Caught up with Sakamoto desu ga? and Tanaka-kun is always listless (I like my comy SoL).
Finished High School of the Dead.
Fun show, very entertaining. Bunch of fan service too for those into that.
We need a Hioska/Chrollo battle for the culture
next year.
its solid....u wont be bored thats for sureIs A Certain Magical Index good brehs? Had the series downloaded forever and just never got a chance to marathon it.
It gets worse on rewatch man. Like Rahxephon in a way"I am Ergo Proxy....the agent of death"
Interesting show. Definitely not for everyone but I liked all the abstract philosophical references, character designs & Pino the GOAT. Found myself confused more often than not, but still felt compelled to keep watching & rationalize what was happening. High re-watch value
Not nearly as good as Serial Experiments Lain, Texhnolyze, Ghost in the Shell & Psycho Pass are as far as dystopian anime go. Lot more dense and ends with more questions than answers
It gets worse on rewatch man. Like Rahxephon in a way
you THINK it makes more sense, but once you see how it ends and have to pace through how it got there again.... its just overproduced bs like a swizz beats track. Only had 5 or 6 GOOD episodes through the entire series imo. It was still aite. But compared to how good it actually could've been? Man it just doesn't come close to reaching its potential. And its such a fukking shame.