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Sayo be killing me at times
Regarding this episode tho Dead Mount Death Play ep 20 finished adapting vol 7 with adapting ch 61 as well as 62-64. Not too much to note on differences anything that was skipped is pretty minor so it isn't worth mentioning.
This episode didn't push the plot forward, but you got numerous stuff it can build on. Who is Civil? Since that whole thing with Corpse God seeing those eyes surrounding him is really creepy. You also got Civil thinking Corpse God is somewhere controlling Polka. Which is obviously really wrong.
You also have the conjecture by Tsubaki that Fire Breathing Bug has been around for a long long time. Also small mention of the elementals as well. Civil and the other 2 girls are "mixed" with his world. And add the stuff Misaki could potentially expand her vampire capabilities to others.
Can't say this series doesn't have interesting things to build up lol

Regarding this episode tho Dead Mount Death Play ep 20 finished adapting vol 7 with adapting ch 61 as well as 62-64. Not too much to note on differences anything that was skipped is pretty minor so it isn't worth mentioning.
This episode didn't push the plot forward, but you got numerous stuff it can build on. Who is Civil? Since that whole thing with Corpse God seeing those eyes surrounding him is really creepy. You also got Civil thinking Corpse God is somewhere controlling Polka. Which is obviously really wrong.
You also have the conjecture by Tsubaki that Fire Breathing Bug has been around for a long long time. Also small mention of the elementals as well. Civil and the other 2 girls are "mixed" with his world. And add the stuff Misaki could potentially expand her vampire capabilities to others.
Can't say this series doesn't have interesting things to build up lol

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