@Supa I mention it every couple of pages, but Ushio to Tora is quality too. Real old-school setting, made by some of the same people that did Ippo, just overall quality stuff. Check that out too. It started last season but its still running.
Yeah I got to episode 5 and stopped because I was juggling too many shows. I wanted to start back but I got into Overlord. It's still worth sticking with?
I'm thinking of starting K season 2. I watched the first and while it wasn't the best story the animation was top notch.
I watched the 3 Gundam episodes and this kid Mika is a damn savage

Orga: I got a job for you.
Mika: (takes gun from Orga)

Orga: I didn't even say what the mission is

Mika: I'm down for whatever
