Man Weakest Tamer Ep 10 continues to highlight why it's one of my favorite shows this season
Honestly Rattloore's talk with Ivy how the town has changed so much since he was a kid. Kids could truly be kids and learn from their mistakes. But now kids don't have that freedom and sadly need adults with them at all times. The scene was beautiful with the use of the butterfly. The kid wanted to catch the butterfly, but what seems like his mom holds from venturing off to far. It really showcases that these kids don't have the freedom that they used to have.
Gotta say in a lot of Isekai when we see the Mc whose a kid a lot of times we question if they really are that age. But with Ivy we know that her previous life is basically like thoughts and stuff that come in her head. Hell she doesn't always knows what it means everytime. Also add on how she has been on the run since she was 6 and those experience add a bit of maturity to her. She may be 9, but she feels closer to a 13-16 year old.
Rattloore really has one important job now protecting Ivy. The plan they got is risky, but can really take down the organization with the members that are associated with them. When Ivy was complimenting Meela in terms of being a tamer you can tell it really touched her heart a bit. And her brothers don't have much of a high opinion for her to add on top of that. Considering how much Rattloore once to help his childhood friend, you can only hope he can convince her to have a change of heart.