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Owarimonogatari, just finished up the arc
Mayoi Hell. Now that the first part of Owarimonogatari has finished I can finally start where Koyomimonogatari ended. Where Gaen killed Koyomi.
Koyomi ends up in Avici Hell. Which is basically as you imagined it. So many questions that are raised, why did Gaen kill Koyomi? Why did Gaen assign Hachikuji to guide Koyomi to be resurrected? The big issue for Koyomi presently is his vampire powers. Gaen needed that part to be cut off from him. What exactly is the logic behind it? We know that when Shinobu and his link was severed it proved with disadvantages. As we know from the Nadeko Medusa arc, if Koyomi dies before Shinobu, she gets all of her vampire powers back. Very likely that lies in Gaen's motivation to kill and resurrect Koyomi.
The one who was doing the resurrection was Tadatsuru. So everything was calculated when he kidnapped the Araragi sisters and Kanbaru. It all started from Meme Oshino guiding him to contact Gaen. So, did Gaen set everything up in Tsukimonogatari to lead to this chain of events? The big question mark is why did Meme Oshino not come on his own merits? Does it have something to do with Ougi Oshino?
Koyomi being the nice guy that he is, let the thought creep in if he deserves to be resurrected before others. As Hachikuji needs to get him to snap into it, he realizes that at the end of the day, if you love being alive, that is the only reason you need. Life is simply how you make it. If you love your life, that alone is a great reason for someone to keep living. As Koyomi gets resurrected, he grabs Hachikuji up with him and I assume this ride resurrects everyone who comes up with Koyomi.
Also, it is revealed that Ougi Oshino is the enemy. Curious what she wanted. More than likely, she wanted Shinobu dealt with first. Curious what her motivations are since that is still a big mystery.
As both Koyomi and Hachikuji everything went according to Gaen's plans. Hachikuji coming was just the strawberry on top. Now that Koyomi is alive, he will head to meet Senjougahara to take the entrance exams. Gaen says settles the score. What exactly has Ougi done. I assume she is responsible for what happened to Kaiki and Kagenui. Shinobu being in her peak form adds an element that they didn't have previously since Koyomi was avoiding using his vampire powers.