letting the females lead and shoulder all the burdens,
We need to own more, and consume within our own channels.
We need to be more proactive and protect our communities.
Sometime we have to stop and check ourselves and not be so fukking stereotypical sometimes.
For starters.
- Realize that life is not a music video
- Stop living like tomorrow will never come
- Stop alienating black people who are different than you
- Start acknowledging black women's issues
- Stop being so overly emotional
- Learn how to constructively criticize
- Learn how to take constructive criticism
- Stay in your child's life NO MATTER WHAT!!!
- Stop trying to "stunt," and show off to others
- Take life more seriously
- Uplift, and stop tearing down others
- Stop drinking, smoking, having unprotected sex
- Stop being so materialistic
This should be at the top of the page of this forum. This should be the first rule of posting here, there is no bigger problem on the internet than the widespread inability to criticize constructively or un bias..
you learn so much through experience, especially when you are doing it in a different culture, I think people that travel are in general more happy with life. I know there is a study somewhere that supports this.Start understanding financial literacy
Start understanding how to own, and not borrow or rent
Start understanding how to raise young girls and boys.
Start understanding that it's good professions/occupations out here instead of trying to play on a sports team
Start exploring other things to do in life..such as traveling outside of the country,
No. None of the women in my family date thugs, but that doesn't mean there isn't an group/percentage of them that are attracted to thugs or that type of energy.Hey I'm just going by what I've seen in my 26 years. The attractive ones mainly seek out Athletes, Pretty boys, or Wanabee Thugs. If you've seen the opposite...that's great. Perhaps I need to be where you are.
Maybe you need to start hanging around different people in a different area, what you are describing are a very small percentage. Yes you are right about that small group but as for the rest of the black women that does not apply.