No, I think he was JUST strong enough for it to fit the narrative and give the audience the payoff that had been building for years. Aizen literally ran that series unopposed and with shameless ease up until that point, so having someone completely demolish him in that same overwhelming fashion was necessary and satisfying.
At the same time, no one could conceivably do that in the time allotted so him being immediately depowered was just as necessary. The fact that we see it actually pushed Aizen's evolution forward too not even 5 minutes later justified the power and kept that character looking strong in a loss that would have ended the credibility of anyone else.
Breh you see I just left it alone. I don't care about mental trauma and excuses, he's a self aware adult who ends up knocking down a girl that's barely 15 that he's been plotting on since the age of 7.
And this isn't
@tripleaamin , I'm talking about anyone else trying to take the "it's just fantasy" route to justify that. Like Birdman said,
I ain't got no more talking.