All Star
Great episode. In the first scene, we see Osanai mention that she had a talking with the Guidance Consular. We see that it looks like she is crying, and we are liking why are the guidance consular picking on her. Even though that is our interpretation, not Kobato's view on it.
For a lot of the mystery, Kengo and the 3 members assumed there were only 4 sweets. Miscommunication since one member didn't want to participate and the treats were left next to the other candies. Of course, Osanai was going for the most appealing. Though before Kobato came in, why didn't they anticipate there could have been an extra one.
I guess for him seeing Osanai's name on the survey and the time that she came in, and it all made sense. The shot of her covering her mouth of it being hot and not because she was sad about getting talked to by the Guidance Consular. For many people, they want to eat sweets after going through a rough day. But if you just ate a sweet that was unbearably hot and miserable to eat. Wouldn't you want to eat sweets to erase that experience?

For a lot of the mystery, Kengo and the 3 members assumed there were only 4 sweets. Miscommunication since one member didn't want to participate and the treats were left next to the other candies. Of course, Osanai was going for the most appealing. Though before Kobato came in, why didn't they anticipate there could have been an extra one.

I guess for him seeing Osanai's name on the survey and the time that she came in, and it all made sense. The shot of her covering her mouth of it being hot and not because she was sad about getting talked to by the Guidance Consular. For many people, they want to eat sweets after going through a rough day. But if you just ate a sweet that was unbearably hot and miserable to eat. Wouldn't you want to eat sweets to erase that experience?